≪Welcome to the unexplored region≫ The Nakasato area of Tokamachi City was full of autumn leaf colour spots! ≪Three great gorges of Japan, Kiyotsukyo ≫.

Nice to meet you all, my name is shio*.

Tokamachi is famous for the Echigo-Tsumari Art Festival. I would like to introduce some of the most attractive spots around me.

The weather is gradually showing signs of autumn.

In this issue, we will introduce you to the autumn leaf colouring spots in order of easiness (*'-'*).

Now, do you know where the "Nakasato area" of Tokamachi City is located?

The satoyama is south of Tokamachi City and is characterised by rich rice paddies and the beautiful Kiyotsu River.

If you get off at the Yuzawa IC, it takes about 30 minutes to get to the Nakasato area of Tokamachi City.

≪Welcome to the unexplored region≫ The Nakasato area of Tokamachi City was full of autumn leaf colour spots! ≪Three great gorges of Japan, Kiyotsukyo ≫.

Let's get on with it~!

Must-see tourist attraction! A national scenic and natural monument, the contrast between the spectacular scenery and the autumn leaves is breathtaking.

'Kiyotsukyo', handy: ★★★★*

≪Welcome to the unexplored region≫ The Nakasato area of Tokamachi City was full of autumn leaf colour spots! ≪Three great gorges of Japan, Kiyotsukyo ≫.

≪Welcome to the unexplored region≫ The Nakasato area of Tokamachi City was full of autumn leaf colour spots! ≪Three great gorges of Japan, Kiyotsukyo ≫.

≪Welcome to the unexplored region≫ The Nakasato area of Tokamachi City was full of autumn leaf colour spots! ≪Three great gorges of Japan, Kiyotsukyo ≫.

Kiyotsukyo Gorge is a national scenic and natural monument and one of Japan's three major gorges. The beauty of the landscape is endorsed by the national government! The colourful trees growing between the hexagonal columnar rock formations, known as columnar joints, is breathtakingly beautiful..! From the Kiyotsukyo Gorge Tunnel, you can enjoy the rock surfaces, the crystal-clear river and the autumn leaves up close.

≪shio* tweets.

  • Ideal for driving! Easy to stop by on the national road, with a large free parking lot!
  • Buses run four times a day (P.O.P.). 30-minute walk after getting off the bus - enjoy the hike ◎
  • There are also hot springs and souvenir shops to make you feel like a tourist!
  • The Kiyotsu River, a truly emerald green clear stream, is not to be missed ()
  • It can be viewed from the tourist tunnel, even on rainy days!


Collaboration between dam and autumn leaves. Secret spots in the tunnel.

'Takanosu Dam' Handy ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆

≪Welcome to the unexplored region≫ The Nakasato area of Tokamachi City was full of autumn leaf colour spots! ≪Three great gorges of Japan, Kiyotsukyo ≫.≪Welcome to the unexplored region≫ The Nakasato area of Tokamachi City was full of autumn leaf colour spots! ≪Three great gorges of Japan, Kiyotsukyo ≫.

Recommended by locals. The road is narrow and has no footpaths, so be careful of oncoming cars, but it is the result of Tokamachi's unique topography of river terraces. The view is superb.

≪shio* tweets.

  • Hidden foliage spot! Good views and refreshing autumn breezes!
  • The road is narrow and the entrance is difficult to find.
  • Â Unique foliage visible through the tunnel's side holes.
  • (Unfortunately there are no images available! Please see for yourself lol)
  • Nearby is the Mion Nakasato spa, where you can take a long bath on the way home.

National scenic and natural monument [no. 2]! The legendary waterfall at the end of a steep path...

'Tashiro no Nanatsu kama', handy ★★☆☆☆☆☆☆.

≪Welcome to the unexplored region≫ The Nakasato area of Tokamachi City was full of autumn leaf colour spots! ≪Three great gorges of Japan, Kiyotsukyo ≫.

≪Welcome to the unexplored region≫ The Nakasato area of Tokamachi City was full of autumn leaf colour spots! ≪Three great gorges of Japan, Kiyotsukyo ≫.

The Nakasato area is home to two of the three spots in the prefecture that have been designated as national scenic spots and natural monuments! Like Kiyotsukyo, the columnar-jointed rock surface was once visited by Makiyuki Suzuki, who said, "It looks as if it were piled up one by one by a human being..." or something to that effect.

≪shio* tweets.

  • A truly unexplored region! Located deep in the mountains, a car is required.
  • The path to the waterfall (walking trail) is surprisingly demanding. Trekking shoes might be a good idea...
  • If you want to get close to the falls, the path is even steeper!
  • (Please refrain from entering if there are no trespassing signs).
  • Beautiful waterfalls and autumn colours! The view of the looming rock face on the opposite bank is also recommended.
  • You can also enjoy art festival works.
  • →If you can't take the steep paths, we recommend the extra section of the Sotonosawa erosion control dam.


  • Seto Valley

≪Welcome to the unexplored region≫ The Nakasato area of Tokamachi City was full of autumn leaf colour spots! ≪Three great gorges of Japan, Kiyotsukyo ≫.

≪Welcome to the unexplored region≫ The Nakasato area of Tokamachi City was full of autumn leaf colour spots! ≪Three great gorges of Japan, Kiyotsukyo ≫.

More feminine landscape compared to Kiyotsukyo. The red bridge and the autumn leafy trees make a picturesque sight. Lunch and a smoke with dessert at the nearby inn Setoguchi is also recommended (=v=).

  • Nanatsugama Park and Sotonosawa erosion control dam

≪Welcome to the unexplored region≫ The Nakasato area of Tokamachi City was full of autumn leaf colour spots! ≪Three great gorges of Japan, Kiyotsukyo ≫.

≪Welcome to the unexplored region≫ The Nakasato area of Tokamachi City was full of autumn leaf colour spots! ≪Three great gorges of Japan, Kiyotsukyo ≫.

≪Welcome to the unexplored region≫ The Nakasato area of Tokamachi City was full of autumn leaf colour spots! ≪Three great gorges of Japan, Kiyotsukyo ≫.

Dam on the other side of the Nanatsugama walking trail. Beyond the small dam is a mountain stream between moss-covered rocks. Â A box garden-like landscape can be enjoyed.

How was it? There are so many places to see the autumn leaves!

There are many other sightseeing spots in Tokamachi, including "terraced rice fields", "beautiful forests", hot springs and facilities related to the Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennial. When you visit, please be sure to stop by the Nakasato area.â


*This article has been automatically translated.


Niigata Repo is a web magazine that makes Niigata more enjoyable, with local residents themselves acting as writers and describing their "experiences" and "subjectivity".

# Tokamachi City # (Japanese) maple (Acer japonicum)