Enjoy Hanami at home in style! Sakura Sweets x Sake Pairing & Ponchu Greer for Home Hanami!

Recommendations for cherry blossom viewing at home

Spring is the time for cherry blossom viewing! However, from the point of view of infection control, it has been decided to refrain from cherry blossom viewing outside...

Against this backdrop, the 'Hanami at home' movement is spreading.

Sweets, bonsai, osechi and more! Many items to add colour to your Hanami at home are now being introduced on the internet and in the media, including TV. The well-known online shopping site Rakuten Ichiba also has a special feature page.

Do sweets and sake go together?

In fact, they go well together. Their compatibility also varies depending on whether they are Japanese or Western sweets.

We hope you will find this issue useful as an easy and enjoyable way to enjoy hanami at home.


What sake goes well with sweets?

Sweets in Japan can be divided into so-called Japanese and Western sweets.

Their compatibility varies according to their Japanese and Western sweets.

This section is divided into Japanese and Western sweets and introduces those that went particularly well with sake.

Sake x Japanese sweets

Anko (sweet bean paste) is a typical Japanese sweet.

The rich sweetness of anko goes well with dry sake.

When the strong-attack sake is combined with the sweetness of the rich red bean paste, it gives a very soft impression...!

This time we combined 'Sakura Mochi' and 'Tabineko Sakura'.

Sake,Pairing,Sweets,Sweet Sake,Hanami,Cheesecake,Japanese Sweets,Niigata Sake,Ponchu Greer,Sake Cocktails,Sake Arrangements,Sake Sangria

Sake,Pairing,Sweets,Sweet Sake,Hanami,Cheesecake,Japanese Sweets,Niigata Sake,Ponchu Greer,Sake Cocktails,Sake Arrangements,Sake Sangria

It goes without saying that the rich sweetness of anko (sweet bean paste) and the cherry-flavoured glutinous rice that envelopes it, not to mention the fact that glutinous rice and sake are made from the same rice, go hand in hand.

Sake x Western sweets

Whipped cream is used in many Western sweets.

Hot water is recommended for whipped cream.

The melting point of whipped cream is low, so when combined with a hot drink, the melt-in-your-mouth effect is absolutely exquisite.

It starts to melt at about 30°C, so it might even be good enough to be lukewarm.

This time, we combined the spring-only Cherry Blossom Mochi style pancakes with Basque-style chocolatey cheesecake and GO DOCE.

Sake,Pairing,Sweets,Sweet Sake,Hanami,Cheesecake,Japanese Sweets,Niigata Sake,Ponchu Greer,Sake Cocktails,Sake Arrangements,Sake Sangria

Sake,Pairing,Sweets,Sweet Sake,Hanami,Cheesecake,Japanese Sweets,Niigata Sake,Ponchu Greer,Sake Cocktails,Sake Arrangements,Sake Sangria

The Sakura Mochi-style pancakes have a whipped texture that melts in your mouth, of course, but they also have a very special flavour.

As the cherry blossom cake-flavoured pancakes melted in my mouth, the aroma of cherry blossoms and sake rushed through my nostrils and I was enveloped in a feeling of euphoria.

Excellent compatibility.

'Basque-style chocolatey cheesecake' also has plenty of whip on it. Underneath is Basque-style cheesecake.

Sake,Pairing,Sweets,Sweet Sake,Hanami,Cheesecake,Japanese Sweets,Niigata Sake,Ponchu Greer,Sake Cocktails,Sake Arrangements,Sake Sangria


The combination of this cheesecake and 'go dolce' was just perfect.

Cheese and sake have one thing in common: fermentation. They go together as well as sakura-mochi and sake.

Another feature of the sake called 'GO DOLCE' is that it has a slightly sour taste, and the sourness of the sake enhances the richness of the cheese, giving it a deeper flavour.

Please give it a try.



These spring-only convenience sweets are characterised by their cherry blossom flavour.

When combined with sake, it can enhance the aroma of cherry blossoms and

It can mellow even slightly spicy sake.

Several combinations were found that co-ordinate well with each other rather than getting in each other's way.

You too can enjoy pairing Japanese and Western sweets with sake this spring in what we call 'Hanami at home'.

Ponchuglia as an accompaniment to Hanami at home

Sake,Pairing,Sweets,Sweet Sake,Hanami,Cheesecake,Japanese Sweets,Niigata Sake,Ponchu Greer,Sake Cocktails,Sake Arrangements,Sake Sangria

What is Ponshu Gurria?
Ponsyu Guria is a "Sangria made with Sake". Ponsyu Guria is a sake cup filled with domestic dried fruit and Niigata's famous Hakka sugar, which you pour over your favourite sake to make a sake cocktail.


*This article has been automatically translated.

FARM8 Co.,ltd

The company develops product development projects related to Japanese food culture and Japanese sake.

# Japanese rice wine # pairing # sweets (desserts, candy, etc.) # sweet drink # cherry blossom viewing # cheese cake # Japanese sweets # Niigata Sake # pontine glia # 日本酒カクテル # Sake arrangement # Sake sangria