Spreading our own brand to the world. Developed a bowl without a rim for household use! Ichiryo Metal Corporation [Change Leader vol. 3].

This article is a tie-up with the Niigata Prefecture Federation of Small Business Associations and Manufacturing Support Centre.

Numerous attractive companies are active in Niigata Prefecture. This section picks up on 'ChangeLeaders' who create new value by 'changing themselves positively'.

The third edition is from Ichiryo Metal Corporation, which manufactures and sells kitchen utensils and cooking accessories. The company developed the Makanai Bowl, which has no rolls on the edge, to develop new kitchen tools for home use.

Changing the form of inherited skills and connecting them to the world.

Tsubame City boasts a 90% share of the national market for the manufacture of metal and western-style tableware. The metal industry, which began in the Edo period with the making of Japanese nails, has changed over time to manufacturing using metal and stainless steel.

Spreading our own brand to the world. Developed a bowl without a rim for household use! Ichiryo Metal Corporation [Change Leader vol. 3].

Ichiryo Metal was founded in 1978 as a business specialising in the polishing of western tableware. In Tsubame City, where the division of labour has been practised since ancient times, there are factories for each process. However, the first president of Ichiryo Metals decided that it would be difficult to manage the polishing business alone. In parallel, the company started manufacturing stainless steel commercial kitchenware. In addition, the company now also manufactures and sells cooking accessories.

Spreading our own brand to the world. Developed a bowl without a rim for household use! Ichiryo Metal Corporation [Change Leader vol. 3].

For more than 40 years, Ichiryo Metal has been manufacturing kitchen utensils for professional use, but the company thought about creating a kitchen tool for the home with a higher unit price. An advisor familiar with crafts from around the country said, "There are no bowls that don't leave dirt in the crevices", which prompted the company to develop a bowl for home use. A manufacturing subsidy (*) was used to purchase the machine and to outsource the work to a designer. Several specialist presses and other equipment were purchased to prevent gaps from forming on the edge. The design was commissioned to a designer with extensive experience in other materials, such as wood and moulds. They also visited the production site and proposed a design.

Monozukuri subsidy: Common name for a project by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency to support capital investment, etc. that contributes to improving productivity.

Spreading our own brand to the world. Developed a bowl without a rim for household use! Ichiryo Metal Corporation [Change Leader vol. 3].

Household kitchen tools are developed under its own brand named 'conte'. The products are sold directly to lifestyle shops and select shops as high-quality products that are comfortable to use. In 2018, the brand won a world-famous award. Gradually, we have begun preparing to expand into overseas markets. The brand, which started at one factory in Tsubame City, will continue to take on challenges in order to spread its wings to the world.


Change1: Making use of conventional technology to make the bowl easier to use.

In Tsubame, a town with a division of labour, each process is divided into separate companies to make products. The designers visited all the relevant factories. They crossed the technology developed in the field with the ease of use of the bowls and reflected it in their designs. Monozukuri subsidies were used to purchase machinery and outsource design to develop new products.

Spreading our own brand to the world. Developed a bowl without a rim for household use! Ichiryo Metal Corporation [Change Leader vol. 3].

Machines for press work, purchased with manufacturing subsidies.

Spreading our own brand to the world. Developed a bowl without a rim for household use! Ichiryo Metal Corporation [Change Leader vol. 3].

Processing is carried out on the respective machines.

Change2: Participate in exhibitions and create opportunities to connect with the media

The central association invited us to participate in the Niigata BIZ EXPO in October 2017. The exhibition was one of the prefecture's largest business-oriented industrial fairs and attracted a lot of attention from the media. The Niigata Nippo and NHK also came to cover the exhibition. We were able to exchange business cards with members of the media and communicate directly with them for information on new products and requests for interviews.

Spreading our own brand to the world. Developed a bowl without a rim for household use! Ichiryo Metal Corporation [Change Leader vol. 3].

First exhibition in Niigata Prefecture, Niigata BIZ EXPO.

Spreading our own brand to the world. Developed a bowl without a rim for household use! Ichiryo Metal Corporation [Change Leader vol. 3].

The exhibition gave us the opportunity to get to know a lot of people.

Change3: Strategise and enter competitions to spread awareness

As part of its public relations strategy, in 2016 (2014), the company entered the GOOD DESIGN AWARD, a well-known award in Japan, and won it. This led to TV coverage and other media exposure. We are also looking to expand our sales channels overseas. We thought that if we entered a world-famous competition, we would be recognised overseas as well, and we also won the reddot award 2018 winner and the iF Design Gold Award 2018 in Germany, which are prestigious in the design world.

Spreading our own brand to the world. Developed a bowl without a rim for household use! Ichiryo Metal Corporation [Change Leader vol. 3].

The design was highly praised for its simplicity and beautiful form.

Spreading our own brand to the world. Developed a bowl without a rim for household use! Ichiryo Metal Corporation [Change Leader vol. 3].

Trophy received on receiving an award in Germany

We want to create a foothold in the world while creating opportunities for people to get to know each other.

販売が始まって約1年半。まだ始めたばかりですが、国内 30店舗に設置され、少しずつ認知が広がってきています。 また受賞や取材により注目が集まることで、社内のモチ ベーション向上にも繋がり、会社にとってもプラスとなりました。今後は海外への販路も広げていきたいと考えています。展示会に出続けることは信頼獲得のための第一歩。 様々なコンペティションにも応募しながら、国内外で販売店舗を増やしていきたいです。
Spreading our own brand to the world. Developed a bowl without a rim for household use! Ichiryo Metal Corporation [Change Leader vol. 3].専務取締役 江口 広哲さん
Product pick-up! 'Makai Bowl'.

Spreading our own brand to the world. Developed a bowl without a rim for household use! Ichiryo Metal Corporation [Change Leader vol. 3].Small bowls: available from JPY 1,800 excluding tax.

The bowl is deep and has a thicker rim so that it can stand on its own without having to be rolled up. It is also characterized by the fact that it does not accumulate dirt and drains well when pouring eggs and other liquids. The three different sizes can be used for different purposes, making everyday cooking a little easier and more enjoyable. Another product is a flat colander called the Makanai Hirazaru, which can be used together with bowls. The flat colander can also be set on a round bat to drain water.


About Us

Spreading our own brand to the world. Developed a bowl without a rim for household use! Ichiryo Metal Corporation [Change Leader vol. 3].

Ichiryo Metal Co.

Address: 49-7 Tsubame, Tsubame City, Niigata Prefecture.

tel: 0256-63-7211


This article is a tie-up with the Niigata Prefecture Federation of Small Business Associations and Manufacturing Support Centre.

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*The content of this article is correct at the time of interview and submission, but the accuracy of the information is not guaranteed. For the latest information, please check directly with the interviewed party.


*This article has been automatically translated.


Niigata Repo is a web magazine that makes Niigata more enjoyable, with local residents themselves acting as writers and describing their "experiences" and "subjectivity".

# manufacturing # Niigata Central Association of Small Business Associations # Yan, a city in Hebei