The impressive diagonal elevator! If you visit Echigo Hillside Park, the observation deck is a must!

The National Echigo Hillside Park is located in Nagaoka City. As the name suggests, it is a park with a large open space, on top of a mountain. Each season, there are various events such as the Tulip Festival, Relay Marathon, Cosmos Festival and Winter Illumination, and many people probably visit the park for these events. However, what is not so surprising is the existence of an observatory. If you visit the hillside park, the observatory is also a must. Today I would like to write about some of the reasons why.

Reason No. 1 why an observatory is a must: it's just right for a walk.

The hillside park's viewing platform is located a short distance from the main square. From the square, 435 stone steps lead up to a 2 km walking trail, which is just right for a stroll.

The impressive diagonal elevator! If you visit Echigo Hillside Park, the observation deck is a must!

The impressive diagonal elevator! If you visit Echigo Hillside Park, the observation deck is a must!

The impressive diagonal elevator! If you visit Echigo Hillside Park, the observation deck is a must!

It took about 40 minutes from the time we started climbing the stone steps to the time we reached the viewing platform, walking a little slower. It was a pleasant autumn day and a really pleasant walk.

Reason No. 2: The observatory is a must: the observatory is kind of amazing.

When you enter the building, you are struck by the overwhelming architecture. The staircase is very winding and very fun to climb.

The impressive diagonal elevator! If you visit Echigo Hillside Park, the observation deck is a must!

The impressive diagonal elevator! If you visit Echigo Hillside Park, the observation deck is a must!

The information map also shows a wiggly staircase like this.

The impressive diagonal elevator! If you visit Echigo Hillside Park, the observation deck is a must!

Exterior view. The observation deck is actually a lift that runs diagonally across the building!

The impressive diagonal elevator! If you visit Echigo Hillside Park, the observation deck is a must!

I forgot to take a picture of the elevator, which is very important, so please see for yourself! I'll just paste an image diagram.

The impressive diagonal elevator! If you visit Echigo Hillside Park, the observation deck is a must!

Reason No. 3 why a lookout is a must: it's still a great view.

It's an observation deck, so you can't miss the view. Once you've reached the top floor via the diagonal elevator or the wiggly staircase, you can climb the outdoor stairs.

The impressive diagonal elevator! If you visit Echigo Hillside Park, the observation deck is a must!

Ba-bam! This is the view from the observatory! (Towards the city centre)

The impressive diagonal elevator! If you visit Echigo Hillside Park, the observation deck is a must!

Well, it's half forest. At any rate, the viewing platform is in the forest. It is high enough to enjoy a pleasant breeze and the view is far-reaching.

And this is the hillside park side.

The impressive diagonal elevator! If you visit Echigo Hillside Park, the observation deck is a must!

Well, it's half forest. At any rate, the viewing platform is in the forest. You can see the hillside park square and the car park. It's a bit of a thrill to see that you've walked all the way from there!" and you can feel a little bit of excitement.

The telescope, which is a feature of observatories, was also free to use. I was surprised at the kindness of the staff, as most tourist attractions require a coin to be inserted.

So here are three reasons why the observatory is a must. The slanting elevators, the winding staircases, it's very exciting.

Although we visited in mid-October, please note that the observatory is not available during the winter months. Winter illumination season is from now on! Be sure to try the observatory in spring.

Echigo Hills Park


*This article has been automatically translated.


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# Nagaoka City