How to make creamy, rich 'sake lees raisin truffles'

いつもありがとうございます。酒粕&発酵専門店「Hacco to go!」です。

Hacco to go!" is a project based in Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture, which aims to solve a problem unique to the city of sake - sake lees - by making it a familiar ingredient.

We have developed a yoghurt-like sake lees called 'brewer's glut', which is made by carefully removing the alcohol from the sake lees and fermenting it again with locally found plant lactic acid bacteria. Using this, we offer 100% plant-based shakes and gelatos at our physical shop 'Hacco to go!' in Niigata Station.

But our aim is to make sake lees a more accessible foodstuff.

Simple recipes and tips on how to use regular sake lees for everyday use are also available.

This time we will tell you about the 'Sake Lees Raisin Truffles', an arranged recipe for 'Sake Lees Raisin', whose recipe we have previously published.

Enjoy the melt-in-your-mouth adult truffle.

*Here's how to make sake lees raisins⇓.

Sakekasu,Recipes,Sake,Fermented food,Health,Niigata

Direct from Sake Lees & Fermentation Specialists! Recipe for 'Sake Lees Raisin Truffles'.


-Raisins with sake lees - 50 g

Walnuts - 15 g.

-Maple syrup - 1 teaspoon.

Salt - pinch.

Chocolate - 60 g.

Cocoa powder - as required.


Sakekasu,Recipes,Sake,Fermented food,Health,Niigata

(1) Weigh 50 g sake lees raisins.

Sakekasu,Recipes,Sake,Fermented food,Health,Niigata

(2) 15 g roasted walnuts to this; the amount is up to you, but the more generous the better.

Chop the walnuts into large pieces and add them to the sake lees raisins and mix.

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(iii) Add 1 tsp maple syrup.

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4) Add a pinch of salt.

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(v) Mix well and form into a round shape.

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(6) Dip into melted chocolate and refrigerate for 30 minutes until settled.

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(vii) Sprinkle with cocoa powder.

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Now, it's ready!

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The chopped walnuts give it a rough appearance, but the savoury taste of the roasted walnuts, the sake flavour that seeps out as you bite into it, the raisins and sake-kasu intertwine with the chocolate like a melting sauce.

It is truly a truffle for adults.

It is a good snack for sake, but also goes well with coffee and tea.

Moreover, the combination is good for women, as sake lees contains folic acid, a B vitamin needed during pregnancy, and raisins are high in iron.

The polyphenols in chocolate also add to the anti-ageing effect.

I felt the high potential of sake lees, a snack that makes you happy and has good effects on your body.

I hope you all make good use of sake lees!



Hacco to go! HP https://haccotogo.com/

インスタグラム @haccotogo

Twitter @Haccotogo

Sakekasu,Recipes,Sake,Fermented food,Health,Niigata

Sakekasu,Recipes,Sake,Fermented food,Health,Niigata

Sakekasu,Recipes,Sake,Fermented food,Health,Niigata


*This article has been automatically translated.

FARM8 Co.,ltd

The company develops product development projects related to Japanese food culture and Japanese sake.

# 酒粕 # recipe # Japanese rice wine # fermented food # Health # Niigata (city)