Niigata's strongest ocean view! The high quality of the crystal-clear water in Murakami City's 'Sasakawaryu' has taken my breath away.

I visited the 11 km long Sasagawa Nagare (Sasagawa Stream) in Murakami, Niigata Prefecture. It is designated as a natural monument of scenic beauty and is ideal not only for swimming but also for fishing, camping and walking. This time, I swam like a summer sea!

Niigata's strongest ocean view! The high quality of the crystal-clear water in Murakami City's 'Sasakawaryu' has taken my breath away.Unfortunately, even with cloudy skies, this is the view! Dodo!

Niigata's strongest ocean view! The high quality of the crystal-clear water in Murakami City's 'Sasakawaryu' has taken my breath away.See, this crystal clear water quality! It's as clean as a river!

Niigata's strongest ocean view! The high quality of the crystal-clear water in Murakami City's 'Sasakawaryu' has taken my breath away.Dive from the rocks! (Be careful not to hurt yourself!)

Niigata's strongest ocean view! The high quality of the crystal-clear water in Murakami City's 'Sasakawaryu' has taken my breath away.Niigata's strongest ocean view! The high quality of the crystal-clear water in Murakami City's 'Sasakawaryu' has taken my breath away.Small fish were also swimming in the clear waters.

Niigata's strongest ocean view! The high quality of the crystal-clear water in Murakami City's 'Sasakawaryu' has taken my breath away.Niigata's strongest ocean view! The high quality of the crystal-clear water in Murakami City's 'Sasakawaryu' has taken my breath away.

The Sasagawa Nagare (Sasagawa Stream) has many rocky areas, where you can discover a different kind of fun just by venturing out. Keep moving forward and deeper into the rocky...

Niigata's strongest ocean view! The high quality of the crystal-clear water in Murakami City's 'Sasakawaryu' has taken my breath away.Playing cave fairies is also fun! ( ˘ω˘ )♡

On this day, we only stopped for about an hour on the drive from Niigata City to Yamagata Prefecture, but it is one of the best spots in Niigata with a spectacular view that can be fully enjoyed on its own. Even if you don't go into the sea, just walking around the surrounding rocks will give you a new stimulus. The water is really clean, so if you haven't been there yet, please do! I am sure you will be captivated by the beautiful Sasakawaryu scenery!

Niigata's strongest ocean view! The high quality of the crystal-clear water in Murakami City's 'Sasakawaryu' has taken my breath away.Niigata's strongest ocean view! The high quality of the crystal-clear water in Murakami City's 'Sasakawaryu' has taken my breath away.Niigata's strongest ocean view! The high quality of the crystal-clear water in Murakami City's 'Sasakawaryu' has taken my breath away.Niigata's strongest ocean view! The high quality of the crystal-clear water in Murakami City's 'Sasakawaryu' has taken my breath away.bamboo-leaf flow (river)


*This article has been automatically translated.


Niigata Repo is a web magazine that makes Niigata more enjoyable, with local residents themselves acting as writers and describing their "experiences" and "subjectivity".

# village listing # 海 # bamboo-leaf flow (river) # naturally # sightseeing