'Negicco, Niigata's leading local idol, and me'.

I am pleased to announce that I will be taking on the challenge of writing for Niigata Repo. @RoadToBudokan". Nice to meet you all. I look forward to working with you for a long time.

In this memorable first article, I would like to introduce myself and talk a little about the local idol Negicco. In Niigata, there is a three-member local idol group called Negicco. For the past five years, I have been following Negicco and uploading their live videos to Youtube. I think I have now uploaded about 550 videos on Youtube. The number of views has exceeded 3.6 million. (Not all of them are Negicco videos, as there are also comedy and hero shows, but 90% of them are Negicco videos).

Meeting Negicco.

The trigger for our activities goes back to Golden Week in May 2008. I went with my son (3 years old at the time) to a small festival called 'Yasuragi-hata Festival' held every year at 'Yasuragi-hata' on the Shinanogawa riverbed, a place of relaxation for Niigata citizens.

We were relaxing with the spring weather under the cherry trees in full bloom, eating takoyaki (octopus balls) and cotton candy, and filming the event with the video camera we bought when our son was born. Negicco appeared and performed at a stage event at that time, which I happened to film.

◆Negicco First successfully filmed video.

What is Negicco?

Negicco is an idol group. Recently, they have entered T-Palette Records, TOWER RECORDS' specialised idol label, released a full album to celebrate their 10th anniversary this year and held a 1, 500-person hall one-man show at Niigata Terrsa.

It has been a long time since the 'Idol Sengoku Jidai' (Warring States Era), and although they have not reached the popularity of AKB48 or Momoiro Clover Z, recently they have been known to those in the know as the pioneers of local idols. However, at that time, there were only a few people in the audience at the Yasuragi-Seibo Festivals (outdoor shows), and it was a lonely affair.

Originally a limited-time idol group that debuted in 2003 as a four-member campaign unit called 'Yawa Hada Negi' from Niigata Prefecture, the group's term was extended for a reason. After that, the number of members decreased by one for a reason, then increased by one, then decreased by one again for a reason, and the group went through a transition similar to that of an indie rock band, even earning the nickname 'Never give up Girls'.

◆ Also a barefooted physical show on the beach.

Negicco is present at events in the county!

In 2008, I had just started a new job and I still vividly remember updating my Youtube page with the ambition of starting something new. I named the account 'RoadToBudokan' after Negicco's goal of performing at the Budokan. (As of April 2014, the Budokan concert has not been achieved.)

Local idols often have the role of singing and dancing on a small stage at local events and local festivals to liven things up. I used to go to almost all of Negicco's events at that time, as it was fun for me to go with my family to events held all over Niigata Prefecture on weekends. I was also strongly hoping that idols from Niigata would become more and more popular with the help of the internet. (Don't underestimate Niigata! I know.)

Furthermore, it was tasteless to simply upload videos of the songs, so I spent my days researching how far I could go as an amateur learner, editing things like song titles and effects, and studying camera work. Thanks to these efforts, by 2010, the locations of the solo parts, the choreography and the flow of the formation changes of the three members had naturally become ingrained in my head.

So, after a couple of years of Youtube updates, we started to see more and more of our friends at events. At the same time, my son (now 8 years old) got completely tired of watching Negicco and stopped coming to the events.

◆The performance at the Minamiuonuma Snow Festival must have been very cold.

Follow Negicco on an expedition.

Together with fellow Negicco fans (a.k.a. Negiwotaku), I sometimes went on expeditions to idol events outside Niigata, in other regions and in Tokyo.

Word on the street is that Negiwotaku are more gentlemen than other idol fans. Among them, there is a very kind Negiwota who always acts as a driver from Niigata to Tokyo. In the car (a.k.a. the Carnegie), Negicco was playing loudly and we watched DVDs of various idols, which was a very new experience for me as I had only listened to PUNK until now.

In particular, the idol language courses start with 'xxx-guessing' (people who particularly like an idol group) and 'hako-guessing' (people who like all idol groups), and then move on to 'kecha' (a type of otagei: derived from a Balinese magical dance), 'tiger' (people who do not do otagei but stand with their arms crossed from the back of the hall and watch idols: derived from that pose of the tiger mask) and others. Tiger" (a person who does not perform otagei but stands with arms crossed from the back of the venue and looks at his idol: derived from that pose of the Tiger Mask). I really enjoyed the expedition while laughing hysterically at the excellent sense of naming.

Sometimes I spoke to Negicco's manager and got permission to film at live houses (Goldenpigs Red and Niigata Lots), and sometimes I was allowed to act as a film crew (although I was the only one in the crew), half like a staff member. Needless to say, I was more interested in the cosplay of the Negi-wotas at the cosplay shows held at live houses late at night.

◆ Late night cosplay shows

Calling people from the metropolitan area to Niigata.

And as Negicco's popularity grew, we began to see people coming all the way to Niigata from the Tokyo metropolitan area and the Meihanshin region. Whenever I heard comments like "Thank you for your videos" or "I became a fan of Negicco after watching your videos" from these people, I shuddered and felt an indescribably happy feeling.

Of course, it was because of the activities of the three members. I was really happy to feel that the video I shot out of curiosity was somehow useful for everyone.

In a region like Niigata, most of the rice, sake, unique people and even electricity go to the Tokyo metropolitan area. Every day I felt that it would be great if people from the Tokyo metropolitan area and further afield came to Niigata as a result of the local idols, so to be honest, "Yatter!" I was honestly like, "Oh my God!

◆ Encore! Negi!

Negicco's Next Stage.

However, as Negicco's popularity grew, it became impossible to film events from around last year. This is what is known as a 'filming ban'.

Youtube videos are gradually being flagged as copyright infringements, and most of them will eventually be removed. I had a vague feeling that one day that day would come, but when that day came, I still felt sad. But that's just the way it is for a fan. From now on, I hope that the professional people will take over and make it bigger and bigger.

We hope that Negicco's progress will continue, but it seems that it is time for RoadToBudokan to start supporting Negicco with videos.

The power of the internet is really amazing. I want to cherish it forever and ever. I also hope that the informatisation of Niigata will go even faster.

On 16 April a new song, "Triple! WONDERLAND", was released, ranking successfully at No. 16 on the Oricon CD Singles Weekly Ranking dated 28 April! This is the first time in her 11-year career that she has been in the top 10. Congratulations! Check it out!

◆Negicco's new song 'Triple!


*This article has been automatically translated.


Niigata Repo is a web magazine that makes Niigata more enjoyable, with local residents themselves acting as writers and describing their "experiences" and "subjectivity".

# Negicco # local idol # Music