Is 'sunset' a barometer of spring for Niigata citizens?

The winter this year was a mild one, with almost no snowfall in Niigata City, which is a bit of a disappointment for children and a relief for adults. 4 February marked the first day of spring, which means it is spring on the calendar, and we can gradually feel signs of spring in Niigata City.

Is 'sunset' a barometer of spring for Niigata citizens?

One of the barometers by which Niigata citizens sense spring is the weather. As it is said to be a Sea of Japan climate, the winter sky is covered with thick clouds every day. And just like the image of the Sea of Japan in winter, strong winds, heavy rain and snow! In the midst of all this, it is a relief when the weather gradually becomes milder and it feels as if spring is approaching.

'Ah, it's the best weather I've had in a long time.'

One of the actions taken by Niigata citizens on such days is to go and watch the sunset.

Niigata, with its long coastline, has many driving routes along the sea. And there are many spots where you can stop the car for a while and admire the sea.

Is 'sunset' a barometer of spring for Niigata citizens?

On calm days, people from all walks of life - from businessmen to elderly people, couples to families raising children - stop their cars and look out over the sea, even though they would not want to go near the place in winter when the sea is rough. It is still too cold to go out of the car, but you can feel the footsteps of spring gradually approaching as you watch the sun set over the Sea of Japan.


*This article has been automatically translated.


Niigata Repo is a web magazine that makes Niigata more enjoyable, with local residents themselves acting as writers and describing their "experiences" and "subjectivity".

# the setting sun