Tomatoes from Soga Farm at their best time of year!

Among the many tomato farmers in Niigata, Soga Noen is particularly famous. I have eaten Soga Farm's tomatoes several times, and I remember being surprised to find that they were not vegetables, but fruit! I remember being surprised.

One day, primary industry producer Takuma Yamagishi told me that Soga-san's tomatoes are at their best on the last weekend of April. Then, on the morning of 26 April, I went with Mr Yamagishi to buy tomatoes at the home direct sales shop run by Soga Farm.

Tomatoes from Soga Farm at their best time of year!

The home direct sales shop in Niizaki, Kita-ku, Niigata City, states on its website that Soga Farm's opening hours are: morning: 10:00-11:45 / afternoon: 13:00-15:00. However, it also states that the shop closes as soon as the items are sold out. We recommend coming in the morning if possible. On Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, items are sold out within one hour of opening"!

Tomatoes from Soga Farm at their best time of year!

When I arrived at the direct sales point a little before 10:00, the shop was already open and customers were visiting in turn.

Tomatoes from Soga Farm at their best time of year!

The landmark is the familiar red sign. The same logo is also displayed on the wall on the road side of the shop.

Tomatoes from Soga Farm at their best time of year!

The shop is packed with tomatoes. 'Love Balls', 'Salt Frutica'.

Tomatoes from Soga Farm at their best time of year!

Regular 'large tomatoes'.

Tomatoes from Soga Farm at their best time of year!アスパラガスもありました。後からホームページを見てみると「春のわずかな期間に1年で1番美味しいアスパラガスが収穫できます。朝取りのものしか出荷せず、その甘さと柔らかさは抜群です」とのこと!しまった。買えばよかった。

Tomatoes from Soga Farm at their best time of year!お目当てはもちろん「金筋トマト」。3個入りの袋でこの日は600円!超高級トマトでございます。金筋トマトは、トマトの尻の部分から放射状に出ている黄金の筋が特徴。これが「金筋」という名前の由来だそう。

Yamagishi-san carefully selected and bought two bags for each other.

Tomatoes from Soga Farm at their best time of year!

I also bought salt frutica with it.

Tomatoes from Soga Farm at their best time of year!山岸さんによると、トマトの良し悪しの見分け方には、ヘタを見るのがひとつだそう。曽我さんの金筋トマトは、キレイな五芒星のヘタ。しかもものすごく肉厚。

Tomatoes from Soga Farm at their best time of year!

The reason it is a little limp is because it has been 'ripened'.

Tomatoes from Soga Farm at their best time of year!

And a cross-section of a tomato cut. Ordinary tomatoes have a regular shape, but the seeds of golden streaked tomatoes are unevenly shaped. This may be the secret of their taste.

Tomatoes from Soga Farm at their best time of year!

Gold streaked tomatoes and salted frutica. I immediately served them to everyone at one of the gatherings and ate them. Both have firm skins and don't lose their shape when cut. And the concentrated flavour is amazing! Everyone said, "These are tomatoes? It's like a fruit!" They were surprised.

Tomatoes from Soga Farm at their best time of year!曽我農園のキャッチコピーの一つに「野菜という、スイーツ」という言葉があります。このトマトはまさに、トマトの姿をしたスイーツ!大人気なのもうなずけますね。

Tomatoes from Soga Farm at their best time of year!

By the way, the golden streaked tomatoes were already sold out at around 10:10! They were sold out in no time, about 15 minutes after we arrived. If you are interested, we recommend you go early.

Tomatoes from Soga Farm at their best time of year!トマトの人気さ故にか、金筋トマトを使ったトマトジュースも登場。これ、贈答用に大人気だそう。試飲させてもらったのですが、普通のトマトジュースとくらべて青臭さがなくびっくりしました。

The growing season for golden streaked tomatoes lasts until May. Why not try some excellent tomatoes this month?

Shop information

Soga Farm Co.

  • Website:https://sogafarm.jp/

Home Distributor

  • Opening hours Morning: 10:00-11:45 am / Afternoon: 13:00-15:00 pm *The shop closes when items are sold out. It is recommended to come in the morning if possible. On Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, items are sold out within one hour of opening.
  • Address: 1799 Kisaki, Kita-ku, Niigata City, Niigata Prefecture.


*This article has been automatically translated.


Niigata Repo is a web magazine that makes Niigata more enjoyable, with local residents themselves acting as writers and describing their "experiences" and "subjectivity".

# tomato # northern district # Niigata City # Soga farm # Direct sales offices # Agriculture