Taste sakekasu in gelato! Comparison of 5 kinds of fermented gelato

(This article is a tie-up with FARM8 Ltd.)

What kind of image do you have of "sake-kasu"? As the image of 'sake-kasu = good for your health' is spreading these days, it is actually not just 'dregs' but a treasure trove of nutrients!

What nutrients are contained in...

Amino acids 583 times higher than raw rice, protein equivalent to about 1,5 eggs, dietary fibre 4 times higher than an apple, vitamin B1 equivalent to about 15 lemons, vitamin B2 equivalent to about 5 apples, vitamin B6 equivalent to about 8 lemons, niacin equivalent to about 3 bananas, folic acid equivalent to about 1 tomato, pantothenic acid equivalent to about 1 tomato, essential 9 amino acids...

Such as...

In any case, sake lees is a food rich in pleasant nutrients that are essential for health and beauty.

Taste sakekasu in gelato! Comparison of 5 kinds of fermented gelato

However, sake-kasu is not an easy food to eat, partly because it is 'hard to cook'... FARM8 in Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture, is trying to create products that make sake-kasu more accessible and enjoyable.

What does gelato taste like, created by further 'fermenting' sake lees?

One of the popular products on sale at Hacco to go! is 'fermented gelato' made from sake lees. By 'lactobacillus fermentation' of sake lees, a 100% plant-based gelato is created without any milk or dairy products.

Taste sakekasu in gelato! Comparison of 5 kinds of fermented gelato

Now, what about the key taste? We tried the basic 'plain' flavour first.

When you take a sip, a gentle sweetness like that of amazake made with malted rice spreads out. The refined flavour of sake lees is followed by a lactic acid fermented sourness, giving it a refreshing taste.

The texture is also smooth, without the blandness of sake lees. The creamy taste is surprising even though no dairy products are used. The product description says it is 'like frozen yoghurt', but the refreshing sour aftertaste is addictive and you can eat as much as you like!

This gelato is particularly appealing to those who like amazake and other drinks.


Five different flavours are compared!

Taste sakekasu in gelato! Comparison of 5 kinds of fermented gelato

Such fermented gelato is available in a total of five flavours, including strawberry, chocolate, lemon and peach, as well as plain, which gives the most flavour of sakekasu. This time we compared all the flavours and were surprised to find more differences than we expected.

The flavour that differed the most from plain was Peach! It was the sweetest of the five flavours.

Taste sakekasu in gelato! Comparison of 5 kinds of fermented gelatoTaste sakekasu in gelato! Comparison of 5 kinds of fermented gelato

The 'Lemon' and 'Strawberry' flavours give the impression of being refreshingly easy to eat, thanks to the added 'acidity' of each.

Lemon is the most refreshing of the five. The sourness of the lemon is so strong that for a moment you forget that it is sake lees gelato.

Strawberry is a perfect match between the sweet and sour taste of strawberries and sake lees. The pulp had a good texture on the tongue and the aroma of strawberries.

Both have a slightly subdued sake lees taste, probably thanks to the acidity, so if you have a strong aversion to the flavour of sake lees, you should choose the lemon or strawberry.

Taste sakekasu in gelato! Comparison of 5 kinds of fermented gelato

Finally, the most unexpected flavour was 'chocolat'.

I ate it with the image of chocolate ice cream, but it tastes a little bitter and adult chocolate. This bitter taste seemed to make the acidity of the lactobacilli and the acidity of the lactobacilli stand out, and the bitter taste made the acidity of the lactobacilli and the acidity of the lactobacilli stand out, so that the respective tastes of sake lees, chocolat and lactobacilli were felt firmly in the mouth and the taste of the lactobacilli was felt most among the five types.

You can enjoy an adult flavour, like a combination of Western wine and chocolate.

One piece provides approximately 60% of the daily target of sake lees.

Taste sakekasu in gelato! Comparison of 5 kinds of fermented gelato

Each of these fermented gelatos has a different taste, but each one contains about 60% of the daily intake target of 50g of sake lees!

Gelato is a stylish and tasty way to get the nutritional benefits of "sakekasu", which your body will love. You can buy it as a treat for yourself or give it as a gift.

If you want to include sake lees in your lifestyle, why not try gelato?

Sake lees sweets and drinks shop Hacco to go !

(This article is a tie-up with FARM8 Ltd.)


*This article has been automatically translated.


Niigata Repo is a web magazine that makes Niigata more enjoyable, with local residents themselves acting as writers and describing their "experiences" and "subjectivity".

# gelato (Italian ice cream) # Fermented gelato # 酒粕