50 best bridges in Niigata. Mikura Bridge in Tsunan Town, the setting of the film Yureru.

During the Golden Week holidays at the beginning of May, I went to visit the Tsunan town area. Akiyamago straddles Tsunan Town and Nagano Prefecture. Did you know that there is a famous suspension bridge on the Niigata side of the town that was the setting for a film?

50 best bridges in Niigata. Mikura Bridge in Tsunan Town, the setting of the film Yureru.

Image credit: Screen capture from the official website of the film Yureru.

The bridge crossed by Odagiri Joe, Teruyuki Kagawa, Yoko Maki and others in the film Yureru, directed by Miwa Nishikawa. The bridge in the background of the film's official website is the Mikura Bridge in Tsunan Town.

Migura Bridge is a wooden suspension bridge connecting Yudong and Migura settlements. From Tsunan Town Hall, drive into Akiyamago for about 30 minutes to the parking lot of Jamakuraishi Park in Yudong settlement.

50 best bridges in Niigata. Mikura Bridge in Tsunan Town, the setting of the film Yureru.

The weather was fine and the sun shone pleasantly during the day.

50 best bridges in Niigata. Mikura Bridge in Tsunan Town, the setting of the film Yureru.5月に入っていましたが、秋山郷ではいたるところで桜が満開でした。

50 best bridges in Niigata. Mikura Bridge in Tsunan Town, the setting of the film Yureru.

From Yudong Jamakura Stone Park, walk down the boardwalk through the forest towards the valley.

50 best bridges in Niigata. Mikura Bridge in Tsunan Town, the setting of the film Yureru.

Soon, the Mikura Bridge emerged from the shadows of the trees.

50 best bridges in Niigata. Mikura Bridge in Tsunan Town, the setting of the film Yureru.駐車場から徒歩5分程度で到着。これが新潟の橋50選にも選ばれた見倉橋です。

50 best bridges in Niigata. Mikura Bridge in Tsunan Town, the setting of the film Yureru.

Wooden suspension bridge. The bridge is quite wide, about 1.5-2 m wide. The Nakatsu River valley flows under the bridge. The water was clear and clean, probably from melting snow. The current was so steep that I thought, 'Oh, if I fall, I won't survive'.

Yes, I am "afraid of heights", whatever that means.

50 best bridges in Niigata. Mikura Bridge in Tsunan Town, the setting of the film Yureru.

Looking at the suspension bridge from the side to see how high it is, it is not as high as I thought. The bridge is wide and this will work!

50 best bridges in Niigata. Mikura Bridge in Tsunan Town, the setting of the film Yureru.

And then I take a brave step forward. Oh, it shakes a lot! It's "shaking"!

When you are walking, you don't really feel it, but when you stop, you can feel it swaying quite a bit.

50 best bridges in Niigata. Mikura Bridge in Tsunan Town, the setting of the film Yureru.

The view of the Nakatsu River valley from the bridge was really beautiful.

50 best bridges in Niigata. Mikura Bridge in Tsunan Town, the setting of the film Yureru.

The Mikura Bridge connects Yudong and Mikura settlements. In that case, we decided to go to Mikura village and walk through the woods on the other side of the valley.

50 best bridges in Niigata. Mikura Bridge in Tsunan Town, the setting of the film Yureru.

Quite a steep ascent. Katakuri flowers were everywhere along the way.

It takes about 10 minutes to start climbing the road.

50 best bridges in Niigata. Mikura Bridge in Tsunan Town, the setting of the film Yureru.なんと、道が雪で閉ざされていました。。残念。

Well, it is said that the best time to visit this Mikura Bridge is from early summer to autumn leaf colour. It is certainly even more spectacular during the autumn leaf season, when the fresh green and the mountains turn red and yellow. It would be fun to play Odagiri Joe on the suspension bridge. Why not stop by when you drive around Akiyamago?


arched bridge

  • Address: 833, Yutoko, Tsunan-cho, Naka-uonuma-gun, Niigata Prefecture.


*This article has been automatically translated.


Niigata Repo is a web magazine that makes Niigata more enjoyable, with local residents themselves acting as writers and describing their "experiences" and "subjectivity".

# suspension bridge # location for making or filming a movie # Tsunan Town # arched bridge # sightseeing