Developing a powder that maintains the original quality by utilising 'bearded garlic'! / Shin-Etsu Kogyo Corporation [Change Leader vol. 9].

This article is a tie-up with the Niigata Prefecture Federation of Small Business Associations and Manufacturing Support Centre.

Numerous attractive companies are active in Niigata Prefecture. This section picks up on 'ChangeLeaders' who create new value by 'changing themselves positively'.

In the 9th edition, Shin-Etsu Kogyo became the talk of the town when it cultivated a cute-looking 'bearded garlic' and appeared on a TV programme. The company is currently taking on various initiatives to strengthen its brand power, including the development of new products and unique events.

Low-temperature drying locks in the flavour of the ingredients.

In winter, the Kawaguchi area of Nagaoka is covered with snow. Shin-Etsu Kogyo was founded as a PP string and PP rope manufacturing company to provide a place to work for residents who go out to work in winter. Production capacity was increased through aggressive investment in production equipment. The company grew to become a leading manufacturer in the industry. The Chuetsu Earthquake of 2004 (Heisei 16) was the catalyst for such a string manufacturer to get involved in agriculture. The Kawaguchi area was also severely damaged and many temporary houses were built. However, as reconstruction progressed and residents returned to their homes, abandoned land became conspicuous. They began to work on agricultural projects to see if they could utilise this land.

Developing a powder that maintains the original quality by utilising 'bearded garlic'! / Shin-Etsu Kogyo Corporation [Change Leader vol. 9].

After travelling around the country in search of a "solidly profitable crop", it was "bearded garlic" that proved to be a possibility. Bearded garlic is characterised by its nutrient-rich shoots and long roots. Despite some difficulties in cultivation, he developed a unique cultivation method and successfully commercialised it. Its delicious taste became the talk of the town through word of mouth and TV appearances.

Developing a powder that maintains the original quality by utilising 'bearded garlic'! / Shin-Etsu Kogyo Corporation [Change Leader vol. 9].

Later, they started making processed products to utilise the 'bearded garlic', which was not the right size or shape. They came up with the idea of making a powder form that could also be used as a spice. Using a manufacturing subsidy (*), they purchased a total of four units, including a decompression equilibrium exothermic dryer capable of low-temperature drying. It is now possible to lock in the flavour of the ingredients while retaining their components.

Monozukuri subsidy... Common name for a project by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency to support capital investment, etc. that contributes to improving productivity.

Developing a powder that maintains the original quality by utilising 'bearded garlic'! / Shin-Etsu Kogyo Corporation [Change Leader vol. 9].

It now also employs older people and contributes to local employment, which was the beginning of the whole thing. We are also taking on the challenge of new initiatives, such as holding our own events.

Change1: Development of 'bearded garlic powder' with locked-in taste.

In order to utilise the 'bearded garlic', which was not the right shape or size, the development of a powder product was initiated. Decompression balanced-heat dryers and crushers have been introduced to mature and dry the garlic at low temperatures. As the drying process is quicker, the ingredients are not overworked and it is possible to produce dried food products with the original quality of taste, colour and aroma. Subsequent questionnaires were conducted with suppliers, etc., and both the taste and aroma received positive feedback. The product was successfully commercialised.

Developing a powder that maintains the original quality by utilising 'bearded garlic'! / Shin-Etsu Kogyo Corporation [Change Leader vol. 9].Reduced-pressure equilibrium heat-generating dryer, purchased with a manufacturing subsidy.

Developing a powder that maintains the original quality by utilising 'bearded garlic'! / Shin-Etsu Kogyo Corporation [Change Leader vol. 9].Sliced garlic is crushed using this machine.

Change2: Participate in exhibitions outside the prefecture and promote to traders and consumers

Participated in exhibitions across the country, such as the Small and Medium Enterprise New Manufacturing and New Service Exhibition and the Regional Bank Food Selection. At the food selections we participated in, we had business negotiations with the potential to generate income, which we were able to link to the next stage of our business. We also took part in events in Tokyo where ordinary consumers visit. The company is also actively working to raise its profile with consumers as well as with suppliers.

Developing a powder that maintains the original quality by utilising 'bearded garlic'! / Shin-Etsu Kogyo Corporation [Change Leader vol. 9].Booth at the 'Regional Bank Food Selection' exhibition.

Developing a powder that maintains the original quality by utilising 'bearded garlic'! / Shin-Etsu Kogyo Corporation [Change Leader vol. 9].Many people were interested and exchanged business cards with a variety of people

Change3: Organise festivals on your premises to spread awareness

The Bearded Garlic Festival is held every year at the beginning of October on the grounds of the head office to spread awareness of Bearded Garlic. The festival is a major event, attracting around 1,000 visitors with a variety of activities, including food and drink booths featuring dishes made from bearded garlic, local restaurants, handicraft booths using PP bands, and stage shows with invited guests.

Developing a powder that maintains the original quality by utilising 'bearded garlic'! / Shin-Etsu Kogyo Corporation [Change Leader vol. 9].During the 'Bearded Garlic Festival'. So many people gather that there are not enough parking spaces.

Developing a powder that maintains the original quality by utilising 'bearded garlic'! / Shin-Etsu Kogyo Corporation [Change Leader vol. 9].Powder can usually be purchased at the Echigo Beard Shop on the premises.


What is the best way for customers to buy. Creating a system that allows them to eat and then buy.

We are also working hard to create a system to encourage people to know about, eat and buy 'bearded garlic'. We serve 'hige-ninniku' at meals in partner inns, hotels and izakayas (Japanese-style pubs). Tastings are also recommended at the Echigo-Higeya shop on the premises. The reason for this is that we do not want people to just buy the product, but to try it so that they can understand the taste and buy it after being convinced of its taste. Furthermore, recipes using 'hige-nikniku' are prepared and suggestions on how to cook it at home are also made. Through trial and error, we always try to think of the best way to purchase.

Developing a powder that maintains the original quality by utilising 'bearded garlic'! / Shin-Etsu Kogyo Corporation [Change Leader vol. 9].Koichi Kobayashi, General Manager, Research and Development Office

Product pick-up 'Bearded garlic powder'.

Developing a powder that maintains the original quality by utilising 'bearded garlic'! / Shin-Etsu Kogyo Corporation [Change Leader vol. 9].

Conventional garlic powder is often dried at high temperatures, but this product is made by 'decompression balanced exothermic drying', which means that the ingredients, flavour and taste are preserved. Use as an accent in dishes such as ramen, meat and pasta!

Price: ¥ 500 (13g *excluding tax)

This article is a tie-up with the Niigata Prefecture Federation of Small Business Associations and Manufacturing Support Centre.


*This article has been automatically translated.


Niigata Repo is a web magazine that makes Niigata more enjoyable, with local residents themselves acting as writers and describing their "experiences" and "subjectivity".

# Niigata Central Association of Small Business Associations # Nagaoka City