Just like an airport! The B-point café makes you feel like you're travelling abroad while you're in Niigata!

International travel. These days, with the launch of low-cost carriers (LCCs), it feels much more accessible than before. It's exciting from the moment you make your plans to the moment you actually take off on the plane.

When travelling abroad, one of the most exciting moments is waiting in the waiting area at the airport to check in for your flight! Many of you may have said this.

I don't know what to tell you, but when I hear an announcement at the airport, such as "Fatty Airways, passengers bound for London, please complete departure formalities...", I get really excited and think, "The time has finally come for me to leave! I get very excited.

In fact, there is a place in Niigata where you can experience this high-spirited feeling while you are in the city. It is called B-point.

Located right next to the Central Hospital in Toyano.

Just like an airport! The B-point café makes you feel like you're travelling abroad while you're in Niigata!場所は、とやの中央病院のすぐ近く。バイパス「女池インター」を新潟中央インター方面へ降り、しばらく走りますと、左手にとやの中央病院が見えてきます。越したあとすぐの信号を左折し、しばらく進むと、写真のような看板が見えてきます。Just like an airport! The B-point café makes you feel like you're travelling abroad while you're in Niigata!ご安心あれ。住宅地の只中にありますが、駐車場が5台分あります。Just like an airport! The B-point café makes you feel like you're travelling abroad while you're in Niigata!こちらが入り口です。さっそく入ってまいりましょう。Just like an airport! The B-point café makes you feel like you're travelling abroad while you're in Niigata!店内に入ると、まずこちらのディスプレイが目に飛び込んできます。Just like an airport! The B-point café makes you feel like you're travelling abroad while you're in Niigata!おお!これはKLM…オランダのフラッグシップ航空会社である、「オランダ航空」!1919年、ドイツ帝国軍航空隊にいたアルベルト・プレスマンが、当時のオランダ女王ウィルヘルミナの援助にて設立した、あの由緒正しき航空会社ですね…!筆者は航空オタクですので、この時点で既に、かなりの満足度が…(笑)

その可愛らしいグッズがディスプレイされています。横には航空自衛隊の「ブルーインパルス」のフィギュアが見えますね。Just like an airport! The B-point café makes you feel like you're travelling abroad while you're in Niigata!Just like an airport! The B-point café makes you feel like you're travelling abroad while you're in Niigata!さらに、他にも模型や地球儀、オールドポスターなど、航空ファンにはたまらないインテリアがお店を飾っています。Just like an airport! The B-point café makes you feel like you're travelling abroad while you're in Niigata!旅客機だけでなく、F-18、C-17、Su-27など、いろいろ見えますね。たまらん…!Just like an airport! The B-point café makes you feel like you're travelling abroad while you're in Niigata!さてさて。一番奥のソファ席に通して頂きまして、早速ですが「ケーキセット」を注文しました。ケーキの種類が豊富で、チーズケーキだけで5種類以上はあったかと思います。濃厚でとても美味しかったです。紅茶にもよく合う…!

Announcements are played at the airport in the shop!

Just like an airport! The B-point café makes you feel like you're travelling abroad while you're in Niigata!As you look to the side while having tea, you see a suitcase with an outstanding presence! They give off a feeling of having been used so much that you feel as if you are in an airport lounge.

So, here's what we'd most like you to see... or rather hear, in this article!

いかがでしょう!これまた、ラウンジにいるような錯覚を覚えます。店内には、このような空港アナウンスがずっと流れています。お店の方にお聞きしたところ、実はこれ、成田空港で流れている本物のアナウンスを録音したものだそうです。CD化されており、誰でも購入できるとか。Just like an airport! The B-point café makes you feel like you're travelling abroad while you're in Niigata!そして、これ!奥のソファ席の下には「翼の王国」という雑誌がズラリと取り揃えられています。こちらは、ANAグループの機内誌でして、国内出張などでANAさんの機体に乗る際には、私もよく目にしていました。内容も面白いので、つい読み耽ってしまいそうに…。Just like an airport! The B-point café makes you feel like you're travelling abroad while you're in Niigata!アナウンスを聞きながら「翼の王国」を読み、お茶を飲んでしばらくゆっくりしていると、本当に空港にいるかと錯覚してしまうところでした。妙なトリップ感を味わえます(笑)

飛行機好き、海外旅行好きの方は、一度足を運んでみてはいかがでしょうか!Just like an airport! The B-point café makes you feel like you're travelling abroad while you're in Niigata!お茶だけでなく、お食事も楽しめますよ〜(^^)♪




*This article has been automatically translated.


Niigata Repo is a web magazine that makes Niigata more enjoyable, with local residents themselves acting as writers and describing their "experiences" and "subjectivity".

# B-point # hostess bar (serving western alcoholic beverages; Taisho and Showa period) # Niigata City # central district