The "face" of the new city! The 'Nikotan' has a cute smile (◡◡╹)!

If you have ever driven along National Highway 7 in Shinshoda, you have probably seen that smile at least once!

Proud idol of the new city? Or is it a loose character? This is Nikotan.

The Cute! Full smile.

The This child is an original character created in 1989 as the image character of the local gas company, Newfoundland Gas. He drew his face on a spherical gas holder because "people say that the gas business is faceless, so I put my face on it"! The citizens of Shingta were overjoyed by the giant smile that suddenly appeared, and he became very popular. The citizens of NIKOTAN were delighted by the sudden appearance of the giant smile, and it became very popular!

The There is also a face on the large tank on the back side (◡◡╹) Kawaii~!

The When you look up, it's bigger than you think!

The Only the mouth is visible at some angles.

So, this is Nikotan. Both written on the gas holder seem to be Nikotan, but in fact they have a partner.

The Momotan!

And I'm on twitter!

Was the typhoon ok at your place? The goya at @Nikotan @Nikotan pic.twitter.com/PYIoZFMIaw
- Niigatta Gas's Nikotan & Momotan (@_nikotan) 2014, Aug 11

Stuffed animals are also available!

The The website of the new gas company is called Nikotan.com! How much Nikotan push!

In the course of my research, Nikotan has completely become my guess. He's so cute. By the way, I couldn't find out where Momotan is. If you know, please let me know!

And if you're visiting Shinshoda, please look out for Nikotan. He is an idol you can go see and look up to.

Map ↓.


*This article has been automatically translated.


Niigata Repo is a web magazine that makes Niigata more enjoyable, with local residents themselves acting as writers and describing their "experiences" and "subjectivity".

# news from the town # gas tank # Niibata City