Bread that freezes! I tasted the new 'Adult Aisu Bread' at Sanjo bakery San Follette.

Saint Follette is a bakery located in Kita Nyugura, Sanjo. We were informed that 'frozen bread is popular' at this bakery. Freezing bread? Does it taste good?

I had always been curious about it, and when I was invited to a media tasting of the new frozen bread on 6 June, I decided to go and see what the frozen bread was actually like.

Bread that freezes! I tasted the new 'Adult Aisu Bread' at Sanjo bakery San Follette.

Saint Foret is a bakery with a history of more than 30 years, having started in 1981 in the former town of Yoshida under the shop name Saint Germain. It moved to its current location in Sanjo in 1993, about 10 years ago. Since then, it has continued to be loved by local customers here.

Bread that freezes! I tasted the new 'Adult Aisu Bread' at Sanjo bakery San Follette.店内にはいろんな種類のパンが所狭しと並べられています。

Bread that freezes! I tasted the new 'Adult Aisu Bread' at Sanjo bakery San Follette.品揃え的にはちょっと大きめのパン屋さんのような印象。パンの香ばしい香りがたまらなく食欲を誘う店内をウロウロ。

Bread that freezes! I tasted the new 'Adult Aisu Bread' at Sanjo bakery San Follette.

The pop-ups in the shop are lively and you can enjoy just looking around at the bread. Why are bakeries so much fun? One thing that caught my attention as I looked around was the fact that the ingredients used in the bread are all locally produced in Sanjo. It's nice to see a shop that promotes 'local production for local consumption'.

Bread that freezes! I tasted the new 'Adult Aisu Bread' at Sanjo bakery San Follette.「あれ?例の凍らせるパンは?」と思い、店内に貼られていた人気ランキングを見てみると・・・ 「あいすパン」が堂々の第一位!やはり看板商品のようです。

Bread that freezes! I tasted the new 'Adult Aisu Bread' at Sanjo bakery San Follette.

'But where do you sell Aisu bread?' I went around the shop and finally found it. It was in the freezer just inside the entrance. I had completely missed it ... shame on me.

In the freezer is a pop-up saying 'Aisu Pan is now open'.

Bread that freezes! I tasted the new 'Adult Aisu Bread' at Sanjo bakery San Follette.

Right. This aisu bread goes on sale every year around Golden Week, when people are happy to have something cold to eat. It is a limited-time product that is sold until the end of September!

Bread that freezes! I tasted the new 'Adult Aisu Bread' at Sanjo bakery San Follette.Bread that freezes! I tasted the new 'Adult Aisu Bread' at Sanjo bakery San Follette.

There is a wide variety of aisu bread! It seems that 7-10 minutes after taking them out of the freezer is the best time to eat them. Hmmm, this makes me look forward to tasting the new ones.

Bread that freezes! I tasted the new 'Adult Aisu Bread' at Sanjo bakery San Follette.そんな人気のあいすパンに新作が登場します。その名も「大人のあいすパン」

It's made with 'sakasuke' and 'ume wine jelly'. And the bread around it is black! That's because it has bamboo charcoal kneaded into it.

Bread that freezes! I tasted the new 'Adult Aisu Bread' at Sanjo bakery San Follette.どんっ!黒い!

Incidentally, Sakasuke and Umeshu (plum wine) are from Kirinzan Shuzo. Mmm, it's luxurious.

By the way, what is sakekasuke?" Is it a mistake to call it sakekasu?" I think some of you may wonder, so let me give you a little explanation.

Sakasuke is a lactic acid fermented sake lees with enhanced nutritional and functional ingredients produced from high-quality Niigata sake by using unique lactic acid bacteria and special manufacturing techniques. (Taken from the official website of the Niigata Sake Brewers Association: http://niigata-sake.or.jp/torikumi/sakasuke/)

You ferment sake lees by lactic acid fermentation. This is the first time I have heard of it.

Bread that freezes! I tasted the new 'Adult Aisu Bread' at Sanjo bakery San Follette.この日はメディア向け試食会ということで、実際にお客さんに食べてもらってい、感想を聞かせてもらいましたよ。

'More refreshing than I expected. Unlike whipped cream, the sweetness is moderate. Nice taste of plum wine on the palate."

'You can eat it like a dessert. But it's nice and refreshing."

The company said.

I also tried it, and the bread dough is fluffy despite being frozen inside! And the taste of plum wine spreads in the mouth, giving the impression of a true 'grown-up' taste. It was delicious!

Bread that freezes! I tasted the new 'Adult Aisu Bread' at Sanjo bakery San Follette.ちなみに、先ほどのシーンを引いて撮るとこんな感じ。テレビ局2社さんとのポジション争いは苛烈でした(笑)

And what a great day it was to be shown making adult aisu bread!

Bread that freezes! I tasted the new 'Adult Aisu Bread' at Sanjo bakery San Follette.焼きあがったパン生地を2つに切って並べます。

Bread that freezes! I tasted the new 'Adult Aisu Bread' at Sanjo bakery San Follette.そして、生地に梅酒シロップをかけ

Bread that freezes! I tasted the new 'Adult Aisu Bread' at Sanjo bakery San Follette.その上から生クリームをのせます。

Bread that freezes! I tasted the new 'Adult Aisu Bread' at Sanjo bakery San Follette.生クリームの上に梅酒ゼリーを6個くらいのせ

Bread that freezes! I tasted the new 'Adult Aisu Bread' at Sanjo bakery San Follette.その上からもう一度生クリームを重ねて、最後に蓋をかぶせて完成。

This is then flash-frozen and wrapped in a package.

Bread that freezes! I tasted the new 'Adult Aisu Bread' at Sanjo bakery San Follette.

Two staff members work briskly and it is ready in no time.

Aisu Bread's main focus is on making bread dough that "does not become dry even when frozen".

They are particular about everything from the mixing of ingredients to the way the dough is fermented. Indeed, the cream inside is frozen, but the bread that envelops it is still soft and fluffy. It was a dessert with a new sensation.

Bread that freezes! I tasted the new 'Adult Aisu Bread' at Sanjo bakery San Follette.新作の「大人のあいすパン」は6月11日発売!父の日にぴったりのプレゼントだそうですよ!

Other flavours of aisu bread are also recommended. Why not try frozen bread, the first sensation you've ever had?

Shop Information

Homemade bread shop Saint-Forêt

  • Address:〒955-0053 2-18-25 Kitainashi, Sanjo City
  • Opening hours: 7:00 am - 7:00 pm.
  • Closed: Every Tuesday.
  • TEL:0256-38-4100/FAX:0256-38-8776


*This article has been automatically translated.


Niigata Repo is a web magazine that makes Niigata more enjoyable, with local residents themselves acting as writers and describing their "experiences" and "subjectivity".

# sweetened bun # Saint Follett. # bakery # Sanjo city in north Taiwan, capital of Miyagi prefecture, Japan