More than 900 types of games! Quasta, a board game café where beginners can have fun

Out of the blue, have you heard of board games?

Board games are games played with analogue objects such as pieces, cards and dice. Many people think of familiar games such as the Game of Life or playing cards, but there are many board games around the world, and you have probably seen them on TV, magazines, SNS and YouTube recently.

This time, we visited Quasta, the first café in Niigata Prefecture to launch a café where people can casually enjoy board games, which are gaining an increasing number of fans.

Café with over 900 board games.

Approximately 15 minutes' walk from Niigata Station. Board game café Quasta is located in Tenmei-cho, close to Bandai. With its warm wooden interior, at first glance it seems like an ordinary café.

More than 900 types of games! Quasta, a board game café where beginners can have fun

The walls are lined with board games in colourful packages. Just looking at them is exciting. When the shop first opened, there were around 250 board games, but now there are over 900 varieties.

More than 900 types of games! Quasta, a board game café where beginners can have fun

More than 900 types of games! Quasta, a board game café where beginners can have fun

Board game cafés are, as the name suggests, cafés where you can play a variety of board games on a tabletop.

The system allows you to pay a fee according to the time you use the facilities, with Quasta charging 400 yen per hour on weekdays and 1,000 yen for a 3-4 hour package, and 500 yen per hour on weekends and holidays, and 1,800 yen for a 4-5 hour package, among others. (*One drink must be ordered when visiting the restaurant.)


A place for beginners and veterans alike.

The owner of Quasta, Mr Endo, was the first person to set up a board game café in Niigata Prefecture. We spoke to him about the shop's specialties, the appeal of board games and the reason for opening the shop.

________ Hello. This is a bit sudden, but can first-timers play at Quasta?

Yes. Many people are new to board games. Adults, young children and older people can all enjoy the games, which range from games for two people only to games for large groups, so you can choose the board game that best suits the members and number of people playing, which is part of the fun.

____ I see. But it's hard to choose when there are so many to choose from.

In such cases, we introduce recommended games. To make it easier to choose, we also have a board in the shop that introduces games by situation, so many people choose by looking here.

More than 900 types of games! Quasta, a board game café where beginners can have fun

More than 900 types of games! Quasta, a board game café where beginners can have fun

▲ An introduction board to board games that is easy for newcomers to understand. At Quasta, there is a wide range of games for beginners that have been featured on TV programmes and YouTube, as well as games for veterans that are popular with board gamers.







「カタンの開拓者」というボードゲームです。仕事終わりに当時の同僚たちとやってみて、 TVゲームとはまた違った面白さや対面でのコミュニケーションにハマりこみました。海外に行った際、現地の方3人と「カタンの開拓者」を遊ぶ機会があったのですが、言葉が違う人間同士でも身振りや片言の会話で非常に盛り上がれたことにも感動しました。

More than 900 types of games! Quasta, a board game café where beginners can have fun








そんな想いがある中、新潟にも仕事場を構えることになり、「私の経験を生かして何かできることはないだろうか? たとえば、いつでもボードゲームで遊べる場所が新潟にもあったら楽しいでは?」と思い開店に踏み切りました。





More than 900 types of games! Quasta, a board game café where beginners can have fun


ボードゲームカフェ クアスタ
〒950-0083 新潟市中央区蒲原町9-9
平日 15:00~21:30
土・日・祝日 13:00~21:30
定休日 火・水
電話番号 025-369-4245
駐車場 なし(近隣のコインパーキングをご利用ください)


*This article has been automatically translated.


Niigata Repo is a web magazine that makes Niigata more enjoyable, with local residents themselves acting as writers and describing their "experiences" and "subjectivity".

# board game # Niigata City # central district