Meijin Hanyu also participated! Sneak into the 11th International Friendship Chess Tournament in NIIGATA.

On 11 July 2015, the 11th International Friendship Chess Tournament was held at the Chinese Garden Tianjuyuan in Chuo-ku, Niigata City.

The organisers are the Niigata Chess Club (Chairman: Yoshihisa Aizawa). The organisation is active in promoting personal and international exchange through chess, starting with the Japan-Russia Friendship Chess Tournament in 2004, which has evolved over the years. The highlight of the 11th edition of the chess tournament is a rivalry between the top players from Japan and China. The Japanese representative was the Japanese chess player Meijin Hanyu! Why Mr Hanyu? In fact, Mr Hanyu started playing chess as a hobby when he was around 30 years old and is now one of the best chess players in Japan (that's too much...).

Apart from the rivalry, we went undercover at the competition, which was hotly contested by the best from all over Japan and the world.

Meijin Hanyu also participated! Sneak into the 11th International Friendship Chess Tournament in NIIGATA.Meijin Hanyu also participated! Sneak into the 11th International Friendship Chess Tournament in NIIGATA.

As you can see, the day was sunny. In the wonderful weather, hot competitions were fought from the morning.

In the halls, the best of the A and B ranks clash.

Meijin Hanyu also participated! Sneak into the 11th International Friendship Chess Tournament in NIIGATA.The players are ranked A, B, C and D according to their rating (Go strength) and play against opponents of the same rank. In the hall, fierce A- and B-ranked players from all over the country play against each other.

Meijin Hanyu also participated! Sneak into the 11th International Friendship Chess Tournament in NIIGATA.This is the A-rated table. Serious competition was developing in the tense atmosphere.

Meijin Hanyu also participated! Sneak into the 11th International Friendship Chess Tournament in NIIGATA.There is a rich international flavour. The person on the right in the photo is Anton, who participated from Sweden.

Meijin Hanyu also participated! Sneak into the 11th International Friendship Chess Tournament in NIIGATA.This tournament is played until the fourth round. This is a scene from the changeover after the game. The atmosphere was relaxed, with smiling players praising each other's good luck and exchanging a few small words. I think I caught a glimpse of the gentlemanly side of the game of chess.

Meijin Hanyu also participated! Sneak into the 11th International Friendship Chess Tournament in NIIGATA.Now, in the front row, a rivalry game was developing between representatives of Japan and China. Mr Zhou, pictured left, holds the title of GM (Grand Master) and is a strong player in international competitions. Incidentally, there are 1,380 GMs worldwide (as of 2012. He is a top-level player among the 700 million chess enthusiasts in the world.

Against him is Mr Nanjo, the Japanese representative. In the tense atmosphere, I can't say it out loud, but I cheer from my heart.

Meijin Hanyu also participated! Sneak into the 11th International Friendship Chess Tournament in NIIGATA.The area around the table where the rivalry game was being played was filled with many people carefully observing the moves. When we spoke to one of the people watching the game, he was a participant from the Kanto region (A rank!). He was a participant from the Kanto region (A rank!). 'I come here in between my own games. I came here in between my own games to have a look. It's still amazing... I can't stop looking at it (laughs). I understand how you feel!

Meijin Hanyu also participated! Sneak into the 11th International Friendship Chess Tournament in NIIGATA.Mr Hanyu playing against Guo Qi (2429, IM), the Chinese representative. He wears a suit when he plays chess. It's kind of fresh...

Meijin Hanyu also participated! Sneak into the 11th International Friendship Chess Tournament in NIIGATA.Sorry, I watched it for a while...

Meijin Hanyu also participated! Sneak into the 11th International Friendship Chess Tournament in NIIGATA.On a personal note, the author is also a chess fan. I like playing by myself, but I like watching people playing even more. I can't say it enough... I thought it was wonderful that I could enjoy such a precious space while I was in Niigata.

Meijin Hanyu also participated! Sneak into the 11th International Friendship Chess Tournament in NIIGATA.Oh no...

Some are just starting to play chess!

Meijin Hanyu also participated! Sneak into the 11th International Friendship Chess Tournament in NIIGATA.Now, we changed places and moved to the Japanese-style room. In the Japanese-style room, players of "C rank" and "D rank" are playing games, with C rank being for players with a rating of less than 1000, and D rank being a new rank established in this tournament, for players who have just started playing chess.

Meijin Hanyu also participated! Sneak into the 11th International Friendship Chess Tournament in NIIGATA.Although the serious competition was the same as in A and B ranks, there were many participants such as children and university students, and the atmosphere was friendly. Many of the participants were children and university students, and the atmosphere was very friendly. I thought there was no need to worry at all. If you want to start playing chess, please come to Niigata Chess Club! If you want to start playing chess, please contact the Niigata Chess Club!

His mentor, Mr Pinault, looks after Mr Hanyu.

Meijin Hanyu also participated! Sneak into the 11th International Friendship Chess Tournament in NIIGATA.Now, back in the hall, the final game had started. Mr Hanyu played against Ippei Rou (2461, IM).

Meijin Hanyu also participated! Sneak into the 11th International Friendship Chess Tournament in NIIGATA.Looking to the side, we see a figure giving Mr Hanyu an enthusiastic look. This is Jacques Pinault, a pioneer in the Japanese chess world and special advisor to the Niigata Chess Club. In fact, he is also Mr Hanyu's mentor in chess. I never thought I would be able to see both of them in Niigata at the same time..! I was so excited.

Awards ceremony and results

Meijin Hanyu also participated! Sneak into the 11th International Friendship Chess Tournament in NIIGATA.After the day's heated competition, the awards ceremony was held. Mr Masao Ariiso, Vice President of the Niigata Chess Club, presented certificates and prizes to the winners of each rank and those who had performed well. The photo shows Anton (from Sweden), the A rank winner. Some of the players were schoolchildren!

Meijin Hanyu also participated! Sneak into the 11th International Friendship Chess Tournament in NIIGATA.The result of the Sino-Japanese competition was 1 win, 11 losses and 4 draws for the Japanese side. At the end of the game, a commemorative photograph was taken of all the contestants, with the Japanese and Chinese players in the forefront. In contrast to the serious expressions on their faces during the game, everyone was smiling and praising each other for a good fight.

Also known as a "mind sport", chess is more than a board game; it is also regarded as a sport. Regardless of rank, age or sex, after the game, they shake hands with fresh faces, just like athletes. I was very moved by the way the players showed me their faces throughout the day. I would like to thank everyone for their hard work!

It is also said to be a rare opportunity in the country for players from the front line of the international scene to beginners to come together and compete in skill. I would like to thank Chairman Aizawa and the Niigata Chess Association for providing such an opportunity every year.

Tournament information

11th International Friendship Chess Tournament in NIIGATA

Meijin Hanyu also participated! Sneak into the 11th International Friendship Chess Tournament in NIIGATA.


*This article has been automatically translated.


Niigata Repo is a web magazine that makes Niigata more enjoyable, with local residents themselves acting as writers and describing their "experiences" and "subjectivity".

# Niigata City # International Goodwill Chess Tournament