150-year-old wisteria flower curtain! Wisteria trellis at the Museum of Northern Culture.

The wisteria flower is known in the language of flowers for its "kindness", "welcome", "never leaving" and "intoxicating in love." It is one of the flowers that add colour to spring in Niigata, along with cherry blossoms, tulips and rape blossoms. One of the best places to see stunning wisteria trellises is the Northern Culture Museum in Konan-ku, Niigata City.

The wisteria in the courtyard of the Museum of Northern Culture, a museum of wealthy farmers that preserves the appearance of the Ito family, a large landowner in Niigata, as it was then, is a whopping 150 years old! This magnificent wisteria trellis will be lit up from 9 (Fri) to 18 (Sun) May, and I went to see it to get drunk on love.

150-year-old wisteria flower curtain! Wisteria trellis at the Museum of Northern Culture.夜の間は西門だけが開放されていました。入場料は100円。藤の花が咲いている時期に来るのは初めてだったので、どんなものかドキドキ。

Entering the courtyard from the west gate, you are immediately greeted by the sweet fragrance of wisteria flowers!

150-year-old wisteria flower curtain! Wisteria trellis at the Museum of Northern Culture.

Wisteria flowers occupy most of the courtyard! Carpet of fallen petals on the ground. I visited on 16 May. If I had come a few days earlier, I could have enjoyed the full bloom.

150-year-old wisteria flower curtain! Wisteria trellis at the Museum of Northern Culture.

Curtain of wisteria flowers! Families and couples look up at the wisteria trellises with big smiles on their faces.

150-year-old wisteria flower curtain! Wisteria trellis at the Museum of Northern Culture.

Under the wisteria trellis is a stone monument inscribed with the words 'Wisteria flowers, smell of rain, welcoming guests'. This is a poem by Haruki Kadokawa.

There was also a shop at the back serving refreshments.

150-year-old wisteria flower curtain! Wisteria trellis at the Museum of Northern Culture.この見事な藤棚は、なんと一本の木から枝が伸びたもの。先程も書いたとおり樹齢150年、幹の周りは1メートル60センチ以上と歴史を感じます。うねるように伸びている幹は、藤の木の生命力を感じます。

150-year-old wisteria flower curtain! Wisteria trellis at the Museum of Northern Culture. この日は風が強く、気温も低かったため長居できませんでしたが、ベンチに座ってずっと見上げていたくなるほど優雅でした。

The best time to see the wisteria flowers is approximately three weeks. Why not visit the Northern Culture Museum in mid-May to see the wisteria trellises?


Northern Culture Museum


*This article has been automatically translated.


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# Northern Culture Museum # Niigata City # Gangnam District, Seoul # 花 # wisteria trellis # sightseeing