Evangelion's main characters explained.


Neon Genesis Evangelion is a Japanese animation series that was broadcast between 1995 and 1996 and has continued to influence the world through numerous films and media mixes. With its elaborate characterisation, complex storyline and deep psychological portrayal, the work has revolutionised the animation industry. Its iconic visuals and messages have also made it a widely recognised cultural icon.

Part of Evangelion's appeal lies in the human drama of its unique characters. Each of the characters, including the protagonist Shinji Ikari, has a complex background and deep inner life, and their psychological growth and change is at the heart of the story. This blog focuses on these key Evangelion characters and delves into their backgrounds, personalities, roles and influences in the story.

Evangelion's story is set against the backdrop of a battle between humanity and a mysterious enemy, the Apostles, which is depicted on an epic scale, but at its heart it is about exploring profound questions such as 'what is a person' and 'what does it mean to live'. Through the psychological struggles and growth of the main characters, there are numerous moments that make viewers think about their own inner lives and relationships.

Through this blog, we want to explore in depth, in a concrete and easy-to-understand way, how the Evangelion characters captured the hearts of so many fans and why they continue to be loved by so many people. Together we will rediscover the meaning and message of their stories.


Shinji Ikari.

Shinji Ikari, who plays a central role in the story of Neon Genesis Evangelion, is a character who evokes mixed emotions for many viewers: as a 14-year-old boy, Shinji is suddenly given the enormous responsibility of saving the world, but his inner life is filled with a lack of confidence as a warrior and a deep longing and fear of human connection. He is filled with a deep thirst for and fear of

Background and role

Shinji's story begins with a sudden call from his father, Gendo Ikari. He is chosen by his father, the Commander-in-Chief of NERV, to pilot the giant humanoid weapon Evangelion and charged with the mission of protecting humanity from threats. Under this pressure, Shinji struggles with the meaning of his existence, his complex relationship with his father, and also with his relationships.

Personality and growth

Shinji is extremely introverted, has low self-esteem and tends to avoid interacting with others. However, through his experiences as an Eva pilot, he gradually learns the courage to open himself up and the importance of connecting with others. Shinji's story of growth is portrayed through the myriad challenges and psychological battles he faces, evoking deep empathy in the viewer.

Impact and evaluation

Shinji Ikari is part of the unique appeal of the Evangelion film. His character symbolises the journey of self-exploration, the difficulties of relationships and the pains of growing up, especially for the younger generation of viewers. Shinji's struggles and decisions are also key to understanding the themes and messages in the overall Evangelion story.

More than just an anime character, Shinji Ikari's story offers opportunities for self-reflection and growth for many people. His journey is a profound story that explores the importance of self-acceptance and connection with others, and continues to attract new fans today.

Ayanami Rei

Another central character in Neon Genesis Evangelion, Ayanami Rei is shrouded in mystery throughout the story, leading to much speculation among fans. Her quiet, mysterious aura plays a unique role in the Evangelion universe and is a key element in drawing viewers in.

Mystery shrouded in mystery.

Ayanami Rei appears from the beginning of the story as the pilot of the first Evangelion aircraft. Information about her origins and past has long been unknown, and her quiet and solitary behaviour has created much mystery. As the story progresses, it is revealed that she is deeply involved in Evangelion's core secrets.

Personality traits and character symbolism.

Ayanami Rei's character is introverted, has few emotional ups and downs and is reluctant to interact with others. However, her quiet presence and occasional moments of deep emotion make a strong impression. Ayanami Rei adds depth to the story as a character who symbolises issues of humanity and identity in the world of Evangelion.

Relationship with fans

The character of Ayanami Rei is highly popular among fans. Her mysterious charm and enigmatic background have led to speculation and interpretation by many fans, stimulating exploration in the world of Evangelion. Fans' affection for Ayanami Rei is a testament to the significant role she plays in the Evangelion canon.

The story of Ayanami Rei is a journey of solitude and self-exploration, and through her, Evangelion poses profound questions about human nature and identity. Her character offers viewers the opportunity to confront their inner selves and provides endless possibilities for interpreting the story.

Soryu Asuka Langley.

Soryu Asuka Langley in Neon Genesis Evangelion is a character who adds her own colour to the work. Her bright but aggressive personality and complex inner life play an important role in the story and leave a strong impression on the viewer.

Strong exterior and fragile interior.

Asuka is a 14-year-old German-American girl and the pilot of Evangelion-2. She has a confident, bossy attitude that overwhelms others, but behind this lies a fragile inner life and a painful past. Asuka's character and behaviour reflect the psychological struggles she faces and the process of searching for her ego and her relationship with others.

Background as an international student from Germany

Aska's background is both her strength and her fragility. The trauma of losing her mother at an early age has had a significant impact on her character development, resulting in an obsessive need to distance herself from others and prove her self-worth. Aska's story describes her complex path to self-acceptance, facing the wounds of her past.

Asuka's growth and role in Evangelion.

Asuka's role in Evangelion is more than just that of a pilot fighting the apostles. She poses many questions to the viewer as a symbol of a young person searching for a way to relate to self, others and the world. Asuka's challenges and growth explore the meaning of human existence and personal identity from a different angle to that of Shinji and Rei.

The character of Asuka, with her lightness and complexity, brings an important dynamism to the Evangelion story. Her journey demonstrates the potential for personal growth and self-transcendence and evokes deep emotion and empathy in the viewer.

Evangelion's characters each have their own unique backgrounds and struggles as they try to grow as human beings. Asuka's story is one of the most powerful impressions of this complex and fascinating group of characters.

Misato Katsuragi

Misato Katsuragi is one of the key adult characters in Neon Genesis Evangelion and serves as Nerf's head of operations. She develops deep relationships with Shinji Ikari and the other Evangelion pilots, playing a central role not only in their battles but also in their growth and emotional healing.

Role as head of NERF's operations department.

As NERV's Director of Operations, Misato leads the organisation's fight against the Apostles with her outstanding strategic and decision-making skills. She wins their trust by making calm decisions on the front lines of battle and by showing that the safety of the pilots is her top priority. She also has an inquisitive mind that seeks to unravel the mysteries behind the battle against the apostles.

Relationships with the syndicates

Misato develops a family-like relationship with Shinji Ikari and the other young pilots. She welcomes him into her home from the very beginning of Shinji's joining NERV, and becomes more than just their boss by providing them with emotional support. She plays an important role in supporting the pilots in their development by being there for them through the struggles and conflicts they face, even as she struggles with her own past wounds.

Complex past and multiple facets of personality.

Misato herself is another character with a complex past. As the sole survivor of the Second Impact as a child, she was deeply traumatised and her experiences have had a profound impact on her life and mission. While she displays a cheerful and generous personality in everyday life, her sincerity and strong will can be glimpsed in battle. This multifaceted personality makes Misato one of the most attractive adult characters in Neon Genesis Evangelion.

The presence of Misato Katsuragi symbolises not only the emotional growth of the young pilots in the Evangelion story, but also the complexity and strength of human beings through battle. Her character is an important element in deepening the overall theme and message of the work.

Gendou Ikari

Gendo Ikari is one of the key characters in Neon Genesis Evangelion and the father of the protagonist Shinji Ikari. As commander-in-chief of Nerf, he is in charge of protecting humanity from the Apostles, and his cool-headed attitude and strong obsession with his goals create significant mystery and tension in the story.

Strictly as the commander-in-chief of NERF.

As NERV's chief executive, Gendo calmly leads the fight against the apostles. His decisions often appear ruthless and heartless, and he takes a no-means attitude when it comes to achieving his goals. This strict attitude is closely related to the objectives he pursues, and his true intentions are gradually revealed as the story progresses.

Complicated paternity relationship with Shinji.

The relationship between Gendo and Shinji is one of the key dramas in the story. Gendo is often distant and cold towards Shinji, and the reasons for this are deeply connected to his past and his plans. Gendo's prioritisation of mission accomplishment over fatherly love is a source of great anguish for Shinji. However, behind their relationship lies Gendo's own lost love and the true purpose he pursues.

Its true intentions and ambitions.

Behind Gendo's actions lies a grand plan, the Complementary Plan for Humanity. His aims go beyond the fight against the Apostles, and his intense obsession with this plan touches on the heart of many of the mysteries and contradictions in the Evangelion story. Gendo's true purpose and the choices he makes will ultimately have a profound impact on the fate of the Evangelion world.

The character of Ikari Gendou symbolises the complex human relationships in Neon Genesis Evangelion and the deep thematic depth of the story. His existence lies at the intersection of humanity's future and individual desires, the resolution of which prompts much contemplation from the viewer.

So far, we have provided a detailed description of the main characters in Neon Genesis Evangelion. Each of the characters in the series has a complex background and deep inner life, adding their own colour to the story. Their challenges and growth are an important element in deepening the overall theme and message of the work, and are one of the reasons why Evangelion continues to be loved by so many people to this day.


*This article has been automatically translated.