Spring in full bloom. Gosen City flower calendar.

In spring, skunk cabbage, cherry blossoms, tulips and peonies bloom in Gosen. It is very lively.

We have been to all of them and will report back to you.

Water plantain park (late March - early April)

Skunk cabbage parks are located in areas with abundant spring water, such as Yoshishimizu.

The park, where some 30,000 Mizubashou plants can be seen, has a well-maintained walking trail.

Spring in full bloom. Gosen City flower calendar.

The water flows from the mountains and is cool and clear.

Spring in full bloom. Gosen City flower calendar.この時期は雪も残っていて、肌寒いです。

You may want to go a little warmer.

Cherry blossom (around mid-April)

Muramatsu Park is one of the best places for cherry blossom in Gosen. But the parking fee is a little expensive at 500 yen!

Other parks include Awashima Park and Sakura Bridge.

Spring in full bloom. Gosen City flower calendar.

Spring in full bloom. Gosen City flower calendar.

The Oyamada Higan Cherry Tree Forest is personally recommended. It was designated a national natural monument in 1991.

This is a slightly steep hiking trail. Some people take bear bells to protect against bears.

It is a good idea to admire the softly blooming cherry blossoms in the mountains.

This year, the cherry blossoms in the park caught my eye and I was too late to go and they were in leaf...

Spring in full bloom. Gosen City flower calendar.

Spring in full bloom. Gosen City flower calendar.

The cherry trees in Oyamada start to bloom just a little later, when the cherry trees at the foot of the mountain bloom.

Tulip Festival (late Apr-early May)

A field of 1.5 million tulips.

Tulips cannot be grown in successive crops, so they are grown in slightly different locations.

Spring in full bloom. Gosen City flower calendar.

Gosen's tulips are a farmer's crop rather than an ornamental one.

Pick the flowers early to allow the bulbs to grow larger.

Spring in full bloom. Gosen City flower calendar.

Farmers picking flowers.

There are flower-picking activities at weekends, and bulbs can be sent to you once they have been harvested.

Peony orchard (early to mid-May)

5,000 peonies of 120 species are in bloom.

Large buses can be seen here and there. They are sketched in the morning or viewed from the watchtower.

Spring in full bloom. Gosen City flower calendar.

tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa)

It is located in East Park, where there is playground equipment and places to play.

Each is a place where you can spend your time to your heart's content.

Rhododendrons and peonies also bloom in front of the peonies.

Spring in full bloom. Gosen City flower calendar.

Rhododendron, peony.

There is also pink wisteria, so why not take a stroll around the garden as well as the Botan Garden?

Spring in full bloom. Gosen City flower calendar.

When do your readers know when the beautiful flowers bloom in your area?

It may be fun to try and establish some guidelines.

This is the Gosen flower calendar.


*This article has been automatically translated.


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# Wuquan City, Hainan # 花 # sightseeing