You can meet the scenery of Niigata! I visited the Sato ehagaki shop in Furumachi 5.

Furumachi 5, known for its bronze statue of Dokaben. Walking down the street, I found a shop where postcards were placed along with cigarette vending machines.

You can meet the scenery of Niigata! I visited the Sato ehagaki shop in Furumachi 5.

You can meet the scenery of Niigata! I visited the Sato ehagaki shop in Furumachi 5.

The sign says 'Sato Ehagaki Store'. It is not a tobacco shop, but if you look closely, you will see an array of postcards showing scenes of Niigata. This shop was founded in 1909! In western calendar terms, it was founded in 1909, making it a postcard shop that has been in business for 105 years.

You can meet the scenery of Niigata! I visited the Sato ehagaki shop in Furumachi 5.

In the shop, there are illustrated postcards as well as photographs. All of them depict the scenery of Niigata and give a feeling of elegance. I was very interested in the postcards, as I don't often have the chance to see or buy them.

What do you think of when people say representative scenery of Niigata? It's hard to think of anything. Various postcards of Niigata were displayed at the Sato E postcard shop. Many of them were of the Bandai Bridge, but others were of terraced rice paddies, snow, the sea, the Echigo Plain and so on. 'Ah, there are places like this, aren't there? This place is beautiful!" Or, "There are no typical Niigata landscapes"! There are no representative landscapes.

I decided to buy a postcard to take home with me.

You can meet the scenery of Niigata! I visited the Sato ehagaki shop in Furumachi 5.

Click here to see my selection of Niigata landscape postcards!

You can meet the scenery of Niigata! I visited the Sato ehagaki shop in Furumachi 5.

Terraced rice field series! 4 sheets of 525 yen. This set allows you to enjoy the seasonal scenery of the terraced rice fields of Yamakoshi and Kawaguchi Pass in Nagaoka City.

Nowadays we mostly contact people by email or telephone, but it might be a good idea to send a postcard once in a while. We have previously published " Joetsu City, the birthplace of the 'Father of Postal Service'! Promoting Joetsu tourism by postcard! As introduced in the article, Joetsu City in Niigata Prefecture has an activity called the "Chirushimo Sightseeing Project", which aims to promote Joetsu sightseeing by postcards. It would be wonderful if more people would take an interest in Niigata by sending postcards of the lovely scenery of Niigata to people outside the prefecture.

Why not try to find a postcard that captures such a good part of Niigata?

Shop information

Sato e postcard shop

  • Opening hours: 10:30-17:30.
  • Closed: Wednesday.
  • Telephone number: 025-222-3724
  • Address: 〒951-8063 Niigata City, Chuo-ku, Furumachi-dori 5-cho 619


*This article has been automatically translated.


Niigata Repo is a web magazine that makes Niigata more enjoyable, with local residents themselves acting as writers and describing their "experiences" and "subjectivity".

# central district # Sato e postcard shop # old town # Niigata City