This is bad! I've been on a death-defying adventure at Thunder Rock, a must-see for cave enthusiasts.

We found an extraordinary spot at the foot of Mt Kakuda.

The name is "Thunder Rock", and if you drive along the Sea of Japan Sunset Line in the direction of Mt Kakudasan, you will find a magnificent view.

This is bad! I've been on a death-defying adventure at Thunder Rock, a must-see for cave enthusiasts.The cave is clearly visible from a distance! A view very unlike Niigata! Excited, I decided to park my car on a nearby gravel road and actually set foot in it myself.

This is bad! I've been on a death-defying adventure at Thunder Rock, a must-see for cave enthusiasts.Beyond where we parked the car, there is another ridiculously large cliff, which is hard to believe it is in Niigata. We are bowed down in front of the majestic nature: 'So big and so strong... we can't win...'.

This cliff is also one of the most spectacular spots on this cliff.

I gazed at it in a daze for about 10 minutes. Then it was time to go to the cave!

This is bad! I've been on a death-defying adventure at Thunder Rock, a must-see for cave enthusiasts.Walk along the rocks along the coast to the caves.

If you walk carelessly due to poor footing, you instantly stumble, so every step you take is a deadly risk. When you walk seriously, your usual unimportant worries blow away. One step in front of you is more important than small worries!

This is bad! I've been on a death-defying adventure at Thunder Rock, a must-see for cave enthusiasts.

The cave is finally approaching! The power is incredible!

This is bad! I've been on a death-defying adventure at Thunder Rock, a must-see for cave enthusiasts.If you look back at it before entering the cave, you will see that it is a magnificent natural feature.

The cave is a place where the sea is so blue that it's hard to believe there was ever a blue zone even in Niigata".

This is bad! I've been on a death-defying adventure at Thunder Rock, a must-see for cave enthusiasts.We're getting closer and closer! And when you get right in front of the cave...

This is bad! I've been on a death-defying adventure at Thunder Rock, a must-see for cave enthusiasts.Sea! The rough waves of the Sea of Japan are coming in through the gaps in the cave! Amazing!

This is beautiful! Ooooh!" I'm so excited...

The volume of the waves is so great that after a storm the roar is so loud it's like walking under a motorway. It's so powerful!

This is bad! I've been on a death-defying adventure at Thunder Rock, a must-see for cave enthusiasts.Looking suddenly to the left, here we see another cave that is passable for humans.

I'm thrilled... I'm taking a brave step forward.

This is bad! I've been on a death-defying adventure at Thunder Rock, a must-see for cave enthusiasts.About! This is the view into the cave.

The central part of the cave, which is probably about 50 m long, is really dark and nothing can be seen.

Activate the light function on the iPhone and go ahead.

This is bad! I've been on a death-defying adventure at Thunder Rock, a must-see for cave enthusiasts.

I feel like an adventurous bastard. Scared...!

This is bad! I've been on a death-defying adventure at Thunder Rock, a must-see for cave enthusiasts.Just when you think you're about to exit the cave, a hateful stunt is staged!

A rock that looks like a gourd island spreads out before you! We named it Hyokkori Gourd Rock! Super beautiful!

This is bad! I've been on a death-defying adventure at Thunder Rock, a must-see for cave enthusiasts.View through the cave!

This is bad! I've been on a death-defying adventure at Thunder Rock, a must-see for cave enthusiasts.Magnificent nature that makes you feel as if you have wandered into the Yae Islands... "Is this really Niigata?" There are many, many scenes that will make you doubt your own eyes.

This is a great spot to bring friends when they come from outside the prefecture!

It is a lie that there is nothing in Niigata! A lie! And so, with a sniff and a rush, we've introduced you to some of Niigata's best-kept secrets, with some truly spectacular sights.

If you call it a tourist attraction, you will be rewarded with a wonderful ocean view that will greatly clear your mind, even if you are from outside the prefecture. Please visit the beach in the summer and take a drive. I am sure you will be astonished!

This is bad! I've been on a death-defying adventure at Thunder Rock, a must-see for cave enthusiasts.Thunderstone signboard This signboard can be seen from the roadway leading into Niigata City from the direction of Yahiko.

The location is at the very foot of Mt Kakuda, so just drive along the Sea of Japan Sunset Line towards Mt Kakuda and you will arrive. Kakuda!


*This article has been automatically translated.


Niigata Repo is a web magazine that makes Niigata more enjoyable, with local residents themselves acting as writers and describing their "experiences" and "subjectivity".