Creating new demand with the "Banquet", a "super" high-end rice ladle! / Prince Industries Corporation [Change Leader vol. 7].

This article is a tie-up with the Niigata Prefecture Federation of Small Business Associations and Manufacturing Support Centre.

Numerous attractive companies are active in Niigata Prefecture. This section picks up on 'ChangeLeaders' who create new value by 'changing themselves positively'.

In the 7th edition of this series, we will look at the development of the Banquet, a high-end rice ladle that is "more than 10 times the price!" of existing rice ladles. Prince Industries has developed the high-end rice ladle "Banquet", which is "more than 10 times the price" of existing rice ladles. This article introduces the product development of a manufacturing company that produces a number of original products.

Brand building is creating new markets for the times, lifestyles and spaces.

From functionality to quality. The demands of companies and consumers are changing with the times. Prince Industries, which was founded as a can opener manufacturer, has developed original products to meet the changing values of users. The company has produced hit products such as the 'Grater Senka/Stainless Steel Grater', which has a V-shaped grating surface, and the 'Black Series', a stylish kitchen tool in black.

Creating new demand with the

The "Beautiful Shamoji Banquet" is a newly developed super luxury shamoji priced at a whopping 12,000 yen (excluding tax). The most important feature is that the rice "never" sticks to it. Using a manufacturing grant (*), we developed a technology to form a heat- and friction-resistant fluoroplastic, which is mainly used in the medical field. This has resulted in a rice ladle that does not stick to rice, can be used for stir-frying, and does not take on colour or odour even when used in curry. The handle is made of reinforced wood fixed with stainless steel studs, giving it the visual appearance of a Japanese kitchen knife. The luxurious appearance was designed with the idea of "serving rice in the same way you dress yourself, and eating with care".

Monozukuri subsidy... Common name for a project by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency to support capital investment, etc. that contributes to improving production capacity.

Creating new demand with the

This high-end shakuhama was designed for the "I wouldn't buy it myself, but I'd be happy to receive it" gift-giving situation. Good things that are used frequently in daily life but can be used for a long time are perfect as gifts. In addition, we are also working to develop sales channels overseas, where Japanese and rice food culture is being re-evaluated.

Creating new demand with the

Change1: Development of a rice-stick free rice scoop using highly useful fluoroplastic.

Fluoropolymers, which are also highly heat-resistant and non-stick, are compatible with cooking utensils and have been used as a coating for frying pans. The company devised the possibility of converting this usefulness to use for rice paddle. An injection moulding machine was introduced to pour the fluoroplastic into a mould and a prototype was successfully developed. Subsequently, when several monitors cooperated, the product was well received for its design and functionality.

Creating new demand with the

Injection moulding machine, purchased with a manufacturing subsidy.

Creating new demand with the

Fluoropolymers have extremely high heat resistance temperatures and are said to be capable of temperatures up to 260°C.

Change2: Determine who to talk to in order to reach the audience you want to reach.

The company has participated in numerous exhibitions in Niigata Prefecture and Tokyo. In December 2017, we participated in an exhibition in Tokyo organised by the National Federation of Small Business Associations. We were blessed with encounters that led to business negotiations. It was also an opportunity to interact with other industries as a wide range of industries participated.

Creating new demand with the

Booth exhibited at an exhibition in Tokyo.

Creating new demand with the

Careful explanation of the added value of the products at the exhibition to make people feel that the products are worthwhile.

Change3: Information is disseminated using video to increase understanding of the product.

In 2014, under the title 'P-tube', which is taken from the first letter of Prince Industries, the company began distributing videos on how to use its products and cooking videos using its products. The best way to get people to understand the advantages of a product is to show them how it is actually used. The videos help people to understand what cannot be compensated for by manuals or oral explanations.

Creating new demand with the

Video showing how to oil temper their own Oxynite frying pans.

Creating new demand with the

Delivering video clips of cooking equipment in use.


'Building a recession-proof company' makes many challenges possible.

新商品の開発が注目されがちですが、挑戦を支えるのは会社の基礎体力。定番商品や自動車部品など、安定的な事業を複数展開し、景気に左右されにくい企業体質が当社の特徴です。良い商品開発は 焦らず、丁寧に、何回も繰り返しながら、腰を据えて取り組むことが大切。実は「くっつかないしゃもじ」は20年以上前から構想があったもの。技術面の問題や、他社製品の大ヒットなどを乗り越え 『宴』は生まれました。結果を急がず、粘り強く開発に取り組むという当社の姿勢や、組織の強みを体現した商品とも言えます。
Creating new demand with the 専務取締役 高野富雄さん
Product pick-up Beautiful rice ladle 'Banquet'.

Creating new demand with the

The rice scoop is made of 100% fluoroplastic and does not stick to the rice. If you put it down, the ladle part will not touch the table. A great gift to show your appreciation. 12,000 yen (excluding tax)

Company profile

Creating new demand with the

Prince Industries Ltd.

Started manufacturing and selling household hardware as Kosei Seisakusho in 1964. In addition to the production of can openers since the company's foundation, the four pillars of the business are the production of automotive parts, OEM products and household cooking utensils. Human Knowledge Infinite" = "Human knowledge is infinite. Under the motto "Human knowledge is infinite, always keep looking beyond it", the company has developed a succession of ingenious and creative ideas for products. The company's products, which combine design and functionality, are gaining popularity.

Address: 313-1 Kaneko Shinden, Sanjo, Niigata Prefecture.



This article is a tie-up with the Niigata Prefecture Federation of Small Business Associations and Manufacturing Support Centre.


*This article has been automatically translated.


Niigata Repo is a web magazine that makes Niigata more enjoyable, with local residents themselves acting as writers and describing their "experiences" and "subjectivity".

# manufacturing # Sanjo city in north Taiwan, capital of Miyagi prefecture, Japan # Niigata Central Association of Small Business Associations