Nagaoka ginger soy sauce ramen arranged! We went to Oretachi no Ramenya Chobikichi with cheerful customer service.

Niigata is said to be a 'hidden ramen kingdom' with the third highest number of ramen shops per 100,000 inhabitants in the country. The four major types of ramen in Niigata are Tsubame Sanjo-style ramen, Niigata light ramen, Niigata thick miso ramen (also known as miso ramen with split soup in the Makimachi style) and Nagaoka ginger soy sauce ramen. Recently, some people have said that the five major ramen types include curry ramen! Some people say that curry ramen is one of the five most popular ramen.

We visited Oretachi no Ramenya Chobikichi, a shop in Niigata City where one of Niigata's best-known ramen, Nagaoka Ginger Shoyu Ramen, is available.

Nagaoka ginger soy sauce ramen arranged! We went to Oretachi no Ramenya Chobikichi with cheerful customer service.

The shop can be seen on the right-hand side of the road off the Kamegai IC in Niigata City's Nishi-ku, which has been under development recently, and along Prefectural Road 44 in the direction of the sea for a while. It is located opposite Drugtops, alongside the handmade sandwich shop Michel and Izakaya Yu. Be aware that the parking lot is difficult to park in.

Nagaoka ginger soy sauce ramen arranged! We went to Oretachi no Ramenya Chobikichi with cheerful customer service.友人に連れてきてもらい初めて来たのですが、ちょび吉さんはなんと2人以上で来店するとなんと麺が大盛り無料なんですって!

Nagaoka ginger soy sauce ramen arranged! We went to Oretachi no Ramenya Chobikichi with cheerful customer service.

Moreover, rice is free. This is a great service for those who want more volume. No. 1 on the popularity ranking is the Do Ginger Soy Sauce Cha Shu Noodle. Ginger soy sauce is the signature dish.

Nagaoka ginger soy sauce ramen arranged! We went to Oretachi no Ramenya Chobikichi with cheerful customer service.

There are many hand-drawn POPs in the shop, and the shop has a very lively atmosphere. When I asked her if I could take a picture of it to write about in my blog, she cheerfully agreed. I asked, and they cheerfully agreed, saying, "Please, by all means, put it on your blog. I didn't drink this time because I drove there by car, but the rock-paper-scissors beer game is interesting.

Nagaoka ginger soy sauce ramen arranged! We went to Oretachi no Ramenya Chobikichi with cheerful customer service.個人的にいいなーと思ったのが、お水おかわりが「やかん」で出てきたこと。やかん。これでもかというくらいのやかん。懐かしい気分になりました。

Nagaoka ginger soy sauce ramen arranged! We went to Oretachi no Ramenya Chobikichi with cheerful customer service.私は看板メニューでもある「ド生姜醤油ラーメン」(730円)を注文。「ド生姜」です、運ばれてきた瞬間から生姜の香りがガツンっ!ときます。

I was surprised to find a whole flavoured egg in it!

Nagaoka ginger soy sauce ramen arranged! We went to Oretachi no Ramenya Chobikichi with cheerful customer service.ストレートの中太麺がスープに絡んで、思わずにっこりでした。

On a personal note, I have recently been finding it hard to eat back fatty food due to my age, but ginger soy sauce is refreshing and good. I didn't used to like eating it very much, but I think I'm going to get hooked from now on.

Nagaoka ginger soy sauce ramen arranged! We went to Oretachi no Ramenya Chobikichi with cheerful customer service.友人は「濃厚辛えびつけ麺」(870円)を注文。麺は大盛りになってます。アスパラがドンっ!と乗っている見た目が印象的。

Nagaoka ginger soy sauce ramen arranged! We went to Oretachi no Ramenya Chobikichi with cheerful customer service.

Prawns in a sludgy soup. It is spicy and appetising. We forgot to ask to try the noodles. The soup is delicious!

Now, Chobikichi's ginger soy sauce. It was very easy to eat, perhaps because it had a unique arrangement that was different from the one in Nagaoka. I have never been a fan of ginger soy sauce, but thanks to Chobikichi, my image of it has changed. I would like to go back and recommend this restaurant!

Shop information

Our Ramen Shop Chobikichi

  • Address: 3-28-6 Sakaihigashi, Nishi-ku, Niigata City
  • Opening hours: 11.30am - 3pm and 6pm - 9pm (from 11am on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays).
  • Closed: Mondays (or the following day if the Monday is a public holiday).


*This article has been automatically translated.


Niigata Repo is a web magazine that makes Niigata more enjoyable, with local residents themselves acting as writers and describing their "experiences" and "subjectivity".

# slightly good luck (as a fortune telling result) # ramen # Niigata City # Hsi west district of a Taiwanese city