Autumn on Sado Island Autumn leaf colour drive on the Osado Skyline. Video introduction to the spectacular scenery!

Autumn is deepening, and the autumn colours are a delight to see. Despite being a remote island, the Osado Skyline, which runs along the ridges of the 1000 m-high Osado Mountains, is also famous for its autumn colours.

A drive along the Osado Skyline, which offers beautiful autumn leaves and panoramic views over Sado Island at the same time.

In this video, the train runs from the direction of Sado Kanayama (Aikawa) to Hakuundai (Kanai). The exchange centre Hakuundai is 850 m above sea level, from where you can see the Kuninaka Plain of Sado Island, from Mano Bay to Ryotsu Bay. Yes, this is where you can see that Sado has the same shape as on a map. If the weather is fine and the air is clear, you can even see the mountains of the Northern Alps in the distance.

This time we climbed from the Aikawa direction. We passed by the historic site Sado Kinzan and climbed up the slope. As we climbed, the surrounding trees became more coloured. When we eventually reached the ridge, the visibility improved. Passing in front of the 4-prefecture natural monument Otowa Pond, famous for its huge floating island, and the giant mountain cherry tree Senryu-zakura, the building of the exchange centre Hakuundai comes into view as we continue on our way.

Autumn on Sado Island Autumn leaf colour drive on the Osado Skyline. Video introduction to the spectacular scenery!Exchange Centre Baiyundai

There is an observation deck at Hakuundai, from where you can get a panoramic view of Sado Island. Restrooms, of course, are available, as well as resting and eating facilities. Various souvenirs are on sale, so visitors to the Sado Skyline almost always stop here.

Incidentally, this Hakuundai is the starting point of the Osado Skyline. Between here and Kuninaka Plain, the road is a 'Defence Agency controlled road'. Beyond Hakuundai, the road branches off to the Self-Defence Forces radar site and the traverse route to Mt Donden.

Next week, the annual Momijiyama Festival will be held at the famous Momijiyama, also known as Momijiyama, on the Kosado mountain side. In addition to the magnificent effects, there will be performing arts (Bunya puppets), a persimmon peeling competition and, as the surrounding area is known for its matsutake mushrooms, events such as a matsutake mushroom hunt and darts game!

Osawatu skyline (exchange centre Baiyundai).


*This article has been automatically translated.


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# drive # Sado City # (Japanese) maple (Acer japonicum)