Longing is more free and accessible! Get into the kimono swamp at the Kimono Place Princess Walnut in Kamikomachi!

Hello. Nice to meet you.

My name is Reina and I will be joining Niigata Repo from this time onwards.

This Suki!"

One day, close to the coming-of-age ceremony, I was walking through Kamifuru when I was struck by a denim kimono worn by a mannequin. That day I was filled with satisfaction that I had found this girl. However, when I returned home, I was brought back to reality.

'Eh, aren't kimonos expensive ......'

I didn't have the courage to go to the shop because of the image of it being out of reach. So I thought that if I was going to do an interview, even a mere 20-year-old who normally likes second-hand clothes would be able to talk to me. I was nervous and went to Himekumomo, a kimono shop in Kamikomachi!

Kimono as an 'everyday' option

Longing is more free and accessible! Get into the kimono swamp at the Kimono Place Princess Walnut in Kamikomachi!

It is a three-minute walk from Hakusan Shrine. On the street between a Western-style restaurant with an impressive statue of a giraffe and a fortune teller's shop, heading towards Furumachi, stood a mannequin in a denim kimono that I was interested in.

The white brickwork and blue windows are eye-catching. This is Himekumo Kimono Shop.

Upon entering, the owner, Takako Abe, smiles at us along with a crystal chandelier. The interior of the shop has a more Western atmosphere than I expected. My mind, which had been preoccupied with the fact that it was a kimono shop, began to relax.

Longing is more free and accessible! Get into the kimono swamp at the Kimono Place Princess Walnut in Kamikomachi!

Feeling a sense of relief, I looked at the products in the shop and saw the words "6,000 yen for one dress, 10,000 yen for two dresses at the same time". ......

The price is more affordable than we thought, which is another surprise.

The reason why the price is kept so low is because they sell recycled kimonos. The contemporary obis shown to us were remakes created by Takako!

Longing is more free and accessible! Get into the kimono swamp at the Kimono Place Princess Walnut in Kamikomachi!

Most kimonos called tsumugi, which can be used for everyday wear, are in good condition and can be worn immediately after purchase, ranging from those in subdued shades such as navy blue to those in gorgeous colours.

As a beginner, I did not know this, but it is customary to buy a kimono as a single piece of cloth called a hanmono and have it tailored. It can take up to a month to tailor a kimono, or even longer if the kimono is left until the next season! Sometimes it takes up to a month to have a kimono tailored, and sometimes even until the next season!

However, at Himekumo, which mainly deals in recycled goods, you can start wearing it immediately after you buy it or the day after. You can even wear the kimono you bought and go shopping in your house or neighbourhood the next day.

Moreover, the owner, Mr Abe, suggests that customers come here for everyday use, as if they were wearing clothes.

They say it is easier to wear if you start with a mix of clothes, such as wearing a turtleneck under a kimono or peeking out of an old satin and tulle fabric lingerie dress! Sneakers or heels can be worn on the feet, too. Kimonos worn with Western outerwear are also a possibility.

Longing is more free and accessible! Get into the kimono swamp at the Kimono Place Princess Walnut in Kamikomachi!

One of the attractions of denim and wool kimonos is that they can be washed at home. Denim is available in navy blue and black, and it is interesting to see how the atmosphere changes with each.

I have a feeling that I will be able to pass through more and more hurdles. It was a time when the stereotypes of kimono being expensive, having to be worn properly and not having a place to wear them were overturned!


Whether it's your first step or you want to choose a different kimono.

The owner's desire to nurture interest in kimonos together

Longing is more free and accessible! Get into the kimono swamp at the Kimono Place Princess Walnut in Kamikomachi!

Before starting the shop, Takako says she had worked for one company for more than 25 years and had no apparel experience.

'I was invited to an exhibition by an acquaintance and the kimono looked good on me (laughs). (Laughs) Kimonos tend to suit people with slender shoulders, and I have slender shoulders too, so when I tried it on, I felt comfortable with it. From then on, I got more and more into kimonos."

Later, when she moved to a new job, she started thinking about starting a kimono shop, saying, "If I'm going to go through all this trouble, I should do something I like. But what kind of shop should I open? What came to mind at that time were Takako's friends.

Longing is more free and accessible! Get into the kimono swamp at the Kimono Place Princess Walnut in Kamikomachi!

'Kimono lovers buy many kimonos. It's the same as with clothes. They have kimono in their chests of drawers that they no longer wear. We thought we could make use of these kimonos. On the other hand, there are people who are interested in kimonos but feel it is difficult to try because of the high threshold. There are people who wear kimonos but want to try a different way of wearing them. We opened the shop because we thought it would be a place where everyone would be happy. I also wanted to change the image of kimono shops, which tend to have an old-fashioned impression! I also wanted to change the image of kimono shops, which tend to have an old-fashioned impression."

The result is Himekumo, the Kimono Shop. Listening to Abe-san, I realised that I had set my own threshold for kimono too high. As Abe-san said, the items in the shop are easy to pick up, bright and retro-modern, and leave you with a feeling of excitement!

Longing is more free and accessible! Get into the kimono swamp at the Kimono Place Princess Walnut in Kamikomachi!

I would like to see a world in Niigata where kimonos can be worn as casually and routinely as dresses. I can feel that I have seen many people wearing kimonos today. I am sure that there are still many people who have a longing for kimonos. If there are more days like that, or if people around you are wearing it, I think there are many people who feel that they would like to wear it too. So I would be happy if I could continue this shop for people like that."

The Niigata that Takako talked about is very beautiful! I thought it would be great if everyday life became full of people wearing kimonos like that.

Kimono open to all.

Longing is more free and accessible! Get into the kimono swamp at the Kimono Place Princess Walnut in Kamikomachi!

On a personal note, I often give up on mass-market clothes because I am short in stature to begin with and my weight fluctuates a lot due to my eating disorder, a disease that causes my clothes to change size and no longer fit the way I used to wear them. With kimonos, however, people of shorter stature are not afraid of size fluctuations, as old antiques can be obtained cheaply and advantageously, and widths can be flexible. It is nice to be able to wear a kimono without having to throw it away, even if there are changes in body shape.

Moreover, it is difficult to wear with others! There are still not many young people who wear kimonos for everyday use, and there are many different colours and patterns to choose from. When I heard this story, I thought it was similar to second-hand clothes. People who like vintage clothes, Lolita, cosplay and other clothes that don't have many actual stores in Niigata should be particularly into them!

For example, it would be a good idea to wear a kimono in a member's colour to a concert of your guess!

Longing is more free and accessible! Get into the kimono swamp at the Kimono Place Princess Walnut in Kamikomachi!

But I can't wear it myself! Don't worry if you think you can't wear it by yourself! You will be able to put it on by yourself in about one to three months' time. If you put it on by yourself, you won't feel any tightness or pain.

I was itching to wear one when I was covering the event. It would be fun to stroll around Kamikomachi and Hakusan Shrine while wearing a kimono!

Why don't you also experience the new world of kimono at the Kamikomachi "Kimono place Himekumo"?

Kimono shop Hime-Kokumo
Address: 685-7 Ichibanbori-dori, Chuo-ku, Niigata City, Niigata Prefecture
Tel: 050-5274-9534
Opening hours: 11am - 6pm
Closed: Monday

*Some photos courtesy of Himekumo, Kimono Shop.


*This article has been automatically translated.


Niigata Repo is a web magazine that makes Niigata more enjoyable, with local residents themselves acting as writers and describing their "experiences" and "subjectivity".

# Kamikochi (town in Japan) # Niigata City # clothing