The passion of enthusiasts and the little flowers that herald spring. Snowdrops Niigata Conference

The 'Niigata Prefecture Flower' designated by the prefecture is the tulip. Other 'trees of Niigata' are the snow camellia and the 'birds of Niigata' are the crested ibis.

And there is also the 'Niigata Prefecture Flower'. 'Snowdrops'.

In fact, Niigata Prefecture is famous as a native habitat of the snowdrop, and is said to be attracting attention from horticulturalists and snowdrop enthusiasts. However, I am not at all familiar with gardening, let alone snowdrops, and I even withered a morning glory I brought home from school when I was in primary school without taking good care of it.

For some reason, I go to an exhibition called 'Snow Crackers Niigata Convention' every year. My friend who lives on Sado Island wants to go to this exhibition, so I drive her to the venue. I'm also giving him some information about sightseeing in Niigata.

That is why I went to the Snowflake Niigata Convention again this year.

Snow Mowing Niigata Conference

The passion of enthusiasts and the little flowers that herald spring. Snowdrops Niigata Conference

The 'Snowdrops in Niigata Convention' is held every year in March at Messepia in Sanjo. It is the second largest exhibition of snowdrops after the National Convention of Snowdrops held in Ueno, Tokyo! It is said to attract enthusiasts from all over the country.

At first, I thought that the exhibition was just for housewives who like gardening, and maybe a few people from the industry, but there was a lot of enthusiasm in the hall...

The majority of visitors were middle-aged or older men. They eagerly took photos of the potted snowdrops on display, looked at them earnestly and discussed them with their companions. I don't know what it was about, but it was hot anyway.

Snowdrops come in a wide range of colours and shapes. Even looking at the potted plants on display, there is a real variety of flowers. The cultivation of snowdrops is actually a rather 'maniacal' world, with varieties of unusual shapes and colours being obtained and then crossed to produce even more unusual flowers.

In the same way that men are obsessed with tinkering with cameras and making plastic models, snowdrops also tickle men's fancy.

The most expensive ones cost tens of thousands of yen..!

The passion of enthusiasts and the little flowers that herald spring. Snowdrops Niigata Conference メッセピアを後にして近隣の園芸店さんに寄り道したのですが、こちらも雪割草の展示会を開催中。メッセピアから流れてくる人も多いとか。

The price tags on snowdrops on sale are a bit of a surprise. The cheapest ones start at around 1,000 yen, but the most expensive ones are worth tens of thousands of yen... and they are all lined up in a row without a care in the world. Some of them cost more than 100,000 yen.

'How can such a small flower be so expensive? These flowers are bigger and more beautiful!'

But this is a world that is no longer for the uninitiated.

In fact, many gardening shops and snowdrop enthusiasts' associations in the prefecture hold exhibitions and sales events on the occasion of the 'Snowdrops in Niigata' event. In the Chuetsu region, Echigo Hillside Park and the Snow Country Botanical Garden have joined forces to organise the 'Echigo Snow Crackers Road', and in Sado, where many rare species are produced, snow cracker exhibitions are held throughout the prefecture in March.

The snowdrops of Niigata Prefecture are attracting so much attention that they are so hot and yet attract enthusiasts from all over the country. However, the excitement seems to be limited to enthusiasts.

It's kind of a waste, it would be more interesting if it was more exciting! I thought.

*Theft, the taking away of native snowdrops in the wild, has become a serious problem. It is also a serious environmental hazard and could even lead to the extinction of snowdrops in the wild. Please do not steal anything.


*This article has been automatically translated.


Niigata Repo is a web magazine that makes Niigata more enjoyable, with local residents themselves acting as writers and describing their "experiences" and "subjectivity".

# Event # Sanjo city in north Taiwan, capital of Miyagi prefecture, Japan # Snow Mowing Show