'Preparing for winter' in Niigata City! That 'wall' on the national highway that appeared again this year... do you know its surprising role?

As usual, the landscape of the R116 is unchanged.

In fact, now.

Preparing for winter.

'Preparing for winter' in Niigata City! That 'wall' on the national highway that appeared again this year... do you know its surprising role?

What it means.

Shaqing ministry

'Preparing for winter' in Niigata City! That 'wall' on the national highway that appeared again this year... do you know its surprising role?

A wall will be built.

These are called 'ground snow barriers' or 'snow fences', and on the R116 they are installed in the seaward direction where there are extensive stretches of rice paddies.

Except in winter, they are folded up, as shown in the top image.

They can be seen on the R8 as well as the R116. In snowy Niigata, various measures are taken to prevent snow from accumulating on the roads. In areas with heavy snowfall, a well-known measure is the 'snow-melting pipe', which uses water to melt the snow. However, in Niigata City, the measures are different from snow-melting equipment in heavy snowfall areas.

At first glance, you might think that this is a wall that serves to protect against snowstorms and strong winds? Actually, it is much more than that! The snow protection board is made up of several boards that make up a wall. By changing the direction of these boards, the direction of the wind is changed to generate strong winds, and the force of the wind blows the snow off the road at once! This is how it works! Did you know?

In Niigata City, it's more wind and snow that blow around and accumulate than snowfall.

In the distance, the Iide mountain range shows traces of snow-capped peaks.

'Preparing for winter' in Niigata City! That 'wall' on the national highway that appeared again this year... do you know its surprising role?'Preparing for winter' in Niigata City! That 'wall' on the national highway that appeared again this year... do you know its surprising role?

In the city, too, people are starting to change their tyres soon, especially sales people.

Many members of the public change their tyres after the first snowfall, when the weather improves. If you don't change them yourself, be aware that GSs will be crowded!

'Preparing for winter' in Niigata City! That 'wall' on the national highway that appeared again this year... do you know its surprising role?

Collaboration of silver grass and snow-covered mountains.

From golden to blue-grey, the baton has passed.

It is not yet time for the snow to fall. Enjoy the change of season for a while...


*This article has been automatically translated.


Niigata Repo is a web magazine that makes Niigata more enjoyable, with local residents themselves acting as writers and describing their "experiences" and "subjectivity".

# Ground blowing snow prevents wall # Niigata City # Anti-Snow Grating