Refreshing even in summer! Basic chilled amazake and arranged recipes

Some people may think of amazake as something to drink in winter, but it is also refreshing and delicious when chilled in the fridge or made thicker and drunk with ice.

Moreover, the sake lees used in this recipe contain B vitamins, which are effective in preventing fatigue, protein, which improves basic metabolism, and folic acid, which is good for people with anaemia.

With the heat wave continuing day after day, why not drink refreshing amazake to help you get through the hot summer months?

How to make basic chilled amazake

Sakekasu,Lactic acid bacteria,Beauty,Beauty skin,Whitening,Amazake,Recipe,Sakekasu recipe,Amazake recipe



Water - 500 cc (5 times the amount of water for sake lees)

Sugar - 50~54g (about 2 tablespoons for 200㏄)


(i) Place the sake lees and water in a saucepan and carefully dissolve until smooth. If you are concerned about the graininess, use a hand blender to make it smooth. It is recommended to use a blender as it makes it smooth and easy to drink.

(ii) Dissolve the sugar in (i) while stirring.

(iii) Once the sugar has dissolved, chill in the fridge until cold and you're done! The portions are made for chilled drinking, but you can also make it thicker and add ice to enjoy.

The type of sugar is optional. If you are concerned about sugar, you can make it with honey or agave syrup.

The thickness of the sake lees is also up to you. It depends on the type of sake lees, but in the case of ordinary board lees, you can make it with 5-6 times as much water to make it lighter and easier to drink.

Sakekasu,Lactic acid bacteria,Beauty,Beauty skin,Whitening,Amazake,Recipe,Sakekasu recipe,Amazake recipeWhen made with six times the water, it looks like on the left; when made with three times the water, it looks like on the right.

If you want to blend other juices, you can use this ratio.

Adjust both the amount of water and sugar to your liking.

Recipes for chilled amazake!

This recipe for chilled fruit amazake is easy to drink, even for sake-kasu beginners.

It has less of a sake-kasu feel, so if you like sake-kasu, double the proportion and instead reduce the amount of milk or soya milk you add later.

Strawberry Milk Amazake, accented with sweet strawberries and condensed milk

Sakekasu,Lactic acid bacteria,Beauty,Beauty skin,Whitening,Amazake,Recipe,Sakekasu recipe,Amazake recipe


Sake lees - 10 g

Water - 40 cc.

Strawberries - 50 g.

Milk - 60g.

Sugar (or honey) - 2 tablespoons (about 18g, adjusted to taste)

Strawberries for decoration - 1

Condensed milk - as required


(i) Place the sake lees and water in a saucepan and carefully dissolve until smooth.

(ii) Dissolve the sugar in (i) while stirring.

(iii) Refrigerate (ii) until cold.

(iv) Smooth the strawberries with the stems removed, the chilled amazake and milk in a blender.

5) Finally, add sliced large strawberries and condensed milk to taste and you're done!

If you have a sweet tooth, you can make it with unsweetened amazake and strawberries for the natural sweetness of the fruit.

We recommend using condensed milk for the finishing touch, as the nostalgic taste of condensed milk, which is poured on at the end, brings the whole dish together nicely.

Perfect for summer! Refreshing 'raspberry amazake'.

Amazake recipe_Raspberry


Sake lees - 10 g

Water - 40 cc.

Sugar (or honey) - 2 tablespoons (about 18g)

Frozen raspberries - 30g.

Unadjusted soya milk - 100g


(i) Place the sake lees and water in a saucepan and carefully dissolve until smooth.

(ii) Dissolve the sugar in (i) while stirring.

(iii) Chill in a refrigerator until cold.

4) In a blender, add the frozen raspberries, sweet sake and soya milk and mix until smooth.

5) Pour into a glass, garnish with raspberries to your liking and voila!

Sakekasu,Lactic acid bacteria,Beauty,Beauty skin,Whitening,Amazake,Recipe,Sakekasu recipe,Amazake recipe

Raspberries contain 'raspberry ketones', which are similar in structure to capsaicin in chillies.

Moreover, the fat-burning effect of 'raspberry ketones' is three times that of capsaicin.

With the warming effects of sake lees and raspberry ketones, let's work together to burn some fat and fight the fight!

At the end.

When you go outside, the sun shines and when you go indoors, the air-conditioner cools you down instantly. Repeatedly doing so can make you feel ill, even in summer.

One of the best ways to nourish your body during such a summer heat wave is through drinks.

The combination of chilled amazake and fruit is refreshing and easy to drink, and recommended even when you have no appetite.

Survive the hot weather with a variety of arrangements.



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Sakekasu,Lactic acid bacteria,Beauty,Beauty skin,Whitening,Amazake,Recipe,Sakekasu recipe,Amazake recipe

Sakekasu,Lactic acid bacteria,Beauty,Beauty skin,Whitening,Amazake,Recipe,Sakekasu recipe,Amazake recipe

Lactobacillus fermented sake lees complete vegetable yoghurt


*This article has been automatically translated.

FARM8 Co.,ltd

The company develops product development projects related to Japanese food culture and Japanese sake.

# 酒粕 # lactic-acid bacilli # Beauty # beautiful skin # Whitening # sweet half sake # recipe # Sake lees recipe # Amazake Recipe