Yasushi Araki's favourite Niigata souvenir! Henjin Mokko sausages in Sado City.

Sado is really large and also has many specialities and products. It is therefore quite difficult to choose just one souvenir from Sado. Just off the top of my head, I can think of Sawane dango, Tochimochi, Okesa persimmon (Hatchin persimmon), Igonere, Nagamo, Surimi...

All of them are highly recommended, but if I had to pick one, I would introduce the sausages from 'Henjin Mocco'.

Yasushi Araki's favourite Niigata souvenir! Henjin Mokko sausages in Sado City.

The 'Mocco' in 'Henjin Mocco' means 'stubborn' in the Sado language. The owner, who calls himself a 'weirdo + stubborn', is so obsessed with his sausages that he has finally started winning gold medals at international competitions held in Germany every year. This is truly the 'world's best' sausage shop on Sado Island.

The noble salami is an ideal accompaniment to wine. Tamatoro Salami is an unsmoked, onion-flavoured salami companion, a truly new texture. There is also a wide range of other products such as cured ham, sausages and chorizo.

These days they are also available at the kiosk in the Sado Kisen Terminal. Please visit them when you come to Sado Island!

(We also have a shop on the Rakuten market.)

Henjin Mokko (Ohno Kobo).

Rakuten Ichiba Henjin Mokko



*This article has been automatically translated.


Niigata Repo is a web magazine that makes Niigata more enjoyable, with local residents themselves acting as writers and describing their "experiences" and "subjectivity".

# extreme faithfulness to the teachings of Buddha (sometimes referred to as "the Mikoto faith") # Must-try souvenirs # Sado City