The birthplace of Nishikigoi is in Niigata Prefecture! <Swimming jewels> Nishikigoi sales events are held all over the Chuetsu region.

'Established as the fish of Nagaoka City. An exhibition of swimming jewels <Nishikigoi> was held at the Nagaoka City Autumn Festival.

The birthplace of Nishikigoi is in Niigata Prefecture! <Swimming jewels> Nishikigoi sales events are held all over the Chuetsu region.Nishikigoi sales at the Nagaoka City Autumn Festival held at Aole Nagaoka.

In fact, the 'birthplace of Nishikigoi' is the former 'Nijumura-go', which straddles Nagaoka and Ojiya cities.

The birthplace of Nishikigoi is in Niigata Prefecture! <Swimming jewels> Nishikigoi sales events are held all over the Chuetsu region.

It was born about 200 years ago (1804-1830), during the Bunka-Bunsei period.

In the mountainous areas of the Chuetsu region, rice and vegetables were grown in 'terraced rice fields'. And in order to draw water to these 'terraced fields', carp were kept for food in reservoirs built in the upper part of the terraced fields. Edible! So it was an important protein!

The birthplace of Nishikigoi is in Niigata Prefecture! <Swimming jewels> Nishikigoi sales events are held all over the Chuetsu region.

One such edible carp mutated one day, which led to the start of breeding.

And so the colourful Nishikigoi of today were born!

The birthplace of Nishikigoi is in Niigata Prefecture! <Swimming jewels> Nishikigoi sales events are held all over the Chuetsu region.

Nishikigoi are said to be swimming jewels, and there is a huge increase in purchases of Nishikigoi from abroad nowadays! Especially in Germany and Europe!

I don't have a pond where I can keep koi!" Don't worry, there are no ponds where you can keep Koi! In fact, Nishikigoi have a characteristic that if they are kept within a certain size, they will not grow any larger!

The birthplace of Nishikigoi is in Niigata Prefecture! <Swimming jewels> Nishikigoi sales events are held all over the Chuetsu region.

This method is called 'shime-kei'. It might be fashionable to enjoy colourful 'chibi koi' in an aquarium (^^).

The birthplace of Nishikigoi is in Niigata Prefecture! <Swimming jewels> Nishikigoi sales events are held all over the Chuetsu region.

Nishikigoi sales are held in various places such as Nagaoka and Ojiya at this time of year, so be sure to check them out!

The birthplace of Nishikigoi is in Niigata Prefecture! <Swimming jewels> Nishikigoi sales events are held all over the Chuetsu region.


*This article has been automatically translated.


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# Koi # Nagaoka City