Developing technologies suited to demand and continuing to take on challenges on the world stage / Saikawa Corporation [Change Leader vol.10].

This article is a tie-up with the Niigata Prefecture Federation of Small Business Associations and Manufacturing Support Centre.

Numerous attractive companies are active in Niigata Prefecture. This section picks up 'Change Leaders' who create new value by 'changing themselves positively'.

In the 10th edition, Saikawa Corporation built a machine to produce high-quality medical wires in anticipation of an ageing society. The company is currently reviewing its production system in order to further expand its overseas sales channels, including China and Taiwan.

Leading wire manufacturer, not bound by existing methods

Developing technologies suited to demand and continuing to take on challenges on the world stage / Saikawa Corporation [Change Leader vol.10].

When you hear the word 'power lines', you probably think of the thick power lines that run through the city. However, electric wires are used in all products that use electricity, such as computers and televisions, and are the behind-the-scenes drivers of modern society.

Saikawa manufactures the machines that produce the wires. The company focuses in particular on wire-drawing machines and manufactures tailor-made machines for a wide range of wire types and diameters. Wire drawing is a technique in which wires are drawn through conical holes called dies. Thin wires are made by passing the wires through successively smaller diameter dies.

The wire diameters handled are diverse, ranging from power transmission wires to wires so thin they can pierce a hole in a hair. Everything is made to order and we listen to the requirements of each and every company and manufacture machines tailored to their characteristics.

Developing technologies suited to demand and continuing to take on challenges on the world stage / Saikawa Corporation [Change Leader vol.10].

One of the areas in which Saikawa wants to focus its efforts in the future is medical wires. Medical wire, which sometimes passes through blood vessels, requires a surface that is as thin and clean as possible. To meet this need, we have developed a 'non-slip type wire drawing machine' with a precision of just 0.01 mm (5-10 µm = 0.01 mm). The values are fine-tuned using equipment for analysing and measuring wire drawing, which was purchased with a manufacturing subsidy (*). By adjusting the speed at which the wire is wound during drawing, it has become possible to stretch the wire without scratching the surface.

Monozukuri subsidy... Common name for a project by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency to support capital investment, etc. that contributes to improving production capacity.

Developing technologies suited to demand and continuing to take on challenges on the world stage / Saikawa Corporation [Change Leader vol.10].

In the future, the company will also focus on translating brochures into English and exhibiting at exhibitions, aiming to expand its sales channels overseas. Based on its high quality and technical capabilities, the industry leader will continue to take on further challenges in order to expand its sales channels both domestically and internationally.


Change1 / Developing medical wires for an ageing society.

The demand for medical wire is expected to grow as the population ages, and the company started to develop improved ultra-fine wire drawing technology. The conventional method had the disadvantage of causing errors in the dies and scratches on the surface. The company therefore utilised a manufacturing subsidy and purchased four types of equipment for analysing and measuring, including a 'wire drawing analysis system'. A dancer that enables fine adjustment of speed was developed, as even the slightest swing of the wire can cause scratches. It is now possible to draw ultra-fine wire with a clean surface.

  • Developing technologies suited to demand and continuing to take on challenges on the world stage / Saikawa Corporation [Change Leader vol.10].Developed in-house.
  • 'Non-slip type drawing machine'.
  • Developing technologies suited to demand and continuing to take on challenges on the world stage / Saikawa Corporation [Change Leader vol.10].Purchased with the help of a manufacturing subsidy,
  • 'Wire Drawing Analysis System'.

Change2/ English translation of brochures to expand sales channels overseas.

The English version of the brochure was corrected by experts from the Follow-Up Project. The previous pamphlet was translated directly from Japanese into English and contained expressions that could be understood by Japanese people but were difficult to convey to people overseas. The company received detailed advice on these expressions and created a pamphlet that was easier to convey. We were able to learn important perspectives in expanding our sales channels overseas.

  • Developing technologies suited to demand and continuing to take on challenges on the world stage / Saikawa Corporation [Change Leader vol.10].As well as existing brochures,
  • Advice is also given on the preparation of PR material needed in the future.
  • Developing technologies suited to demand and continuing to take on challenges on the world stage / Saikawa Corporation [Change Leader vol.10].English-language pamphlet with corrected translation.

Change3 / Pushing forward with overseas expansion using the volume of data and high technological capabilities.

In April 2018, the company participated in an exhibition in Düsseldorf, Germany. We saw a high level of interest, with people from overseas asking questions on how to use the machines. In addition, the production of wire-drawing machines has started in China, and competition is intensifying. Saikawa's weapons are its vast amount of data and high technological capabilities. We will continue to manufacture tailor-made machines based on these two factors to meet the wire types and diameters demanded by our customers.

  • Developing technologies suited to demand and continuing to take on challenges on the world stage / Saikawa Corporation [Change Leader vol.10].By doing the entire process in-house.
  • Accumulated data from a wide range of fields.
  • Developing technologies suited to demand and continuing to take on challenges on the world stage / Saikawa Corporation [Change Leader vol.10].From European participants at the exhibition.
  • Some advice given.

New technologies such as automated driving and robotics are important to trust because they involve human lives.

Today, it is also known as the fourth industrial revolution. Technological developments such as automated driving and robotics have made it possible to operate machinery without human intervention. However, such automation can be fatal if a mistake is made. It is a field where a faulty electrical wire may well cause a signal to stop working or electricity to cease to flow. That is why we must continue to produce reliable electric wires. Wire drawing machines are used to create the prototypes for these products. Because we have mainly manufactured to order, we will continue to manufacture machines that can live up to the trust we have earned.

Developing technologies suited to demand and continuing to take on challenges on the world stage / Saikawa Corporation [Change Leader vol.10].Takashi Aizawa, Managing Director.

Product pick-up 'Non-slip type wire drawing machine'.

Developing technologies suited to demand and continuing to take on challenges on the world stage / Saikawa Corporation [Change Leader vol.10].

In a trial run, a finished wire diameter of ø 0.015 mm and a maximum speed of 1000 m/min were achieved with SUS wire. Wire drawing with capstan materials suitable for new materials can also be explored. The design is based on the customer's requirements, so please contact us for more information.

Company profile

Developing technologies suited to demand and continuing to take on challenges on the world stage / Saikawa Corporation [Change Leader vol.10].

Saikawa Corporation

Started manufacturing machinery and parts for oil wells in 1910. The company then began manufacturing wire-stretching machines in 1937. The company undertakes the entire process in-house, from ordering to design, manufacturing and commissioning. With sales in 25 countries, the company has the world's top share of the copper wire market and produces about 80% of the wire drawing machines in Japan, making it the industry's top runner.

Address: 7586, Oaza Yasuda, Kashiwazaki, Niigata Prefecture.

TEL : 0257-24-4111

HP :http://www.saikawa.co.jp/

This article is a tie-up with the Niigata Prefecture Federation of Small Business Associations and Manufacturing Support Centre.


*This article has been automatically translated.


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# manufacturing # Niigata Central Association of Small Business Associations # Kashiwazaki City