Successfully developed dried fish that can be eaten down to the bones and expanded sales channels! Sasakaware Kanko Kisen Limited [Change Leader vol.1].

This article is a tie-up with the Niigata Prefecture Federation of Small Business Associations and Manufacturing Support Centre.

We pick up 'ChangeLeaders' who create new value by 'changing themselves in a positive way'. The first issue features Sasakawaryu Kanko Kisen Ltd, which operates sightseeing boats and sells souvenirs from the scenic Sasakawaryu River in Murakami City. In order to launch a new brand for Sasakawaryu, the company has developed two new products: 'Secret Smoke' and 'Gokumi Dried Fish'.

We want you to taste all the delicious local fish from the Sasakawa stream!

The Sasagawa Nagare (Sasagawa Stream) is a national natural monument of scenic beauty and one of the 100 most scenic spots in Japan. Numerous tourists visit every year to enjoy the beautiful scenery.

Successfully developed dried fish that can be eaten down to the bones and expanded sales channels! Sasakaware Kanko Kisen Limited [Change Leader vol.1].

Sasakawaryu Sightseeing Boat Co. was established in 1952 to make effective use of fishing boats during the closed season, and in 1988 built a shop in front of Kuwakawara Fishing Port to start a fish processing and sales business. Today, in addition to operating two pleasure boats, the shop serves as a gateway to Sasakawaryu River sightseeing, where visitors can enjoy snacks and souvenirs made from local fish landed at the fishing port in front of the shop. As souvenirs that will make visitors to Sasakawaryu want to come back again, two new products have been developed: 'Secret Smoke' and 'Gokumi-Boshi', which make use of seasonal local fish such as salmon, mackerel, Spanish mackerel, kohada and kanagashira.

Successfully developed dried fish that can be eaten down to the bones and expanded sales channels! Sasakaware Kanko Kisen Limited [Change Leader vol.1].

Originally, its speciality was fresh local fish, purchased directly from fishermen and dried in the sea breeze and the sun. The 'secret smoke', smoked sun-dried fish using a unique process, has a taste that even people who don't like dried fish can enjoy, and the shelf life has been extended, increasing sales opportunities. Gokumihoshi is a dried fish that can be eaten down to the bones, made using a cooker introduced with the help of a Monozukuri subsidy*. As the fish can be eaten whole without being grilled, it is now possible to sell fish with many bones that were not suitable for dried fish as souvenirs.

Successfully developed dried fish that can be eaten down to the bones and expanded sales channels! Sasakaware Kanko Kisen Limited [Change Leader vol.1].

Local fishermen call unused fish that cannot be marketed due to lack of shape or number "none", meaning "worthless". Behind the development of the product is the desire to eliminate 'none' fish and to deliver all the bounty of the Sasakawaryu Sea. We will continue to take on the challenge of spreading the product as a Sasakawaryu brand product.

Monozukuri subsidy: Common name for a project by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency to support capital investment, etc. that contributes to improving productivity.

Successfully developed dried fish that can be eaten down to the bones and expanded sales channels! Sasakaware Kanko Kisen Limited [Change Leader vol.1].


Change 1: To respond to customer feedback that "it would be nice if you could eat all the bones in a fish".

The inspiration for product development came from conversations with customers. The idea for pressure cooking came from a customer who said, "It would be nice if we could eat the bones all the way through". A manufacturing subsidy was used to introduce the saturated steam cooker required for processing. Once the equipment was installed in March 2015, the company went through a trial-and-error process in terms of seasoning methods and the amount of drying. We made improvements by having regular customers and fishermen taste the fish, and worked together with them to create the product.

Successfully developed dried fish that can be eaten down to the bones and expanded sales channels! Sasakaware Kanko Kisen Limited [Change Leader vol.1].

Saturated steam cooker purchased with a manufacturing subsidy.

Successfully developed dried fish that can be eaten down to the bones and expanded sales channels! Sasakaware Kanko Kisen Limited [Change Leader vol.1].

Misima Okoze, which used to be discarded due to its many small bones, is now used as a souvenir product.

Change2: I want to exhibit at exhibitions and expand new sales channels

We participated in Food Messe in Niigata 2017 at the invitation of the Niigata Federation of Small Business Associations and Manufacturing Support Centre. It was our first time exhibiting at an exhibition and we had a lot of concerns, but we made use of the Monozukuri Support Centre's expert consultation service and listened to their know-how as we prepared. We set up our own booth and enjoyed the opportunity to make ourselves known to many people. The sales channels have since expanded, including sales at Niigata Airport and Niigata/Nagaoka Station.

Successfully developed dried fish that can be eaten down to the bones and expanded sales channels! Sasakaware Kanko Kisen Limited [Change Leader vol.1].

It was my first time to participate in an exhibition, but some of the business meetings went ahead.

Successfully developed dried fish that can be eaten down to the bones and expanded sales channels! Sasakaware Kanko Kisen Limited [Change Leader vol.1].

Handwritten POPs that promote friendliness with an emphasis on 'being ourselves'.

Change3: Revisit food design to enhance brand image

While the sales channels were expanding, it was pointed out that the appeal of Sasagawa Nagare must be conveyed just by looking at the packaging. In addition to the design, the content must also be changed according to the target audience. We are currently reviewing the food design together with experts so that customers who see our products in souvenir shops at train stations and airports will want to visit Sasakawaryuwari.

Successfully developed dried fish that can be eaten down to the bones and expanded sales channels! Sasakaware Kanko Kisen Limited [Change Leader vol.1].

Experts have asked, "Is the volume too high?" Some pointed out that

Successfully developed dried fish that can be eaten down to the bones and expanded sales channels! Sasakaware Kanko Kisen Limited [Change Leader vol.1].

Some ideas for selling sets in wooden boxes to avoid being buried on the sales floor.

To make young people proud and want to come back

We want to boost the whole Sasakawa Nagare area.

Successfully developed dried fish that can be eaten down to the bones and expanded sales channels! Sasakaware Kanko Kisen Limited [Change Leader vol.1].代表取締役 渡辺 美紀子さん
Product pick-up! 'Extremely dried'

Successfully developed dried fish that can be eaten down to the bones and expanded sales channels! Sasakaware Kanko Kisen Limited [Change Leader vol.1].

Sasakaware Sightseeing Steamship's 'Gokumi-hayori' is an excellent product, made from local fish purchased directly from fishermen, dried and processed in the sea breeze and the sun.

(1) Improved nutritional value of calcium and other nutrients through whole bones

(ii) Can be eaten as is, short cooking time for mothers.

(iii) Storage: 180 days at 10°C or below.

The three features make it easier to enjoy seasonal local fish! Also available on our website. (From 500 yen including tax)


About Us

Successfully developed dried fish that can be eaten down to the bones and expanded sales channels! Sasakaware Kanko Kisen Limited [Change Leader vol.1].Together with our employees, we will make the company and the region a better place.

Sasakaware Sightseeing Steamship Co.

Address: 975-44 Kuwakawa, Murakami, Niigata Prefecture

tel: 0254-79-2154



*This article has been automatically translated.


Niigata Repo is a web magazine that makes Niigata more enjoyable, with local residents themselves acting as writers and describing their "experiences" and "subjectivity".

# Niigata Central Association of Small Business Associations # village listing # bamboo-leaf flow (river)