'It's been a long time since I've done any Negi-wotaku activity' (Part 1).

Hello, everyone." Kohl's. @RoadToBudokan". It's been a while. It's been five months since my last post (18/05/2014 ), and I was eager to write at least one article a month, but somehow it's already autumn. (Sorry, editor-in-chief.)

This time, I participated in Negiwotaku activities (supporting Negicco) for the first time in a while on 22 October, so I would like to talk a little about that. As I have written many times, there is a local idol group in Niigata called Negicco.

I have been following Negicco for the past five years and uploading their live videos to Youtube. I think I have now uploaded about 600 videos on Youtube. The number of views has exceeded 3.8 million. (There are also comedy and hero shows, so not all of them are Negicco videos, but 90% of them are Negicco videos. Even though I write this, I haven't been active as a Negi-wota for the past year or so. I guess it's commonly known as "wacon" (Never Give Up!).

After the light-hearted stunt work was over (laughs), I went to a rather interesting event the other day. The event, organised by Niigata's community FM station FMKENTO, is called 'Kento University' and invites a variety of lecturers to give lectures, roughly speaking, it is like a culture school. The lectures were called 'Full Machi Walking Studies with Negicco' and 'Marketing Studies with Negicco', and I attended them.

What is Fulmachi Walking Studies with Negicco, and what does it mean?

This project, as the title suggests, is an irresistible opportunity for fans to stroll around Furumachi with Negicco members and visit the various places of interest in Furumachi. There were actually quite a few applicants for the event, and we heard that many Negiwotas were unable to win.

Speaking of Furumachi, it is no exaggeration to say that Negicco's roots are in Furumachi, where Negicco won the Grand Prix at the 1st Furumachi Music Festival, a music competition, 10 years ago. Kumakura, manager of Negicco, used to be manager of Junk Box, or not (rumour has it). Furumachi is a place associated with Negicco, so to speak, and this project is like a "pilgrimage to a sacred place".

  • Numerous release events for new songs have been held in old towns.

Full Machi Walking Study with Negicco, start!

The town walk was divided into three teams of 15 each of the Negicco members (Nao☆, Megu and Kaede), with no Negicco members introducing Furumachi, but rather a professional guide showing each place of interest and learning about it together with the Negicco members. The tour was not an introduction to Furumachi by the Negicco members.

I'm Nao☆ (call me 'Chapin'). I was a member of a group that went on a city walk. The town walk started at the central campus of Niigata University of International and Information Studies, the starting point under perfect autumn weather.

'It's been a long time since I've done any Negi-wotaku activity' (Part 1).◆Yuai Park, the starting point

The first landmarks immediately!

Walk north along Masaya Alley and you will soon find the first famous landmark, the starting point of National Road 7. Why is National Highway 7 a famous place of interest?

Negicco's song is called 'Route Seven Memories', and I was thinking to myself that this is the starting point of the song. Has there ever been a singer who sang about Route 7? Good job, lyricist Connie!

'It's been a long time since I've done any Negi-wotaku activity' (Part 1).◆ Route Severn starting point.

In front of it stands the main bank of NegiPro (Negicco's office), walking down Furumachi Dori towards Simo. While also listening to the bank's poop story that the Daishi Bank was actually the third bank in Japan to be established. Nao☆ (call her "Chapin") will also talk to each participant along the way. The time was really heartwarming and nice. It felt like a pseudo-date with Negicco! (It's just like Negicco to not make you buy their CDs!)

'It's been a long time since I've done any Negi-wotaku activity' (Part 1).◆NegiPro's main bank.

Arrived at the sacred site, Furumachi 7.

Then we went to the front of the sacred Orange Lawson where Furumachi Domen is held. I hear that last weekend's Furumachi Domen was quite exciting.

◆Check out the situation in Niigata Repo "The event was a great success! I participated in the 2014 autumn Furumachi Donden"! : https: //niigata-repo.com/play/post-5593/

'It's been a long time since I've done any Negi-wotaku activity' (Part 1).◆Early information: the ashtray in front of the Orange Lawson is the only point in Furumachi 7 where you can smoke. (Daretok information?!!!)

Further on, cross the necktie shop and tea shop Asakawaen to Osaka-ya, on the corner of Furumachi 7.

I learnt for the first time that the signboard of Asakawaen, the signboard of Osaka-ya and the title of Niigata Nippo were all written by Aizu Yaichi, one of Niigata's leading calligraphers. A little break time at Osaka-ya.

'It's been a long time since I've done any Negi-wotaku activity' (Part 1).◆The signboard of Asakawaen was written by Aizu Yaichi.

'It's been a long time since I've done any Negi-wotaku activity' (Part 1).◆The signboard of "Osaka-ya" is also written by "Aizu Yaichi".

Nao☆Chapin also served hot tea and the famous Osaka-ya confectionery 'Grape Kiko'. Thank you, Nao☆Chapin! We also bought some souvenirs from Osaka-ya. As a souvenir of the trip. As a present for my family. It's the best part of walking around the city.

'It's been a long time since I've done any Negi-wotaku activity' (Part 1).◆Osakaya's Halloween assortment is only available now!

At Nabechaya street, a long-established ryotei restaurant in Niigata.

Continue in the direction of Higashihori, passing by the old restaurant Nabechaya (established 326-311 years ago in Genroku) in Furumachi.

When I passed by, a wedding ceremony was taking place at Nabechaya, and I bumped into them in front of the entrance for a commemorative photo, with Nao☆Chapin and I taking a snapshot together. I wished them both eternal happiness. I wished them a happy and long life together, and I felt happy all at once. Marriage is good after all.

'It's been a long time since I've done any Negi-wotaku activity' (Part 1).◆Nabechaya Street, with Nao☆Chapin's Omiasi.

'It's been a long time since I've done any Negi-wotaku activity' (Part 1).◆All of us who came across the wedding and were given a share of the sheer joy of the occasion.

Then through the back lanes of the old town to Nishibori Street. In front of another old building. Once upon a time, there was a moat in the centre of Niigata, with a four-cornered bridge and a historical sign saying that in summer they used to have a bon dance there. If it had survived, it would certainly be a tourist attraction by now. I think it must have had a real atmosphere. I felt nostalgic, wishing I could hear Negicco live in such a place.

'It's been a long time since I've done any Negi-wotaku activity' (Part 1).◆There are a number of such historical guides dotted around the old town.

After that, time was pressed for time and we returned to the central campus of Niigata University of International and Information Studies, the starting point, at a quick pace. On the way, the east moat was visited by the 11 April 2014 'Nao☆Chapin Birthday Festival' (limited live performance for 100 people. It was sold out immediately. I wanted to go.) We also passed by the famous Italian restaurant Gioia Mia, which was the venue for the (I heard they are only open at night anymore).

The final itinerary was about half of the planned route. I wonder if Negicco will also have a temple live one day. Kyary Pamyu Pamyu also did a live performance at Zojoji Temple.

  • Kyary Pamyu Pamyu's Zojoji LIVE.

Wish to organise the 2nd edition of Fullmachi Walking Studies with Negicco!

To be honest, I personally learnt a lot from visiting the places of interest in Furumachi, but I felt that it would have been nice to have a more Negico-inspired tour of the town, such as the place where Negicco first took the stage (the former site of Another Stage), a look back at the time at the venue where the birthday party was held (Gioia Mia), or the best menu at this shop. I felt that a city walk with a stronger Negicco flavour would have been good.

The weather was beautiful, but the city walk with Negicco, Niigata Prefecture's special envoy for tourism, was a most euphoric experience! Please hold it again next time! Next time, I want to accompany you on a Kae walk! I hope it will become a series!

'It's been a long time since I've done any Negi-wotaku activity' (Part 1).◆The site of Another Stage, where Negicco first took to the stage.

◆The Komori Tofu shop where the Megu group stopped by has a photo of this video on display. (I heard they were embarrassed.)

◆For walking routes on the day, click here: http://bit.ly/NaoRoute01

In the next issue, I would like to report on the 'Marketing Studies at Negicco' held that afternoon. Stay tuned. Oh yes, Negicco's new song will be released on Tuesday 2 December 2014. Next time, we'll aim for the top 10 on the Oricon!

(P.S.:) I would like to add that at the end of the meeting there was a high-five session with the members, but Kaede made a shocking comment that made me panic beyond my years (laughs).


*This article has been automatically translated.


Niigata Repo is a web magazine that makes Niigata more enjoyable, with local residents themselves acting as writers and describing their "experiences" and "subjectivity".

# Negicco # strolling on the street # central district # Niigata City # old town