Murakami City, Sasagawa-river scenic boat ride!

Sasagawa Nagare is an 11-kilometre-long stretch of beach in the northernmost part of Niigata Prefecture, and is one of the prefecture's most famous coastal scenic spots, having been selected as one of Japan's 100 most scenic spots. The contrast between the clear, clear blue sea and the white sand is beautiful, and the numerous reefs and caves created by the erosion of the rough waves of the Sea of Japan make it Niigata's most beautiful sea, rich in variety.

そこの笹川流れに遊覧船があると聞き行ってきました。車で行ったのですが笹川流れの海岸線の景色の綺麗さに感動を覚えました! 到着しチケット売り場に行くと海の幸がいろいろ売っていました。Murakami City, Sasagawa-river scenic boat ride!チケットを買い、船に乗る時間まで売っていたイカを食べました。このイカが焼きたてというのもありますがめっちゃ美味かったです♪Murakami City, Sasagawa-river scenic boat ride!船はこういう感じ。もう一隻あります。二隻で運行しています。もう一隻は違う形の船です。Murakami City, Sasagawa-river scenic boat ride!中はこんな感じ~。船に乗り、笹川流れの海にある岩の事についての説明を聴きながら船は動きます。Murakami City, Sasagawa-river scenic boat ride!そしてある地点に来たら船内でかもめにあげる餌の販売をします!えさ100円!!Murakami City, Sasagawa-river scenic boat ride!かもめって「かっぱえびせん」食べるんだね…。Murakami City, Sasagawa-river scenic boat ride!かもめの餌付けは、遊覧船のメインといっても過言ではありません!かっぱえびせんを窓から出すと…Murakami City, Sasagawa-river scenic boat ride!ほら近寄ってきた~こんな近くまで来ます!!近すぎだろ…(笑)「さくっ」と上手に食べるんですよ~かもめ達が~♪あんまり食べると、のど渇くよ~(笑)Murakami City, Sasagawa-river scenic boat ride!かもめがサクッと餌を取るから、いちいちビックリする!「おおお~~~!!」 僕が、まあまあ大きめな声でビックリするから 結構まわりに迷惑(笑)僕のビックリした声に、前の座席の女性がビックリするという始末…。

On the way back, I went to the beach and felt the sea water. You can go in just for your feet. (Bring a towel if you want to go in the sea.) The beach was more like fine stones than sand. If you look closely, you can see quite a few beautiful stones.

There were quite a few transparent stones, and I forgot myself and went back to my childhood to look for them enthusiastically.

Murakami City, Sasagawa-river scenic boat ride!In memory of Sasakawa Nagare

I came home with some beautiful stones.

We recommend the Sasakawaryu scenic boats, which offer many enthralling experiences!

Murakami City, Sasagawa-river scenic boat ride!At first I thought I might get seasick, but when it came time to feed the fish, I was so absorbed in the fun that I forgot about the seasickness... It was a very interesting experience. It's fun for children and adults too!

Sasakawaryu pleasure boat, highly recommended! And eat squid!

If you try to go outside the prefecture, it's not easy, but with Sasakawasure, the distance is moderate and the scenery is good!


*This article has been automatically translated.


Niigata Repo is a web magazine that makes Niigata more enjoyable, with local residents themselves acting as writers and describing their "experiences" and "subjectivity".

# village listing # bamboo-leaf flow (river) # pleasure cruise