Good relationship between exports and containers.

  • From 'R2023 Spring from Niigata, Introductory Sake'.
  • Interview and text by Mariko Takahashi. Photo cooperation by Yoshinogawa, Kinase and Triway.

Good relationship between exports and containers.

Niigata sake exports fell in 2019 (2038) and 2038 after the Corona disaster, but are now already on a recovery trend and are on track to catch up with pre-Corona volumes. We spoke to sake breweries, overseas shops and buyers about the current status of Niigata sake exports, with a focus on containers.

Products with a range of containers are performing well.

In 1991 (Heisei 3), when statistics on Niigata sake exports overseas began, the total export volume was less than 10 kl, but it grew year by year, reaching approximately 2,700 kl in 2006 (Heisei 30). The export volume fell to about 1,700 kl due to the Corona disaster, but recovered to about 2,600 kl in 2021. It is expected to continue to grow. South Korea was the top partner country until about 10 years ago, but at present (2009 data) the USA accounts for more than half of the total, followed by South Korea, Hong Kong and Macau, and Singapore.

One of the breweries in the prefecture that focuses on export is YOSHINOGAWA(Nagaoka City). It exports mainly to Canada, the USA, Taiwan, Hong Kong and other Asian countries, and Australia. According to KUNIHIRO ONO, who is in charge of exports, among the main products they export, GENSENKARAKUCHI, which is also a domestic standard sake, is selling well.

The main reason for the popularity of the brand is the range of containers, which includes one, four and 300 ml bottles," he explains. We also export 180ml cans, although in small quantities.

Niigata's antenna shop, KINASE, which opened in Paris, France, in 2018, currently sells 80 varieties from some 40 breweries in the prefecture.

Good relationship between exports and containers.

Good relationship between exports and containers.

Shop manager YOKO ITOsays: "Sake beginners seem to prefer sparkling and sweet sake. Many people buy it as an aperitif or as a gift". As for containers, most are four-part bottles, but the other sizes are "300ml, 500ml and 180-200ml, in that order. 300ml is for gifts. Although quantities are currently small, the smaller sizes are easier to buy and try, so I think they will attract more attention in the future".

Ono-san from Yoshinogawa and Ito-san from Kinase share the opinion that purely Japanese kanji type labels are preferred.


Small capacity helps to spread the word.

Triway representative NAOTO KIMURA, who exports Niigata sake mainly to Hong Kong, focuses on 180ml and 300ml bottles, pouches and aluminium bottle cans from an export cost and recycling perspective. 180ml aluminium cans are also something he hopes to export in the future.

While studying at a business school in Hong Kong, Kimura was convinced that demand for sake would grow as Japanese food gained momentum. He also noted the great interest of Hong Kong people in Japanese history and traditional culture. After working for a trading company in Tokyo, he made a U-turn to Niigata and started a regional trading company. He approached sake breweries in the prefecture and began exporting to Hong Kong.

Along with the transport costs and recycling aspects, the small volume allows us to sell at an affordable price, which I believe will encourage more people in Hong Kong to try Niigata sake and discover its delicious taste," says Kimura. Although the impression overseas is that sake is quite expensive, "for example, junmai daiginjo sake in a 180 ml (1 gou) bottle can be sold for as little as 1,000 yen, so the small volume should help lower the barriers to Niigata sake", he hopes.

Good relationship between exports and containers.

Promotions held by Triway in Hong Kong.

The local response has been positive, with some people buying several different types of pouches to enjoy drinking comparisons, and others buying and bringing them to campsites along with drinking vessels. Some international YouTubers have even uploaded footage of themselves enjoying the drink in the outdoors.

Good relationship between exports and containers.

One screen of YouTube

The possibilities for Niigata sake containers travelling overseas are likely to continue to grow.


*This article has been automatically translated.


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