Try crayfish fishing during summer holidays! Fukui, Nishigamaku, Niigata City

Fukui settlement in Nishigama-ku, Niigata City, is a small settlement southeast of Mount Kakuda and northeast of Mount Yahiko. It is a settlement at the foot of the mountain where the Yamaya tumulus, an ancient burial mound dating from the middle of the Early Kofun period, is located, and is also a famous spot for fireflies, where spring water from many streams collects.

Try crayfish fishing during summer holidays! Fukui, Nishigamaku, Niigata CityThe other day, when the mothers in the circle were making a list of things they wanted to do at the parenting circle where my wife and son are taking care of them, "crayfish fishing" was on the list. When my wife said, "There are a lot of crayfish in my village", they all said, "I want to go! and it became such a boom (?) that a crayfishing party was held several times. The crayfishing became such a boom (?) that many times crayfish fishing parties were held.

Try crayfish fishing during summer holidays! Fukui, Nishigamaku, Niigata City

The Yatare River in the village of Fukui is where we came to fish for crayfish. Downstream from the day spa, Fukuju Onsen Jyonnobikan, is the Firefly Village Park, where you can walk along the riverside promenade.

Try crayfish fishing during summer holidays! Fukui, Nishigamaku, Niigata City

Along the river is a pond with artwork created during the Water and Soil Art Festival.

This area is a popular spot for fireflies, but crayfish are targeted for extermination as they are the 'bad guys' that eat the fireflies' food.

Try crayfish fishing during summer holidays! Fukui, Nishigamaku, Niigata City

Try crayfish fishing during summer holidays! Fukui, Nishigamaku, Niigata City

It was the children's first time fishing for crayfish. They tied a surume to the end of a fishing rod made from a tree branch and gently dropped it in front of the crayfish and caught ......!

Try crayfish fishing during summer holidays! Fukui, Nishigamaku, Niigata City

At first, the adults were looking for crayfish and telling the children where to find them, but from the middle of the day they became so absorbed in catching them that they didn't tell the children (laughter). The villagers were happy to see so many crawfish caught and said, "Crawfish eat the food of fireflies, so we might have more fireflies next year".

Try crayfish fishing during summer holidays! Fukui, Nishigamaku, Niigata City

Try crayfish fishing during summer holidays! Fukui, Nishigamaku, Niigata City

At lunchtime, relax in an old thatched thatched house in the village, the former headman of Fukui, Sato House. The traditional Japanese house is well ventilated and does not need air-conditioning! Everyone was amazed at the wisdom of the old people.

Try crayfish fishing during summer holidays! Fukui, Nishigamaku, Niigata City

Try crayfish fishing during summer holidays! Fukui, Nishigamaku, Niigata City

The children ran around the ponds and riverbanks, played with the village goats, collected cicada shells... they enjoyed a petit countryside experience during their summer holiday, despite the heat. I was reminded once again that Niigata City, with its many day-trip spots where children can easily play in nature, is a very good environment for raising children in a carefree way.

Try crayfish fishing during summer holidays! Fukui, Nishigamaku, Niigata City


*This article has been automatically translated.


Niigata Repo is a web magazine that makes Niigata more enjoyable, with local residents themselves acting as writers and describing their "experiences" and "subjectivity".

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