gallery Dorei What is "Sho"? ~ Hua Xue Exhibition 3~.

Hello, I'm Mihotei from gallery Dorei, whether you're not interested in 'calligraphy' or not. Now, the last of the Hua Xue exhibition series is a report on the workshop that took place on Sunday 8 June.

Now we will start the workshop repo.

The venue for the workshop (hereafter referred to as 'WS') is the Ikutopia Shokuhana Children's Creation Centre http://www.ikutopia.comです. This is a popular facility that is rumoured to be only open to those under 18 (and their accompanying persons). (Adults are also allowed to visit).

The title of this workshop was 'Make a 'forest' by writing 'tree'''. After drafting on newspaper, they are going to write the Chinese character for 'tree' together on a big long piece of paper (cardboard and white roll paper). Hmmm... I'm looking forward to seeing how it will turn out because I've seen Hua Xue's character for 'house'.

When I arrived at the venue with Huayuki and Niigata Eya staff, Tebe-san was already setting up the venue.

What is the hand section?

  • Hiroshi Fuji's work "Creating the 'Club Room Builder Kaerugumi' at the 2012 Water and Land Art Festival." The work was born out of the work of Hiroshi Fuji.
  • During the exhibition, events were held in the 'club room' at the main venue, such as making artworks with customers and the Tebu Festival, and the club room became a gathering place for many people.
  • It also participates in the 2013 Mimutsuchi Citizens' Project, organising and implementing events mainly at the Ikutopia Shokuhana Children's Creation Centre.
  • We are currently looking for a new club room while we carry out fun activities.
  • (No website exists yet, so if you are interested, search for Facebook Hand Club).

gallery Dorei What is

Now back to the WS repo.

When everything is ready, it is time to start. The participating parents and children come in. There are about 20 children in total. Many have gathered!

The first step was an explanation by Hua Xue of the origins of the Chinese character for 'wood'.

There are trunks, branches and leaves.

gallery Dorei What is

Even pre-school children, who do not yet know the Chinese character for 'wood', are interested.

Next, Hua Xue said, "Now, before you write a 'tree', let's see what kind of 'tree' you want to write and become a 'tree' yourself." She said... "Become a tree!" and to their surprise, Hua Xue-san first showed them a sample. The children were shy at first, but...

gallery Dorei What is 段々楽しくなってきた模様。みんななりきってるね〜

Hua Xue used her whole body to reveal a tree that was waving in the wind.

gallery Dorei What is

I didn't realise that's how the Book was written! I wish I could show you a movie of it. I didn't realise it was such a powerful writing with the whole body.

gallery Dorei What is

Then. Completed. The wind is blowing softly (or maybe it's whistling. I prefer it gently). The children are looking at it with relief. Now it's time for everyone to start writing!

First, before writing on a large sheet of paper, they draft on as much newspaper as they like. The children can write on a newspaper spread or half a newspaper. Brushes and brushes are provided and they write as they like. As they use quite a lot of ink, they sometimes get a lot of ink on the plastic sheet underneath. The staff do their best to wipe it off. (laughs).

...what? No photos? Yes, the new writer was playing with the children so much that she forgot to take a photo. Ha ha. Now, imagine what this child wrote from the following text and conversation. (There are no photos.)

While many children write the character for 'tree' in various shapes as they like, one child writes the character for 'tree' in a lot of similar shapes. He writes quite small in the middle of a folded newspaper. The 'tree' fits into a square and each line is about the same length and uniform thickness. (Can you imagine?) I was nearby, so I called out to him for a moment.

Mihottei (Mi): Wow, you write a lot! They're all thick and careful with the character for 'wood'. I feel like you're writing so that it fits into a nice circle.

The child nods shyly.

Mi: Is this a 'tree' nearby? Or a park?

Child: no...

Shake your head in a huff.

Child: a small tree growing strongly in a larger tree.

Oh, that's right...!

Mi: So is it in the mountains or something?

Child: no...?

Mi: Hmm, so you mean in your head?


They nodded shyly and started writing again. Ms Hua Xue told me in advance that children write calligraphy while thinking about the story in their own minds, so it is interesting to listen to them. It's true..!

Now, finally, comes the big paper!

gallery Dorei What is

What trees will the children write...? And what is the best climax? ⁉︎

To be continued in the next "What is gallery Dorei "Sho"? ~ Hua Xue Exhibition 4~'! Please look forward to it.


*This article has been automatically translated.


Niigata Repo is a web magazine that makes Niigata more enjoyable, with local residents themselves acting as writers and describing their "experiences" and "subjectivity".

# art # gallery # Niigata City # central district # Niigata Picture Gallery