Unveiled in Niigata City! Keep an eye on the Hiriko Niigata model, an ultra-compact EV car designed by Kunio Okawara!

The small electric vehicle 'Hiriko' was introduced as a major talking point at the Tokyo Motor Show in a previous article, 'The design of the electric vehicle (EV) under development in Kashiwazaki is like a sci-fi anime '.

Unveiled in Niigata City! Keep an eye on the Hiriko Niigata model, an ultra-compact EV car designed by Kunio Okawara!

A mock-up of the Niigata model of the Japanese version of Hiriko, developed by a company in Kashiwazaki, Niigata Prefecture, was unveiled at NEXT21 in Niigata City on (totally unrelated) 22 February, the Cat Day.

Unveiled in Niigata City! Keep an eye on the Hiriko Niigata model, an ultra-compact EV car designed by Kunio Okawara!

Take a quick look! This design looks like something out of an animated world!

Unveiled in Niigata City! Keep an eye on the Hiriko Niigata model, an ultra-compact EV car designed by Kunio Okawara!

The design was created by Kunio Okawara, who designed Mobile Suit Gundam mobile suits. The cute design looks as if it came straight out of the world of anime.

Unveiled in Niigata City! Keep an eye on the Hiriko Niigata model, an ultra-compact EV car designed by Kunio Okawara! 本当にアニメに出てきそうな形。

Unveiled in Niigata City! Keep an eye on the Hiriko Niigata model, an ultra-compact EV car designed by Kunio Okawara!

Large windscreen. The image of this place rises up when it is transformed.

Unveiled in Niigata City! Keep an eye on the Hiriko Niigata model, an ultra-compact EV car designed by Kunio Okawara!

As the name 'ultra-compact mobility' suggests, it is quite compact.

Unveiled in Niigata City! Keep an eye on the Hiriko Niigata model, an ultra-compact EV car designed by Kunio Okawara!

Monitor at the rear. They are free to display advertisements, messages to following cars, their own blogs and videos, etc. It is a device that allows cars to communicate with each other.

Unveiled in Niigata City! Keep an eye on the Hiriko Niigata model, an ultra-compact EV car designed by Kunio Okawara!

The Japanese version of Hiriko is developed by Kashiwazaki-based Four Link Systems Co. The project, called the Mirai Project, is supported by Niigata Prefecture and is being developed in collaboration with a variety of media, including animation and games.

Unveiled in Niigata City! Keep an eye on the Hiriko Niigata model, an ultra-compact EV car designed by Kunio Okawara!

Unveiled in Niigata City! Keep an eye on the Hiriko Niigata model, an ultra-compact EV car designed by Kunio Okawara!

Ka, it's cute, isn't it? Of course it's the car, right? By the way, they are both models from Niigata. They are modelling at the Japan Kawaii Expo. They are probably Aimi Abe ( http://kawahaku.jp/cast/14/ ) and Yuri Imaizumi ( http://kawahaku.jp/cast/24/ ). This research ability. I'm afraid of myself...

Unveiled in Niigata City! Keep an eye on the Hiriko Niigata model, an ultra-compact EV car designed by Kunio Okawara! それはともかく、彼女たちのコスチュームになっているのは「末永みらい」というアニメキャラ。カルチャー・ジャパンという会社のマスコットキャラ。海外で絶大な人気があり、マレーシアの電子マネーチャラや日本観光庁の公式キャラにもなっているとのこと!みらいプロジェクトもこの人気キャラとコラボレーションしているという訳です。

Reference: http://www.dannychoo.com/ja/post/1587/%E6%9C%AB%E6%B0%B8%E3%81%BF%E3%82%89%E3%81%84.html

Unveiled in Niigata City! Keep an eye on the Hiriko Niigata model, an ultra-compact EV car designed by Kunio Okawara!

At 14:00, a talk show was held with Kunio Okawara, who had designed the product.

Unveiled in Niigata City! Keep an eye on the Hiriko Niigata model, an ultra-compact EV car designed by Kunio Okawara! 進行役は一般財団法人日本自動車文化振興会理事長の小畑正好さん。

Unveiled in Niigata City! Keep an eye on the Hiriko Niigata model, an ultra-compact EV car designed by Kunio Okawara!

The panellists were Kunio Okawara (right), mechanical designer, and Yutaka Wada (left), former vehicle designer for Isuzu Motors Limited and currently president of Nagaoka Institute of Design.

Unveiled in Niigata City! Keep an eye on the Hiriko Niigata model, an ultra-compact EV car designed by Kunio Okawara!

The talk ranged from automobile design to the secret story of the design of the Gundam. When designing the Hiriko, he first thought of a design that would be easy to make, but was told by the president (of Four Link Systems) that he wanted it to look more like a robot, which led to the current design.

Unveiled in Niigata City! Keep an eye on the Hiriko Niigata model, an ultra-compact EV car designed by Kunio Okawara!

Mr Okawara has worked on various robot designs, including Gundam. He used many car designs as references. His dialogue with Mr Wada, who had designed the car, was a true example of future design.

Unveiled in Niigata City! Keep an eye on the Hiriko Niigata model, an ultra-compact EV car designed by Kunio Okawara!

With the development of ultra-compact mobility, cars will move from the era of buying them as they are provided by the manufacturer to customising them in one's own way and enjoying them as a hobby. The meaning of a beloved car will change dramatically. It is going to be a very exciting time in the future, when mecha that have appeared in cartoons may be realised as real-life products.

Mr Okawara's statement that he wanted Hiriko to appear in Side 7 (the setting of the first Gundam episode) left a great impression on me.

Unveiled in Niigata City! Keep an eye on the Hiriko Niigata model, an ultra-compact EV car designed by Kunio Okawara!

The talk show will be videoed on the internet at a later date. If you missed it, please check it out.

Unveiled in Niigata City! Keep an eye on the Hiriko Niigata model, an ultra-compact EV car designed by Kunio Okawara! さて、今開発中のHiriko新潟モデルは、2014年12月からいよいよ実証実験が開始されるそうです。本社のある柏崎市。それと新潟市、佐渡市で実証実験が始まるそうです。市民が利用できるようになるのは最初はカーシェアリングから。古町エリアに拠点ができて、そこで借りられるようになるのだとか。

Sold afterwards. They can be fitted with manipulators (arms) as an option. The car will have arms. I'm really looking forward to the launch.

This 'Mirai Project' is also supported by Niigata Prefecture. We will keep an eye on it in the future!

Unveiled in Niigata City! Keep an eye on the Hiriko Niigata model, an ultra-compact EV car designed by Kunio Okawara!


*This article has been automatically translated.


Niigata Repo is a web magazine that makes Niigata more enjoyable, with local residents themselves acting as writers and describing their "experiences" and "subjectivity".

# EV # liaison # electric automobile