Let's play with nature in Takayanagi, Kashiwazaki! Let's learn with nature! Practice of entering the "Children's Nature Kingdom".

This article was written by the participants of the 'Regional Writing Camp' held in Takayanagi-cho, Kashiwazaki City from 10-12 March in collaboration with Niigata Ina College, a rural I-turn study abroad programme.

Sometimes I'd like to let my child play in nature with all his or her heart. There is a recommended spot for parents with this desire. It is the Prefectural Children's Nature Kingdom in the Takayanagi area of Kashiwazaki City, Niigata Prefecture. There are about 20 "large children's centres" across Japan where children can play and improve their health and abilities, but there are only three facilities in the country where children can stay overnight and play outdoors. Isn't it surprising to hear that one of them is located in a small area along the mountains of Niigata Prefecture?

In the Takayanagi district, with a population of less than 1,400, the annual number of visitors to the Children's Nature Kingdom is a whopping 86,000 and 7,000 people stay overnight. Why do so many people visit the Children's Nature Kingdom? This time, the author, who lives locally but did not know much about the Children's Nature Kingdom until now, asked about its attractions.

Let's play with nature in Takayanagi, Kashiwazaki! Let's learn with nature! Practice of entering the

Rich nature is a playground and a place to learn! Enjoy a completely different experience every time you come!

Kazunari Nakamura, the director of Kodomo Shizen Oukoku, says that the most attractive thing that sets Kodomo Shizen Oukoku apart from other children's centres is that it allows children to play in a place rich in nature. The Nature Kingdom offers more than 100 experience programmes throughout the year, with a variety of experiences available not only in the museum, but also in the mountains, rivers and forests of Takayanagi in each of the four seasons. For the Nature Kingdom, all of Takayanagi's nature is a field, a place to learn and a place to play.

Let's play with nature in Takayanagi, Kashiwazaki! Let's learn with nature! Practice of entering the Kazunari Nakamura, director of the Children's Nature Kingdom. From his playful way of speaking, I can guess that he must have been a 'kid general' when he was a child.

As long as the other party is nature, the same experience programme does not necessarily mean the same thing. The programme recommended by Director Nakamura is the winter-only 'Snow Hike'. Wearing kanjiki, an essential item in snow country, you can walk in the fields and mountains in winter. If you are lucky, you may even spot rabbit pee on the snow. Rabbit pee at the end of winter is orange in colour and, moreover, smells surprisingly fruity. Only during the brief period when spring is approaching, when plant shoots begin to emerge from the snow and the rabbits eat only the "fresh and good stuff", does their pee smell sweet. It is a unique opportunity to learn about the interesting ecology of rabbits while walking on the snow.

Let's play with nature in Takayanagi, Kashiwazaki! Let's learn with nature! Practice of entering the The rice planting programme not only allows you to plant rice seedlings, but also to play in the mud in the rice paddies with tadpoles.

Let's play with nature in Takayanagi, Kashiwazaki! Let's learn with nature! Practice of entering the Takayanagi Town is a heavy snowfall area, with snowfall exceeding 3 m in some places in winter. One of the attractions of this area is that you can play in the snow with all your might.


Play Leaders are the kid's big bosses! Thoroughly supports children's 'learning' and 'play'!

Children's playgrounds are gradually becoming more and more scarce these days. Parents would like to let their children play in places rich in nature if possible, but they don't know how. Children are children, and they are brought along, but what should they do? In such cases, the Nature Kingdom's "Play Leader" is a good place to start. In such cases, leave it to the Nature Kingdom's 'play leaders'. They will work with the children and teach them how to enjoy the nature of Takayanagi. Take, for example, the 'Nin Nin Tour'. Playleaders take the lead with children in games that make full use of the five senses like ninjas, such as a game where they go out into the woods around the Nature Kingdom and find flowers and grasses that smell just like them, or a game where they listen to the sounds around them, fill in cards and fill them in like a game of bingo. Nakamura says, "Playleaders are the 'kid-taiōshō' of the past, working with the children and teaching them how to play." The key point is that they are not leaders but 'kid generals'.

Let's play with nature in Takayanagi, Kashiwazaki! Let's learn with nature! Practice of entering the Play leader Takahito Umeda. Children call him 'Ume-chan' and he is well-liked by them.

The Takayanagi area also boasts many local artisans in the fields of paper-making, straw crafts and bamboo grass dumpling making. It would be great to receive direct instruction from these wonderful masters. In fact, the Nature Kingdom has also prepared a programme to enable children to experience skills handed down in the region and to bring out the rich sensibilities of the children.

Straw crafts, for example. The artisan mothers are very popular with the children as they not only teach them about straw work, but also tell them stories closely related to their daily lives, such as how straw was actually used as a bedding for babies during childbirth.

One of the playleaders, Takahito Umeda, told us that playleaders also play the role of coordinator between the community and the children, saying, "Playleaders are also the kids' big bosses and sometimes work behind the scenes to support local masters and children. It's hard to find another children's centre where you can enjoy learning about nature as well as the attractions of the local area, isn't it?

Let's play with nature in Takayanagi, Kashiwazaki! Let's learn with nature! Practice of entering the The materials for the craft experience programme include nuts from the vicinity of the Nature Kingdom. You can learn the names of plants together while making crafts.

When children change, adults change too! Dare to take your eyes off your children

Do you have a child who is lonely without his or her mother, or a parent who is so worried about their child that they feel anxious even when they take their eyes off them for a moment?

Galulu camps take place about four times a year. This is an experience programme for children only, aimed at third- to eighth-grade students. Parents are not allowed to attend, so they spend time away from their parents completely. According to Director Nakamura, this is because "at the camp, we want the parents to be one step away from the children and watch over them".

At camp, children are divided into groups and work together to complete various tasks. But aren't you worried about children getting hurt doing it alone? However, if a child falls and scrapes himself or herself on the ground while running, it can't be helped, but it is important for them to learn and realise that there are dangers like that. I think it is also important for them to learn and realise that there are such dangers," says Umeda.

Let's play with nature in Takayanagi, Kashiwazaki! Let's learn with nature! Practice of entering the At Gullu camps, you can also learn how to use a hammer and saw in a fun and cooperative group environment.

Parents of children who have completed the experience have commented that they play outside more often than before and that they are now able to actively make friends. Children grow up so much when they are away from their parents," says Director Nakamura. Some children grow up so much before and after the camp that they look different! Parents who have been anxious to keep an eye on their children may feel their children's growth and change the way they look at them if they have the courage to allow them to participate in the camp.

Let's play with nature in Takayanagi, Kashiwazaki! Let's learn with nature! Practice of entering the Morimori-tei is the pride of the Natural Kingdom's cafeteria. The rice served is 100% Koshihikari produced in Takayanagi. It is also a place for children and adults to relax. Unusually for a children's centre, alcohol is also served.

After this interview, I would like to say one thing: "This looks interesting, Children's Nature Kingdom!" I'm still single, but I want to play with them. I am still single, but I want to play with them.

The author herself grew up in the rich nature of Takayanagi and was taught by her parents to play on swings and Tarzan in the beech forests, sledding in the snowy mountains and many other games. This experience has led me to the way of thinking that I can 'enjoy' the changes in nature, not be defeated by heavy snowfalls and accept the heat of summer.

Why don't you come and have an irreplaceable experience in the Children's Nature Kingdom, where children's rich sensibilities are nurtured together with nature and the local community?

Guide to the Children's Nature Kingdom.
  • Eligible citizens.
  • Children aged 0-18 who uphold the promise of the Children's Nature Kingdom and kind adults who remember the hearts of children.
  • General opening hours
  • 9:00am - 5:00pm
  • day on which a museum, etc. is regularly closed
  • Mondays (if the Monday is a public holiday, the holiday will be moved to the following day).
  • Entry into the country
  • Entry to the public (admission) is free of charge. Groups wishing to visit the Children's Nature Kingdom are requested to contact the organisation in advance.
  • Attention
  • *The Children's Nature Kingdom is basically self-service.
  • *Smoking is not permitted inside the museum. Please use the designated outdoor smoking areas for cigarettes.
  • *Things and drinks are not allowed in the museum.
  • *Please take any rubbish you bring with you.
  • For applications and enquiries, please contact
  • 30-33 Takao, Takayanagi-cho, Kashiwazaki, Niigata 945-1505
  • tel:0257-41-3355 fax:0257-41-3515
  • HP:http://www.garuru-kururu.jp


*This article has been automatically translated.


Niigata Repo is a web magazine that makes Niigata more enjoyable, with local residents themselves acting as writers and describing their "experiences" and "subjectivity".

# Kashiwazaki City # red-sepaled willow (Salix babylonica)