Rounding out the love! Dinner at Ristorante Sasaki, a long-established Western restaurant in Chuo-ku, Niigata!

Ristorante Sasaki is a long-established Western-style restaurant in Niigata City. In fact, I used to work here part time! I feel nostalgia for a place that hasn't changed in five years. The shop is a skilled restaurant, magnificent!

Rounding out the love! Dinner at Ristorante Sasaki, a long-established Western restaurant in Chuo-ku, Niigata!

The menu offers a wide range of pasta and other dishes, from light to heavy, to fill your stomach. It is a great place to eat and drink, and attracts everyone from small children to the elderly!

Click here to see the menu! More 'reasonable' than you think, right? http://sasaki.e-niigata.biz/ristorante/

I came here today with a friend. We ordered a pizza, a pickle platter, three a la carte dishes and potato vichyssoise. All of them tasted so comforting... It was nostalgic... My shoulders relaxed so much...

中でもいっちばんヒットしたのはこのスープ!! 夏にはやっぱり「冷」の一品がかかせませんね!添えてあるポテトチップスも美味ー!!Rounding out the love! Dinner at Ristorante Sasaki, a long-established Western restaurant in Chuo-ku, Niigata!食事っていいですよね〜、コンビニのごはんとはやっぱり違うもの。 料理は「愛情を表現する身近な方法」かもしれませんね!

The restaurant's relaxed atmosphere, skilled hall staff and loving kitchen staff. The more I go to this restaurant, the more I want to come back.

You should also meet Sasaki's famous 'beauty witch' shop assistant! Not so much 'beauty' as 'kawaii'! A 'kawaii witch'!

Last but not least, lunch is also carefully prepared, cheap and good, so it's highly recommended!

Rounding out the love! Dinner at Ristorante Sasaki, a long-established Western restaurant in Chuo-ku, Niigata!

Shop information

Ristorante Sasaki

  • 2338-1, Nishiyamajima-cho, Chuo-ku, Niigata 951-8043, Japan
  • tel: 025-222-6686
  • Car parks: 8
  • Opening hours: Lunch / 11:00-15:00 Dinner (weekdays) / 17:00-22:00 Dinner (Sundays and public holidays) / 17:00-21:00
  • Shop holidays: Variable


*This article has been automatically translated.


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# Ristorante Sasaki # central district # Niigata City # Western-style meal