Yahiko from 24 angles! Let's find 'Home of the heart... Mount Yahiko'!

In winter in Niigata Prefecture, there are so few opportunities to see the sun's face that it can be said that "the weather is bad every day in winter." It's been a while since I went out thinking "It's sunny~!" I went out thinking, "It's sunny!", but it became increasingly cloudy (^_^;).

Today's theme of exploration is...

Finding 'Home of the Heart... Mt Yahiko'!

(^^)! (^^)!

Mount Yahiko, which appears in various school songs.

For the people of Yahiko Village, where it exists, they are probably more attached to it than people in other municipalities.

I am from neighbouring Yoshida, but I think the best shape of Mt Yahiko is the one I saw every day myself!

Then it occurred to me that...

'I guess the Best of Mt Yahiko depends on where you lived?'

This means.

It's just a little bit of movement that changes the shape.

I am always relieved when I go out by car or Shinkansen and Mount Yahiko turns out to be what I think is the best shape.

So I went to each district of Yahiko Village to take photos of Mt Yahiko!

It clouded over faster than expected, so it wasn't perfect, but it was an interesting exploration (*^_^*).

Yahiko from 24 angles! Let's find 'Home of the heart... Mount Yahiko'!


The area between the enterprise zone and the residential area.

Yahiko from 24 angles! Let's find 'Home of the heart... Mount Yahiko'!


Around the Peony Garden

Yahiko from 24 angles! Let's find 'Home of the heart... Mount Yahiko'!

Kawasaki (city)

Around Dream Tree House and Hikari Nursery School.

Yahiko from 24 angles! Let's find 'Home of the heart... Mount Yahiko'!


I couldn't see much because of the buildings. ......(T_T)

Yahiko from 24 angles! Let's find 'Home of the heart... Mount Yahiko'!

arrow maker

Slightly to the left of the Otorii gate

Yahiko from 24 angles! Let's find 'Home of the heart... Mount Yahiko'!

Yasaku ②

Around Tsutsumi Internal Medicine

Yahiko from 24 angles! Let's find 'Home of the heart... Mount Yahiko'!

Yasaku (③)

Road to the fire station in Yoshida.

Mount Yahiko seen from here is the most fitting as it looks the same shape as from my parents' house!

Yahiko from 24 angles! Let's find 'Home of the heart... Mount Yahiko'!


Around the water purification plant. The village border with Tsubame City.

Yahiko from 24 angles! Let's find 'Home of the heart... Mount Yahiko'!

Plain (ii)

A street with beautiful cherry blossom trees in spring.

Yahiko from 24 angles! Let's find 'Home of the heart... Mount Yahiko'!

Amur silvergrass (Miscanthus sacchariflorus)

Yahiko in all four seasons while working in the fields.

Yahiko from 24 angles! Let's find 'Home of the heart... Mount Yahiko'!


Mt Yahiko is not visible from the main village because of the Ida Hills.

Yahiko from 24 angles! Let's find 'Home of the heart... Mount Yahiko'!


Mt Yahiko from here is a favourite spot for photography as there are no power lines coming in!

Yahiko from 24 angles! Let's find 'Home of the heart... Mount Yahiko'!


You can also see the hot spring town of Yahiko.

Yahiko from 24 angles! Let's find 'Home of the heart... Mount Yahiko'!

mountain shore

It's much more sideways-shaped (from my point of view).

Yahiko from 24 angles! Let's find 'Home of the heart... Mount Yahiko'!

Yamasaki (name)

Here, too, there are still Ida Hills and you can only see a little bit of them.

Yahiko from 24 angles! Let's find 'Home of the heart... Mount Yahiko'!

the well-field system of ancient China

From the road above Yahiko Primary School. Can you see it from the ground here?

Yahiko from 24 angles! Let's find 'Home of the heart... Mount Yahiko'!

village hill

The rice paddies are spreading out and Mt Amagari is now clearly visible.

Yahiko from 24 angles! Let's find 'Home of the heart... Mount Yahiko'!

river crossing

It looks like a different mountain from the Mt Yahiko I am used to seeing. But I guess the shape is familiar to people in the foothills area.

Yahiko from 24 angles! Let's find 'Home of the heart... Mount Yahiko'!

Around Sun Village

Yahiko from 24 angles! Let's find 'Home of the heart... Mount Yahiko'!

temple dedicated to Kannon

It's too close to see well (sweat).

Yahiko from 24 angles! Let's find 'Home of the heart... Mount Yahiko'!


Yahiko Park parking lot

Yahiko from 24 angles! Let's find 'Home of the heart... Mount Yahiko'!


Yahiko Shrine car park

Yahiko from 24 angles! Let's find 'Home of the heart... Mount Yahiko'!

the upper spring

Yahiko Gymnasium

Yahiko from 24 angles! Let's find 'Home of the heart... Mount Yahiko'!


Yahiko Shrine. I like Mt Yahiko from here!

Within the village of Yahiko alone, we could see so many different Mt Yahiko.

It must be seen in many different ways from neighbouring municipalities where Mt Yahiko is visible.

I was able to reconfirm that Mount Yahiko is, after all, "the mountain that is my spiritual home".

A hometown is more than scenery, but also sounds, smells and wind currents. ......

You can feel it with all your senses.

We will always cherish our unchanged hometown.


*This article has been automatically translated.


Niigata Repo is a web magazine that makes Niigata more enjoyable, with local residents themselves acting as writers and describing their "experiences" and "subjectivity".

# Mt. Yahiko # Scenery