Excellent oyster grated buckwheat noodles served in a historic townhouse. Aga-machi Tsugawa 'Shioya Tachibana'.

In the bitterly cold winter, you want to eat warm and tasty soba! Here are some recommendations for those who want to enjoy warm and tasty soba in the bitter cold of winter. Introduced here is Shioya Tachibana's Kakimizore Soba in Tsugawa, Aga Town.

This is a superb dish called 'Sado Oyster with Tempura'. What's more, you can have it in an emotionally rich machiya (townhouse).

Located at the 'Fox Bride's House' on the Wakamatsu Highway, Aga Town.

Excellent oyster grated buckwheat noodles served in a historic townhouse. Aga-machi Tsugawa 'Shioya Tachibana'.場所は、阿賀町津川の若松街道(県道14号線)沿い。「狐の嫁入り屋敷」のすぐ近くです。毎年5月には「狐の嫁入り行列」という幻想的なイベントが開催されます。こちらもオススメ!Excellent oyster grated buckwheat noodles served in a historic townhouse. Aga-machi Tsugawa 'Shioya Tachibana'.こちらがお店です。古民家を移築して町屋を再現したという、たいへん趣ある佇まいです。Excellent oyster grated buckwheat noodles served in a historic townhouse. Aga-machi Tsugawa 'Shioya Tachibana'.入り口はこちら。素敵な暖簾が目印です。Excellent oyster grated buckwheat noodles served in a historic townhouse. Aga-machi Tsugawa 'Shioya Tachibana'.戸を開け中に入ると、目の前には、奥へと伸びる土間が。なんとも懐かしい気持ちになります(完全に余談ですが、筆者は現在30歳(記事執筆当時)なのですが、明治生まれ&新潟出身の曽祖父の家がこんな感じでした)。Excellent oyster grated buckwheat noodles served in a historic townhouse. Aga-machi Tsugawa 'Shioya Tachibana'.こちらの土間、素敵な暖簾との相性が素晴らしいです。「ちょうきれいー!」と大歓声をあげながら写真を撮っている若い女性客の皆様がいらっしゃいました(わかるー!)。夏場の暑い日は、外とお店の中を隔てる戸が開放されるとか。Excellent oyster grated buckwheat noodles served in a historic townhouse. Aga-machi Tsugawa 'Shioya Tachibana'.こちらが店内。今回通していただいたのは椅子のあるスペース。さっそく注文をして暫し待ちます。

Excellent oyster grated buckwheat noodles served in a historic townhouse. Aga-machi Tsugawa 'Shioya Tachibana'.'Oyster Sleet' (winter only).

今回注文しましたのは、「かきみぞれ」でございます。牡蠣の天ぷら、ネギ、そしてみぞれ(雪をイメージした大根おろし)が大量に入った温そばです。Excellent oyster grated buckwheat noodles served in a historic townhouse. Aga-machi Tsugawa 'Shioya Tachibana'.ネギ、大根おろしなどの野菜は完全無農薬有機栽培により育てられた自家栽培のもの。体にもとても優しいのです。Excellent oyster grated buckwheat noodles served in a historic townhouse. Aga-machi Tsugawa 'Shioya Tachibana'.橘屋さんのそばは、西会津産の挽き粉を使った、コシとのどごしが特徴の食べ応え抜群の逸品。最高です。しかも、大変な手間を要する十割そば(夏場は二八の手打ちになります)。

つゆの味は新潟県の他地域に比べると、若干薄味である印象。お聞きしたところによれば、江戸風の味付け(辛口)なのだとか。江戸時代は会津藩に属し、阿賀野川という河川航路の要衝にあった津川ならではの、文化のミックスなのかもしれません。Excellent oyster grated buckwheat noodles served in a historic townhouse. Aga-machi Tsugawa 'Shioya Tachibana'.ぷりっぷりのまま天ぷらにされている佐渡牡蠣。ジューシーです。みぞれ、ネギとの相性も良く、天ぷらでありながらも胃腸に優しいそばでした。老若男女問わずオススメです。


History and culture of the river port, also recommended in and around the shop.

Excellent oyster grated buckwheat noodles served in a historic townhouse. Aga-machi Tsugawa 'Shioya Tachibana'.

This very distinctive piece of wood hanging on the wall. We were curious about it and asked the shop owner about it (at a time that would not inconvenience you), and were told that it was a part of a river boat!

Excellent oyster grated buckwheat noodles served in a historic townhouse. Aga-machi Tsugawa 'Shioya Tachibana'.The walls were also discreetly decorated with the famous words of the Japanese painter Kaii Higashiyama: 'A town without old houses is like a man without memories'.

Tsugawa has long flourished as a 'river port' town, and is a beautiful town where old houses and nature can be seen in harmony with the Agano River, which is famous for having been visited by the British traveller Isabella Bird in the Meiji era, who highly praised the river as 'more beautiful than the Rhine'.

If you visit, why not enjoy a meal at Shioya Tachibana and then take a walk around the town to feel the history?

Shop information

'Salt shop, Tachibana.'

  • Address: 3508, Tsugawa, Aga-machi, Higashikanbara-gun, Niigata Prefecture.
  • Opening hours: noon 11:30-14:00 (Sat & Sun 15:00), night 17:00-21:00.
  • Closed; Tuesdays.
  • Telephone number: 02549-2-2073
  • Website: Salt Tachibana Website.


*This article has been automatically translated.


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# close # tachibana tree west of the southern stairs of the Hall for State Ceremonies (in Heian Palace) # tradesman's house (esp. a home with a shop in front) # Aga Town