I went to the opening campaign for THE BAROQUE, Niigata's first café latte speciality restaurant.

When I heard that a new 'café latte specialty shop' was to open in Niigata City's tourist and product centre, Pia Mandai, I immediately went to its opening campaign.

It opened on 12 April under the name THE BAROQUE. It reads... ba, baroque? BAROQUE? I couldn't resist entering BAROQUE into the internet and searching for it, I found "Baroque". It is The Baroque!

We heard about some unique opening campaign for this shop, which took place over three days on 12, 13 and 14 December.

I went to the opening campaign for THE BAROQUE, Niigata's first café latte speciality restaurant.

Do you see. The statement in the top right-hand corner of the poster, "You decide the price".


I went to the opening campaign for THE BAROQUE, Niigata's first café latte speciality restaurant.

For these three days, only café lattes and espressos are offered. Moreover, they are an experiment in which customers actually try the drinks and "decide the price according to their satisfaction"!

It can be 100 yen or even 1,000 yen! You don't have to pay if you don't want to! This campaign is like a throwaway campaign. Isn't it interesting?

I went to the opening campaign for THE BAROQUE, Niigata's first café latte speciality restaurant.

Money is placed in a 'donation box'. This donation box is placed at the entrance and exit, so the barista does not know how many yen you have put in.

You can feel free to put in the amount of money you think you can afford.

This unique campaign seemed to be very popular and when we went there at around 14:00 on the 14th, the shop was full of customers waiting for their latte! This made it unlikely that I would be able to talk to the barista about getting permission to publish it, so I visited the shop again at around 15:00.

I went to the opening campaign for THE BAROQUE, Niigata's first café latte speciality restaurant.入り口にはオープン記念にたくさんのお花がありました。

I went to the opening campaign for THE BAROQUE, Niigata's first café latte speciality restaurant.注文は奥のカウンターで。カウンターにも席があります。

I went to the opening campaign for THE BAROQUE, Niigata's first café latte speciality restaurant.かなり狭い店内なのですが、2人掛けのテーブルが2つ。

I went to the opening campaign for THE BAROQUE, Niigata's first café latte speciality restaurant.脇にカウンターっぽい椅子と。窓側には注文されたものを待つ用のベンチがあります。店内でゆっくりという訳にはいかないかもしれませんが、ここはピア万代。持ち帰りしても外にはベンチがたくさんあります。

I went to the opening campaign for THE BAROQUE, Niigata's first café latte speciality restaurant.

I ordered an iced café latte. I was surprised at how creamy it was, and rightly so!

I went to the opening campaign for THE BAROQUE, Niigata's first café latte speciality restaurant.

The amount of latte before the café is filled is incredible!

Café latte is a mixture of espresso and milk, but is there so much milk because you can add thick espresso? Anyway, it's creamy.

I went to the opening campaign for THE BAROQUE, Niigata's first café latte speciality restaurant.ホットの場合にはもちろんバリスタさんがラテアートを描いてくれます。ホットを頼んだスーツ姿の若い女性の方は写メ撮っていました。「僕も撮らせて下さい!」と言う勇気がなく…写真なしです。

This café latte specialist, The Baroque, is a new project of Suzuki Coffee Co Ltd, which is famous for operating Niigata Coffee Wholesaler and other businesses. Pier Bandai's website includes the following fun text.

Espresso is brewed with the utmost care, and milk is added to the latte. The ultimate performance adds the perfect touch! A space and experience like you have never experienced before will make you the brightest 'smile' in the world.
Reference: http://www.bandai-nigiwai.jp/shop/detail.php?id=26

We did not know about the performance part of this campaign. But following the project of throwing money, we are very much looking forward to seeing what kind of performance will make us smile!

Shop information

Niigata Coffee Wholesaler The Baroque THE BAROQUE

  • Address: in Pier Bandai, 2-8 Bandaijima, Chuo-ku, Niigata City.
  • Opening hours/10:00-18:00.
  • Closed/Wednesday
  • TEL/025-385-7010


*This article has been automatically translated.


Niigata Repo is a web magazine that makes Niigata more enjoyable, with local residents themselves acting as writers and describing their "experiences" and "subjectivity".

# THEBAROQUE # hostess bar (serving western alcoholic beverages; Taisho and Showa period) # Pier Mandai # central district # Niigata City # Niigata Coffee Wholesaler