Tour of sites associated with Tsugunosuke Kawai, known in Japanese history as the 'Last Samurai', to Koufukuji Temple in Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture.

The Niigataprefecture nagaokacity settayadistrict, where kohukujiis located, is a town where brewing culture has flourished since ancient times, including sake, soy sauce and miso. There are a number of buildings designated as national tangible cultural properties, and it is a popular spot to enjoy Japanese food culture and history while walking around the town.

From station ' miyauchi', which is one stop on a conventional line from JR nagaokastation, it takes about 10 minutes on foot to reach the entrance of settaya. From there, the kohukujiis a further five minutes' walk away.

Tour of sites associated with Tsugunosuke Kawai, known in Japanese history as the 'Last Samurai', to Koufukuji Temple in Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture.

kohukujiis where nagaokathe clan's main camp was located during the 北越boshinwar of 1868. Of all the Boshin wars fought throughout Japan, the 北越boshinwar is said to have been one of the most severe.

Tour of sites associated with Tsugunosuke Kawai, known in Japanese history as the 'Last Samurai', to Koufukuji Temple in Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture.

nagaokaAs military governor of the clan Tuginosuke Kawai, he was an important figure in Japanese history, known as the 'last samurai'. He maintained a neutral position, not belonging to any faction and not using force, and negotiated with the new government forces that they had no intention of war, but they broke down. After a difficult decision, he gathered the clan commanders together and communicated his intention to start the war at kohukuji.

There is a stone monument in the precincts of the boshinwar nagaokaclan headquarters, inscribed with words of remembrance of the determination and actions of the Tuginosuke Kawai.

Tour of sites associated with Tsugunosuke Kawai, known in Japanese history as the 'Last Samurai', to Koufukuji Temple in Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture.

The 北越boshinwar that took place at nagaokaand the life of Tuginosuke Kawaiwere documented in the book Ryotaro Shiba, touge, and the novel was made into a film in 2022.

kohukujiis one of the best places to visit for a Japanese history tour. nagaokaThere are museums and memorials in the city where you can learn more about the boshinwar and Tuginosuke Kawai, so why not visit them along with your history tour at nagaoka?

*This article has been automatically translated.

LIS settaya Japan

LOCAL IDENTITY STORE 'LIS Setsudaya' A storehouse built in 1930 was renovated to collect local values and lifestyle. The building itself has its own charm with a reinforced concrete structure with two floors above ground and one below, known as a French truss. The shop offers a space that can only be experienced here, and a sense of the quality of Niigata's products and lifestyle gathered from the region.

# Niigata (city) # Nagaoka # Settaya (department store) # Gwangbokuji Temple # City of Brewing # Town of fermentation # History of Japan # Japanese food culture # Japanese fermented foods # Japanese rice wine # miso # soy sauce # Boshin War (Japanese civil war between Imperial and shogunate forces, 1868-1869) # Kawai Sōnosuke # samurai # Nagaoka Domain # fermented food # 峠 # Japanese film # Japan Travel