Continuing to evolve with a focus on sake quality. Going further than the world-renowned quality / Hokusetsu Shuzo Co Ltd [Change Leader vol.8].

This article is a tie-up with the Niigata Prefecture Federation of Small Business Associations and Manufacturing Support Centre.

Numerous attractive companies are active in Niigata Prefecture. This section picks up on 'ChangeLeaders' who create new value by 'changing themselves positively'.

In the eighth edition, Hokusetsu Sake Brewery produces the only sake served at NOBU, which operates Japanese restaurants on five continents around the world. This article introduces the brewery's commitment to quality while preserving tradition and continuing to evolve by adopting new technologies.

Continuing to innovate because we demand quality

Domestic consumption of sake has fallen by more than half since 1998. However, medium- to high-priced, fruity, aromatic and easy-to-drink sake such as daiginjo and junmai sake are doing well. Hokusetsu Sake Brewery has long been committed to producing high-quality sake. Because of its reputation, it was chosen as the only sake to be served at NOBU, a Japanese restaurant with 35 outlets worldwide.

Continuing to evolve with a focus on sake quality. Going further than the world-renowned quality / Hokusetsu Shuzo Co Ltd [Change Leader vol.8].

In order to continue to meet the quality demands of the world, the company utilises manufacturing subsidies (*). The first step was to improve the process of squeezing sake out of the fermented mash. The introduction of a centrifugal separator, which squeezes out the sake by centrifugal force without applying pressure, has eliminated the transfer of odours from the cotton sake bags used in the pressing process and has enabled the mellow aroma of the ginjo flavour to be delivered intact.

Continuing to evolve with a focus on sake quality. Going further than the world-renowned quality / Hokusetsu Shuzo Co Ltd [Change Leader vol.8].

This is followed by the introduction of 'jet bubble milling', which improves the accuracy of rice washing. This eliminates as much as possible the contamination of proteins and lipids, which are often found on the outside of the rice, and which can cause a bad taste in sake. The company has also started exporting 'nama-zake' overseas. Normal sake is hi-ire (heat-treated) twice to prevent deterioration and spoilage, but as nama-zake is not hi-ire, it is difficult to store. However, the introduction of tanks capable of fully chilled storage has reduced quality changes. Exports are now possible through management that includes transport.

Continuing to evolve with a focus on sake quality. Going further than the world-renowned quality / Hokusetsu Shuzo Co Ltd [Change Leader vol.8].

The line-up of high-quality sake is thus enhanced. It has been well received through exhibitions and other events. The 'aggressive sake brewery' also continues to take on challenges, such as producing sake rice on the local Sado Island using agricultural methods that do not rely on pesticides or chemical fertilisers, as 'sake production starts with rice production'.

Continuing to evolve with a focus on sake quality. Going further than the world-renowned quality / Hokusetsu Shuzo Co Ltd [Change Leader vol.8].

Change1 / Food to match NOBU's cuisine. Brewing sake that retains the original ginjo aroma.

When the NOBU-owned hotel opened in Las Vegas, a manufacturing grant was used to introduce a 'continuous high-speed centrifuge'. The machine enables the production of mash in a cooled, sealed space. When the hotel conducted a sake tasting, it was well received with a clean aftertaste. Now, ordinary sake made in the centrifuge is also highly regarded for its ginjo class aroma.

Continuing to evolve with a focus on sake quality. Going further than the world-renowned quality / Hokusetsu Shuzo Co Ltd [Change Leader vol.8].

Continuous high-speed centrifuge purchased with a manufacturing subsidy.

Continuing to evolve with a focus on sake quality. Going further than the world-renowned quality / Hokusetsu Shuzo Co Ltd [Change Leader vol.8].

Traditionally, the bags were compressed and the mash was squeezed out.

Change2/ Cooperate with other organisations and set up a series of new initiatives.

Using the Central Association of Agriculture, Commerce and Industry's support project for agricultural, industrial and commercial cooperation, the company started producing 'Toki Certified Rice', sake rice produced on Sado Island without the use of pesticides or chemical fertilisers. Currently, all standard products using Gohyakumangoku and Koshitanrei sake rice have been switched to Sado-produced sake rice. In cooperation with the Niigata Sushi Association, a set of 10 nigiri (hand-rolled sushi), including seasonal local fish, and a dry sake set has been developed. Tourists have responded favourably to the sake's light, refreshing taste, which is typical of Niigata.

Continuing to evolve with a focus on sake quality. Going further than the world-renowned quality / Hokusetsu Shuzo Co Ltd [Change Leader vol.8].

High-quality sake rice can be harvested in Akadomari, Sado City, where temperatures vary greatly.

Continuing to evolve with a focus on sake quality. Going further than the world-renowned quality / Hokusetsu Shuzo Co Ltd [Change Leader vol.8].

Toki-certified rice is used for the sake rice in the Polarity range.

Change3/ Better understanding of the quality of alcohol by showing it in an easy-to-understand way

It also focuses on presenting the quality of the liquor in an easy-to-understand way. We exhibited at the Food Messe in Niigata 2017 at the invitation of the Central Association. We even received enquiries about centrifugation at a later date. In May 2018, we also participated in a study session on HACCP (a method of hygiene management to ensure safety) organised by the Central Association. It was an opportunity to learn about legal developments and future developments.

Continuing to evolve with a focus on sake quality. Going further than the world-renowned quality / Hokusetsu Shuzo Co Ltd [Change Leader vol.8].

Scene at the Food Messe in Niigata exhibition.

Continuing to evolve with a focus on sake quality. Going further than the world-renowned quality / Hokusetsu Shuzo Co Ltd [Change Leader vol.8].

Island breweries participate in HACCP study sessions


Where to leave the craftsman's hand and where to introduce machinery. Focus on the quality of the wine while judging the right place for the right person.

「攻める酒蔵」として新たな挑戦を繰り返すのは、酒質を追求し続けているから。職人の手で行うべき箇所はそのままに、機械を使うことで質が向上する箇所には新技術を導入してきました。これが顕著に表れたのが『ジェット気泡洗米機』導入時。一粒ずつ完全な洗 米が可能となり、作業の質も均一化。雑味のない酒質が実現しました。このように酒質を向上させるためにはどこを機械化し、どこを人の手で行うか見極めが大切です。今後も酒質を第一に改善すべき箇所は改善しながら最高の日本酒を追い求めていきます。
Continuing to evolve with a focus on sake quality. Going further than the world-renowned quality / Hokusetsu Shuzo Co Ltd [Change Leader vol.8].専務取締役 羽豆 大(はず・ひろし)さん
Product pick-up! Hokusetsu Junmai Daiginjo Koshitanrei "Hikari" Centrifugal separation

Continuing to evolve with a focus on sake quality. Going further than the world-renowned quality / Hokusetsu Shuzo Co Ltd [Change Leader vol.8].

A top-quality junmai daiginjo with a rich aroma and a sharp aftertaste. Sake rice Koshitanrei produced on Sado Island is made from certified Toki rice grown in organic compost. 720ml, 10,000 yen (excluding tax).

Company profile

Continuing to evolve with a focus on sake quality. Going further than the world-renowned quality / Hokusetsu Shuzo Co Ltd [Change Leader vol.8].Hokusetsu Brewery Co.

Founded in 1872, Hazu Brewery Ltd. was established in 1948 and renamed Hokusetsu Brewery Ltd. in 1993. Food is the world's lingua franca. The company was one of the first to start overseas operations under the company motto 'Building bridges between cultures through good sake'. While preserving tradition, the company continues to evolve sake brewing by introducing innovative methods such as musical performances, ultrasonic vibrations and centrifugal separators.

Address:2377-2, Tokuwa, Sado City, Niigata Prefecture.

TEL: 0259-87-3105


This article is a tie-up with the Niigata Prefecture Federation of Small Business Associations and Manufacturing Support Centre.


*This article has been automatically translated.


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# manufacturing # Sado City # Niigata Central Association of Small Business Associations