Niigata City's hidden night view spot! This is the night view from the observatory in Sekibun Memorial Park at night!

There are a number of night view spots in Niigata. Among these, Sekibun Memorial Park in Chuo-ku, Niigata City, is known as a hidden night view spot. The park was built to commemorate the completion of the Sekiya Diversion Canal.

Niigata City's hidden night view spot! This is the night view from the observatory in Sekibun Memorial Park at night!

The park is located on the seaside line from the centre of Niigata City by the sea, right in front of the Sekiya Diversion. The sign in the car park reads 'West Coast Park'.

Niigata City's hidden night view spot! This is the night view from the observatory in Sekibun Memorial Park at night!この公園は通称「タコ公園」。いや、私が呼んでいるだけかもしれませんが・・・

Niigata City's hidden night view spot! This is the night view from the observatory in Sekibun Memorial Park at night!

Because of this impactful octopus slide. When you see this, you know "Oh, there it is!" I'm sure many people can recognise it.

Niigata City's hidden night view spot! This is the night view from the observatory in Sekibun Memorial Park at night!もう一つシンボルっぽいのがこの船の模型。

This is actually a work created for the Water and Soil Art Festival 2009. The title is 'Crossing the Heart Garden'. The artist is Guan Huai Bin (China).

Niigata City's hidden night view spot! This is the night view from the observatory in Sekibun Memorial Park at night!で、例の夜景が綺麗に見えるのがこの4階建ての展望台。

Niigata City's hidden night view spot! This is the night view from the observatory in Sekibun Memorial Park at night!当然、階段しかないので、がんばって登ってください。

And from there you can see...

Niigata City's hidden night view spot! This is the night view from the observatory in Sekibun Memorial Park at night!

This is the Sekiya diversion channel.

This Sekiya diversion is actually known as a hidden night view spot.

See photos taken at night.

Niigata City's hidden night view spot! This is the night view from the observatory in Sekibun Memorial Park at night!

Jang! The green diversion channel is so beautiful.

Each of the bridges leading to the back was also beautifully lit.

The observatory offers views of the sea and the city centre of Niigata.

Niigata City's hidden night view spot! This is the night view from the observatory in Sekibun Memorial Park at night!

Niigata City's hidden night view spot! This is the night view from the observatory in Sekibun Memorial Park at night!

Niigata City's hidden night view spot! This is the night view from the observatory in Sekibun Memorial Park at night!

The sea is pitch black at night, but the Niigata city centre was sparklingly beautiful. I forgot to take a photo... sorry.

A spot few people may have been to at night. It's also a good place for a date!

Niigata City's hidden night view spot! This is the night view from the observatory in Sekibun Memorial Park at night!


Sekiya Diversion Memorial Park

  • Address: 2-44, Sekiya, Chuo-ku, Niigata City.
  • Parking: 31 spaces.


*This article has been automatically translated.


Niigata Repo is a web magazine that makes Niigata more enjoyable, with local residents themselves acting as writers and describing their "experiences" and "subjectivity".

# central district # skyline # Niigata City # Sekibun Memorial Park