Breaking out of the conventional wisdom and aiming to expand into new business areas / Nishiyama Carton Co Ltd [Change Leader vol. 6].

This article is a tie-up with the Niigata Prefecture Federation of Small Business Associations and Manufacturing Support Centre.

Numerous attractive companies are active in Niigata Prefecture. This section picks up on 'ChangeLeaders' who create new value by 'changing themselves positively'.

In the sixth issue, Nishiyama Carton Co., Ltd. manufactures corrugated board according to customer requirements in high-mix, small-lot production. A digital cutter capable of fine cutting has been introduced, enabling the manufacture of corrugated board with complex shapes.

Production in line with public trends and customer needs.

The corrugated industry is a growing market for packaging materials that are indispensable for daily life. In recent years, the spread of internet shopping has increased the need for corrugated board with complex shapes to suit small lots and a variety of products. However, corrugated boxes are usually manufactured by making a 'die-cut' and mass-producing boxes of the same shape. In small lots, the cost of die-cutting is relatively high and the boxes are processed by hand by craftsmen, resulting in low productivity.

Breaking out of the conventional wisdom and aiming to expand into new business areas / Nishiyama Carton Co Ltd [Change Leader vol. 6].

In response, the company took advantage of a manufacturing subsidy* and introduced a digital cutter that can process corrugated board automatically by drawing a drawing on a computer. This enables the company to process complex shapes without the need to make die-cutters, and to deliver even a single item with a short delivery time.

Monozukuri subsidy... Common name for a project by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency to support capital investment, etc. that contributes to improving production capacity.

Breaking out of the conventional wisdom and aiming to expand into new business areas / Nishiyama Carton Co Ltd [Change Leader vol. 6].

In fact, many businesses that manufacture corrugated boxes are characterised by small-scale operations. This is because bulky corrugated boxes have high distribution costs, so locations close to consumption centres are advantageous. On the other hand, we thought that small lots would reduce distribution costs and expand our business area. In fact, most of the orders for Omikoshi, a portable shrine made from corrugated cardboard that the company had been developing for some time, came from outside the prefecture. So, together with experts, we began to develop a new sales strategy to meet the need for small lots, which had not been handled by suppliers in the past, and to develop a national market.

Breaking out of the conventional wisdom and aiming to expand into new business areas / Nishiyama Carton Co Ltd [Change Leader vol. 6].


Change 1: Enabling high-mix, small-lot production to meet customer requirements.

Using a manufacturing subsidy, a digital cutter that can cut cardboard at will and a special programme were introduced. The company was able to reduce its working time by 130 hours from sample creation to delivery preparation. The cost reduction has also made it possible to manufacture complex shapes in small lots to meet customer requirements.

Breaking out of the conventional wisdom and aiming to expand into new business areas / Nishiyama Carton Co Ltd [Change Leader vol. 6].

Digital cutter, purchased with a manufacturing grant.

Breaking out of the conventional wisdom and aiming to expand into new business areas / Nishiyama Carton Co Ltd [Change Leader vol. 6].

It is no longer necessary to make die-cuts, which used to be done by a contractor.

Change2: Clarify your company's strengths and appeal to new commercial areas

The follow-up project experts provided advice from a marketing perspective. The company recognised its strengths, such as its distinctive product packaging and the ability to provide samples from a single item. The company was previously inadequate in terms of its targets, but now it has a clear idea of what it is targeting, which has enabled it to formulate an effective sales strategy. The company aims to expand its business area in the future, including for complex-shaped packaging cardboard as well as for 'omikoshi', for which there are many orders from outside the prefecture.

Breaking out of the conventional wisdom and aiming to expand into new business areas / Nishiyama Carton Co Ltd [Change Leader vol. 6].

Receive advice from experts on how to improve the accuracy of information dissemination.

Breaking out of the conventional wisdom and aiming to expand into new business areas / Nishiyama Carton Co Ltd [Change Leader vol. 6].

The internet allows us to reach out to the whole country, and we are putting a lot of effort into our 'omikoshi' website.

Change3: Visit peers in other provinces and adopt their techniques and ideas.

Conducted inspections of companies in other prefectures that we met at the All-Japan Federation of Paper and Corrugated Box Industry Associations. They were continuously surprised by the equipment, management policies and ideas. In the past, with the support of the Central Association, we collaborated with a printing industry union. We also organised lectures by university professors. We have also invited people from the printing and packaging industry to visit the companies, and we are also working to boost the industry, including those close to us.

Breaking out of the conventional wisdom and aiming to expand into new business areas / Nishiyama Carton Co Ltd [Change Leader vol. 6].

Also for inspection visits to companies specialising in coloured cardboard (image shows Nishiyama Carton products).

Breaking out of the conventional wisdom and aiming to expand into new business areas / Nishiyama Carton Co Ltd [Change Leader vol. 6].

Also visited the Gift Show at Tokyo Big Sight.

Increase the value of the product itself by devising packaging materials and methods

箱には商品自体に付加価値をもたらす力があります。梱包資材に写真を印刷するなど梱包に工夫をすることで、箱を通して商品自体の 価値を向上させることもできます。また芸術系の学生から「卒業制 作に使いたい」と1点ものの相談を受けることもあります。1点から受注している業者は全国でも稀です。大量生産を行う企業とは異な る立場だからこそ顧客に寄り添い、最適な梱包資材・梱包方法を提 案し続けていきたいです。
Breaking out of the conventional wisdom and aiming to expand into new business areas / Nishiyama Carton Co Ltd [Change Leader vol. 6].代表取締役 西山 徳芳さん
Product pick-up! Complex shaped corrugated box production

Breaking out of the conventional wisdom and aiming to expand into new business areas / Nishiyama Carton Co Ltd [Change Leader vol. 6].

Breaking out of the conventional wisdom and aiming to expand into new business areas / Nishiyama Carton Co Ltd [Change Leader vol. 6].

Corrugated board can be manufactured to match the shape of products, even those with distinctive shapes. It meets diverse needs, such as packaging materials for placing fruits one by one to avoid damage, and corrugated boxes for products to be auctioned.

Company profile

Breaking out of the conventional wisdom and aiming to expand into new business areas / Nishiyama Carton Co Ltd [Change Leader vol. 6].Nishiyama Carton Co.

In 1946, Nishiyama Wood Works was founded, and in 1966 Nishiyama Carton Co. was established as a corrugated board manufacturer and distributor. In 2014, a separate business, Mikoshi, was established to manufacture and sell corrugated cardboard mikoshi (portable shrines), which is being promoted in parallel with the manufacture of corrugated cardboard packaging and mikoshi.

Address: 24-34, Nishigata, Sanjo, Niigata Prefecture.

tel: 0256-38-5980


This article is a tie-up with the Niigata Prefecture Federation of Small Business Associations and Manufacturing Support Centre.


*This article has been automatically translated.


Niigata Repo is a web magazine that makes Niigata more enjoyable, with local residents themselves acting as writers and describing their "experiences" and "subjectivity".

# manufacturing # Sanjo city in north Taiwan, capital of Miyagi prefecture, Japan # Niigata Central Association of Small Business Associations