The best way to store sake lees and tips for preserving them from a sake lees specialist.

いつもありがとうございます。酒粕&発酵専門店「Hacco to go!」です。

When we work as a Sake Lees & Fermentation Specialist, we are often asked how to preserve sake lees.

It is certainly not immeasurable how long it will last if you keep it in the fridge.

Without knowledge of what methods to use to store them, and what conditions are bad, there is no way to do anything about it.

So I would like to tell you about the storage and processing of sake lees, which "Hacco to go!" always deals with.

How to store sake lees (1) [Refrigerated].

Sake lees,Storage,Preservation,Methods,Sake,Koji,Tips

Sake lees is a food with no set expiry date. It is basically a fermented food that does not spoil and mature because it contains alcohol.

However, it is definitely easier to eat fresh, so you want to keep it freshly squeezed for longer if possible.

The two rules for this are to 'keep them out of the air' and 'keep them in a cool, dark place' as much as possible.

~Points for refrigerator storage ~.

Place in a bag and refrigerate, removing as much air as possible.

Cutting them at this time makes it convenient to take out as many as you need.

Refrigerated storage is best for consumption within 6 months, so eat up as soon as possible.

*White crystals may appear on the surface. These are crystallised amino acids called tyrosine and should be used as they are. However, when it gets to that point, it has been too long in the day, so we recommend freezing and storing it before that happens.


Method of preserving sake lees (2) [Freezing

Sake lees,Storage,Preservation,Methods,Sake,Koji,Tips

The best way to keep it fresh is to 'freeze' it. What's more, frozen sake lees are tasty enough to eat as they are! Please give it a try!

~Points for frozen storage ~.

(i) Cut each dose so that it can be taken in and out in a short time.

(ii) As with refrigeration, freeze in bags with as little air as possible.

*We recommend doubling the bag to avoid freeze-burn.

*It should be used up within a year or so, even if frozen. It is not inedible, but there may be transfer of freezer burn, storage odours, etc.

How to preserve sake lees (iii) [Drying

Sake lees,Storage,Preservation,Methods,Sake,Koji,Tips

It requires tools, but the moisture is released so well that it can be stored for up to two years with little change in flavour.

~ Points of dry storage ~.

<Drying method 1: Using a household dryer

(1) Use a household dryer (food dryer) and dry slowly at the lowest possible temperature: 17-20°C is best, but if you only have a setting above 30°C, dry at the lowest possible temperature, although the colour will turn brown.

In this process, if the lumps are too large, it will take longer to grind them later or the machine may break down. Use a knife or similar tool to cut as thinly and thinly as possible before drying. Dry until the pieces break off.

(ii) Store as is with ageless or silica gel in an airtight bag or glass jar.

Grate as much as you use, or fold into small pieces and use in soups and other stews.

<Drying method 2: To powder with a mixer

(1) Powder the sake lees with a mill mixer at once.

(ii) It can be stored for approximately 1-2 years with no change in flavour.

Stored at room temperature, it will turn brown after a while, but this is not a problem. The longer it is stored, the more it matures and the more it can be used.

Use in stewed dishes such as curries and tomato sauces where you want a rich flavour.

*Dried sake lees are much harder, so use a powerful stone mill type or a table-top professional mixer. Please take care not to break the machine.

Dry sake lees lose their alcohol and become hard and miso-like, making them last longer, but they are difficult to use in cooking.

Method of preserving sake lees (4) [Paste processing].

Sake lees,Storage,Preservation,Methods,Sake,Koji,Tips

The image is that alcohol is added to further preserve the quality with alcohol. However, as the moisture value increases, refrigerated or frozen storage is recommended.

~ Point of paste processing ~.

(1) Add about 2 tablespoons of sake for every 100g of board lees. (This depends on the condition of the sake lees. Add more sake to make a paste)

(ii) Cover and microwave for 30 seconds, then knead thoroughly into a paste using a spatula.

*Recommended sake is strong alcoholic raw sake or sake that can be distributed at room temperature.

(iii) Pack in a glass jar or similar that has been sterilised by boiling and stored in the refrigerator.

It has a strong alcohol content and can be kept in the fridge for up to a year.

*If the paste is made with water instead of sake, it will start to spoil within a week or so, so we recommend freezing the paste in an ice dish or similar and storing it in bags for freezing. In this case, too, it should be used up within a month or so.


Sake lees is good for the body and effective for beauty. Even if you want to take it on a daily basis for your body, a bag of sake lees is likely to be too much.

If you're one of those people, know how to preserve it and continue your fermentation habit wisely!

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The company develops product development projects related to Japanese food culture and Japanese sake.

# 酒粕 # storage # storage (usually a liquid, e.g. rainwater, or behind a dam) # Methods # 酒 # 麹 # knack